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Please explain why the US has some 400 military bio-weapons labs scattered in (mostly poor and backward) countries around the world, including new ones in Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Why not build them in your own back yard? Several nations are demanding that you dismantle these labs and take them home where they belong.


These nations should forcefully dismantle these labs.

fuck off, americorona


they should torture and kill all amerikans in their countries




Attached: ChinaMilitary.jpg (1600x900, 975.57K)

mohammeds shouldn't be allowed to start threads

amerikkkans should stop being considered human beings and start to be regarded as viruses

>stop being considered human beings

like you guys?

amerifats evil

Attached: corona-virus.jpg (963x422, 112.85K)

Fuck the US
They are responsable for the Spanish Flu too

Die, Chang

It's only our fault, we elected a usa's whore and now we are the whore. Especial thanks to all middle class boomers involved in making this country as much as a whore as mexico, whorefication of latam brought you by righties

Attached: America vs China.jpg (613x761, 80.69K)

>revisionist history

uhh, it's called Spanish flu, sweaty, not United Statesian flu

Attached: 1430513088470.jpg (522x583, 52.69K)

Can we start calling it the Ameripox?

Attached: help for a good friend.png (1582x126, 11.45K)

we should call HIV/AIDS "american virus"

nobody buys your proxy, chink


We now call it unitedstatian pig virus

Wuhan flu is still less deadly than the American Pig Disease of 2009.

chapotrapshitter you guys are SO stupid, and when I found out the average age when you guys did a scientific poll was 18 was not only disappointing but you guys also prove it constantly with these stupid sides you take like this all the time. Retards.

I swear on me mum that better not be you

but no it's not, as much as peru hated white people, he hated china like nothing else so in other words

you aint peru, you a phony ass hoe.

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lel, as fucking if dude

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>britflag making this post

are you serie?Q?Q?Q?

>white people

>Concentration camps on the border
>ICE is basically the Gestapo now


The average age of /brit/ is 18? Jesus christ. Need a zoomer virgin purge

Now I know you aint Peru because he wouldn't frame white people as a GOOD thing. You disappointing self-hating brown-oid. 'ove Peru. 'ate your sad dick suckin 'O ass.

Woof woof woof!

Attached: 1582543782571.jpg (574x502, 36.79K)

Tell me Yas Forums, why are Americans such disgusting disease ridden swine? Their minds, bodies, and souls are all equally filthy and corrupted. If there is such a thing as Satan I have no doubt that America is his base on this Earth.

Attached: America_where_it_belongs.webm (480x360, 761.29K)

but imagine
in a time like this
true-dough being your leader
big yikes fa sho oof


Attached: WHO_on Twitter _Preliminary investigation.png (662x621, 128.13K)

The propaganda war is to be expected but Americans really look desperate now.

Ok OBOR cuck
How was the hug a Chinese day btw ya cucky cuk McCuckerson

Hope they never release some of those viruses here

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mutthammed cope

isn't there an official hijab version of your women's police uniform?

>literal chinese propaganda shills
should i tell trump? he only stopped calling it the chinese virus because xi promised him he'd stop pushing the retarded idea it came from american soldiers, if xi is still telling his mouthbreathingist mouthbreathers that it's still coming from merica then trump is gonna beat the shit out of Xi again, you dont want that right chinito?



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Attached: the pride of the british isles.png (2236x1356, 1.34M)

Don’t think ur own govt agrees with you lad

Attached: 8EDB92E1-555C-4BFD-A8D5-274A318757C1.jpg (1235x1710, 363.92K)

>oh no no no
>ah ha ha ha


he's not my PM

why is la creatura america so agressive? is it their mcdonals diet?

lmao such obvious chiner shills yikes
i hate to say that because i remember how corny it was that people were saying this about russia, but russia was a meme, you faggots are the real deal!


oh no no

Attached: 0662250a-03b4-4fe6-be9e-47ec08cc12c8-police3.jpg (1080x810, 87.54K)

oh no no no

Attached: screen_shot_2016-09-06_at_2.26.44_pm.png (772x387, 516.43K)

Are you part of some asian discord group or a chink proxy? if ur a real spaniard, your people are dying because of chinks and you’re trolling... wtf is wrong with you

oh no no no no

Attached: hijab-police-woman-2.jpg (960x720, 90.4K)

*breathes in**
>ah ha ha ha

oh no no no no no

Attached: 20140301__140301_HijabKadraMohamed.jpg (650x433, 42.6K)

wew, I can see I set you off to do some homework

oh no no no no no no

Attached: 06hateWeb-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1365, 332.98K)

Fuckin thank you. It's one thing to be anti-American which Yas Forums and fuck the whole internet loves to do but to actively damage control for the fucking country that is actively killing you??? Holy shit, one of the great things Trump did, and I was a big foreign policy believer, is he exposed how weak and fake it all is. Trust me, Americans were really letting a lot of shit go because we wanted to genuinely help the world. But we saw even when Drumpbull was on BS that the way you(not you specifically, Europe) responded it was a one way street and now we're all on some fuck you shit even if we don't like Trump.

>should i tell trump?

Attached: images (51).jpg (753x407, 27.73K)

I can see you're not threatened

Attached: 1562993232951.jpg (342x348, 33.1K)

Your president is Japanese, and you loyalty is Chinese.

Attached: 1559386786146.jpg (282x252, 17.58K)

>Fuckin thank you. It's one thing to be anti-American which Yas Forums and fuck the whole internet loves to do but to actively damage control for the fucking country that is actively killing you??? Holy shit, one of the great things Trump did, and I was a big foreign policy believer, is he exposed how weak and fake it all is. Trust me, Americans were really letting a lot of shit go because we wanted to genuinely help the world. But we saw even when Drumpbull was on BS that the way you(not you specifically, Europe) responded it was a one way street and now we're all on some fuck you shit even if we don't like Trump.

Attached: 3EB40486-F74F-40AC-BE53-848B4323B3E7.jpg (600x800, 98.95K)

yours is a zionist and your loyalty is israel

this post actually explains why you're killing yourself just to save chiner's reputation

this should get a lot of upboats here on redd/int/