Why is the UK so unbearably grim compared to the rest of Western Europe?
Why is the UK so unbearably grim compared to the rest of Western Europe?
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OK working class.
no trees no plants
I think weather does the trick. I mean, that was the one shit I couldn't stand when I used to live in UK. It feels like there is so much moisture in the air. Locals don't seem to give a shit, tho. Oh, and it was London, so it's still the warmest place out there. Besides that, dunno, smokes are expensive as fuck, mayby that's the reason.
Pretty sure these would be outright illegal in proper European countries
>Nightmare police state
>CCTV everywhere
>Grim architecture to break your spirit
>Cultureless wasteland of alcoholism and bar fights
>Conform Conform School Uniform
>Bland cuisine of fried meats
It's all for control and inherent to our roots as a monarchical system.
You are obsessed with killing yourself I guess
The shitty climate
North East France has a similar grim atmosphere
north germany has an equally shit climate but has fuck tons of trees and other greenery
This. If you covered the walls in ivy it would look a lot comfier.
Lack of proper architects.
Norman Foster is one of the greatest architect of all time
New council initiatives mean that all UK housing these days is built like this (whether it's for poorfags or people spending £2M on a house - difference is just size and interior). These are all in vast expanses of housing blocks with no nearby pubs or cornershops (maybe 1 supermarket within driving distance)
Grim climate, a grim people who have given up on life and a grim government that tries to tax or ban anything successful.
Meanwhile, in my town.
sounds like low income parts of america
Meanwhile in my town.
This is where Andrew Jackson grew up though so say it's nice.
Sup Pennbro, your retarded neighbor Best Virginia here
getting a children of the corn vibe
I'm sorry.
cuz we live in an absolute shit tier Cfb climate zone where it's cloudy and overcast for 99% of the year
Country didn't rebuild properly with shite post war grim architecture unlike Germany, just makes certain areas look devoid of spirit or character and has a negative effect on the overall population that live there
Architecture has a huge impact on crime and people's general psychology
are you saying Germany or the UK has shit post war grim architecture
a very important question
UK ennit
Why the fuck are British homes always stuck together in one big building like that?
If one catches on fire you'll lose the whole damn block.
It's stupid.
It is very aesthetically pleasing though.
ok was confused as you said "didn't rebuild ... unlike Germany"
yeah stiff upper lip is a shit architectural choice
How else are you going to stack workers near those mills?
our architecture is truly shit.
They demolished some 1920s warehouse near me last year. It had patterns and sculptures all over the brickwork. You could tell they took pride in their work back then. They built this concrete/glass monolith in it's place and it already has these ugly grey stains all over the concrete
those overhead cables make it even worse
what a shithole
industrial revolution innit
don't worry, that pole is only supporting the phone lines of the entire block
A whole number of complicated reasons.
People chose this though, actual beauty and sophistication isn't actually desired by most people, they'd much rather live in their Ken Loach inspired classist fantasies. Northern cities and towns actively choose and encourage grimness because it's 'relatable' and separates them from the scar of toff association.
People here would rather be relatable than special.
Now imagine this with a dark and cloudy sky and you get the idea...
what are clouds?
>tfw when you live outside of cambridge
feels good man
Am I the only one who think terraced houses are not bad?
I honestly don't see any problem witht them.
Why does everything have to be shit brown colour?
Nobody want to live in a house like that. People live there because they are not in a position to choose.
Over 60million in a country smaller than California. With similar density the US would have 2,6billion people.
they're old and don't look like shit lol
I live in a rowhouse in philly and I think all of those examples you've posted look better than my neighbourhood, I also wouldn't move out.
I don't see anything wrong with them.
Canada being an Anglo colony has that shit brown aesthetic as well. A lot of the 19th century buildings are shit brown with no parging, including Montreal.
What part of Montreal out of curiosity? I was there a few years ago and don't really remember it looking like that. Old Montreal looked more grey, not in a shitty way, more like a sort of whiteish/grey like stone.
I thought the stereotype was that northerners were more flashy
why can't you have proper flagpoles?
is it forbidden?
I don't know why people talk so much shit about American suburbs, they look very nice and comfy
vertical flag display is also acceptable, that's the appropriate orientation for it, but a simple pole mount from the side of a building or porch mounting is more commonly seen
I guess the streets influenced by anglos in the 19th century and later.
NL isnt any better
just cleaner
>stack workers near those mills
God I wish I lived close enough to work to walk to it
>This guy again
If you hate being here so much just fucking move.
Spoken like a paki who has never been outside of Luton.
Fuck off. The man in cancer.
like a giant old timey police siren
>If one catches on fire you'll lose the whole damn block.
You genuinely are thick as shit.
It's the same here in Ireland. Climate definitely has something to do with it, dark grey skies every day and rain every other day, but we also have rampant alcoholism, drug use, and a general culture of being faux-violent and unintellectual on purpose. Unless you're one of the drunken herd it's not enjoyable to live here.
It's not that bad. On average our urban areas are as (if not moreso) depressing than those of the UK, but it's much nicer in the countryside.
>open green countryside much nicer than grim grey urban areas
remarkable insight this.
>If one catches on fire you'll lose the whole damn block.
British houses aren't made of wood like American houses generally are
ah yes, impervious to fire they are
>being razed by luftwaffe airstrikes
>the same as forgetting you've left the oven on
yes, of course
Meanwhile, in any White lower class neighborhood in South Africa
Honestly all it needs is a little garden space of sorts between the road and the walkway and it would look orders of magnitude better