DDR edition
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Ooooooohhhhh ooooohhhhhh
Im telllinnngg on Yooooooouuuu based brit
not at all pleased with a pony themed /brit/ because it reminds me that /mlp/ still exists
I’m depressed
Like poetry.
Mother’s life he’s back
Also why do they have tanks and guns? they dont have hands, so those would be useless.
ok but if it was at 80% forest cover that means 50% was removed before. it’s just a guess anyway, a generous one, could well be lower. it’s a meme that the english removed all the forest anyway even if we only consider the deforestation that occurred since anglo-norman times
the story is much more complex
poor lad
Incredibly based
robbie lawler shot dead in belfast
all the lads are partying on the estate lmao
women who have no children are envirous of both breastfeeders and cumspurters and enacted the fable of female squirting orgasm to consolidate soem measure of respect amongst their peers
I answered you in the last thread. Read it and give over.
Not quite
I see no reason why each "country" in Britain should have a separate NHS. There should be one central system, it's pointless and fosters separatism. Same goes for all the stupid regional railways. There should be one nationalised British Rail system. I also would ideally get rid of the devolved assemblies.
Britain is one country and should be treated as such.
>London Paki at it again
Have yet to read the Confessions of St. Aquinas.
don't care
welcome to yesterday lad lol. what estate are you on under that flag that would have people partying over that fs
Torn between the basedness of a nationalised British Rail and the pengness of the regional railways of old
imageboard not linkboard
top top kek
It's all about Sextus Empiricus you dumb faggots
British nationalists and British communists can agree on this
Jesus Christ. This fucking timeline I’m telling you
Lol you can tell he has repressed memories of being told off for running in the hallways in school. I literally did this when I was 13 but can't imagine being that sad at his big age
There is no point to regional systems, railways connect an entire country and should be administered as such. Central planning allows for better coordination.
Who was in the wrong here?
London ruins this illusion
that's by Augustine
I've been self isolating my whole life lmaooo
agree just making the observation that the flying scotsman looks better under LNER colours
Meant it as like you show me how to use it on you but it sounds pretty cucky ngl
fair enough. nobody's dancing in ardoyne lol
cringing hard at this early 20th century joke ideology
personally i want to see britain france spain italy and germany balkanised so that europe can finally work successfully as one
television was better when they only allowed attractive people on
did an unironic cringe at this post
nothing you posted gives actual figures though, i guarantee the majority of forest in ireland was cut down before the medieval period based on my knowledge of forestry in general. and you’re not bullying me you’re just getting angry lol
Are you a steppe bvll or a farmoid?
You're ignoring that mass deforestation was not how English forest law worked, and didn't in Ireland either. Deforestation in Ireland occurred on a localised level for domestic use and to clear farmland. There was no British or English government policy to clear Ireland of forestry, outwith a brief period under Elizabeth which wasn't even effective in the slightest
For me it's Imperialism.
>nooo nations shouldn't be able to stand up on their own too feet!! nooo they need to be weaker by having to rely on global trade!! noo we all need to be interconnected!!
fuck off
you don't need to do anything you don't want to do.
just get as many nudes out of her as possible and bolt
what did i tell you about leaving your spastic retardation in the last thread? you've embarrassed yourself enough today.
>there was no
>except this one
The Flying Scotsman? Are you talking about the pride of Alice Springs?
nice guys finish last lads
to be evil is to get ahead in life
true story
word is it was a gomey belfast boy that blasted him too lmao not even a serious figure just some local coke dealer
Head is cloudy from alcohol misuse. Performed very poorly in dr kawashima's brain training
nationalism was tried and failed
accept it cuckboy
farm bvll of course
hunter gatherers are bums
it's an 18th century ideology actually
socialism is 19th century
liberalism is 17th century
fascism is 20th century
feudalism/monarchism seems to be the most tried and tested and longest lasting of the lot so that's what I am
didn't ask
Aidy's not some wee lad who randomly decided to dabble in coke, I'll tell ya that much lol. Ardoyne doesn't really do "local dealers".
Storke on the run
wish all you irish cunts would fuck off, makes me sick that some of you hide under our flag
Marmite tastes like garbage treacle, get some pork on your fork and eat vegemite instead.
Today is the day I stop drinking alcohol. Simple as. No ifs, buts, or elses.
>get some pork on your fork
aha, classic
For me? It's Marxism-Leninism, the theory and tactics of proletarian revolution in the age of imperialism.
putting my best foot forward
why stop?
>except this one
which resulted in extremely limited felling of trees. Can you post a source to support the idea that deforestation in Ireland was primarily a result of English/British state action to deliberately clear out woodland, as opposed to a localised process?
Same. Declared the same yesterday but with toil on the morrow this really is it.
fresh start for you de lad?
>DDR edition
What has happened my dear friends from across the channel?
>feudalism/monarchism seems to be the most tried and tested
it was shit for 99% of the population
*coofs in your window*
What are you waiting for? Do it NOW
We've got a tankie infestation, worse still there's commie chink sympathizers here
rating this one lad
ahh is it i dont know the ins n outs yet only what ive heard. mad how he lasted this long in hiding with the type of fellas after him.. was it a set up or what like
Sick of paying too much rent
Need one of these on every square inch of land
you're mistaking nationalism with fascism dummy
nationalism has succeeded countless of times
including when the nationalistic USA, UK, USSR beat the axis powers
anyone seen this actual battyboy? Need him deported ASAP
toil on the morrow but will have 2 or 3 cans over the evening to stave off the boredom more than anything
he'd been hiding in belfast for a while i'm pretty sure. people are saying it was a setup to pay off the debt that aidy owed but i couldnt tell ya tbqh
fascism made germany great again unironically
recommend some youtube kino lads
my life is being sabotaged by these vile thugs in this disgusting place i am stuck in...
these disgusting thugs they can't beat me so what they do is they sabotage me and cheat me like this they arent strong ennough not human beings enough to beat me...
im saying urgently SOS please come to my rented flat now i dont want to wait til tormorrow and rescue me from these vile turds im trapped with... these vile turds have put me in a no hope situation in my life...
sneezing my lungs out
read your own source mate
>The Plantations were closely followed by a four-fold increase in the population of the
island between 1700 and 1840. The massive population increase, in such a relatively
short period of time, placed enormous demands on the agricultural resources of the
island, requiring vast areas of forest to be cleared to meet the increasing demand for
food and shelter.
>These events all contributed to the ultimate decline of Ireland‟s forests to such an
extent that the large areas of forest still remaining in Ireland in 1600 were all but
gone by 1800.
Which is exactly what I said. Deforestation was primarily a result of the huge growth in rural population, not British state action as you have claimed.
i’m willing to be proven wrong, but i suspect i’m right given the history of forestry in britain and other countries. mass deforestation in the bronze/iron age as a result of agriculture and fuel for metalworking is well documented
I dont mind if they ban outdoor exercise I don't leave the house anyway lmaoo
the vegemitepol discord out in full force today
Sounds more like class warfare to me than anything.
Sure, in that context it makes sense to bring up the GDR.
i want to creampie a teenage girl
Fuck off you boring Irish cunts with your soap opera about some drug dealer being shot nobody cares
>the Plantations weren't a British state action
Honestly lad, how do you even get dressed in the morning?
face 10/10
body 5/10
Hiding in my room
Internet Historian for well made and funny
Fredrik Knudsen for well made and thoughtful
both kino
this is a very australian sub list
like many movie trilogies, the German Reichs can be ranked as 2>1>3
hate physics
I bet Emma Watson poops everyday.
I have one easy solution to your depression
Buy animal crossing
fresh start for me de liiiiiiiid
no more bockles until self isolation is over
I've started fapping a lot less now tht there is a lockdown is this normal lads?
hate psychics
Stacey off Gavin and Stacey is such a cunt
imagine posting this shit EVERY DAY for 5 (FIVE) straight years.
Just wait till barneyfag gets here
remember when 190 said that the irish were "pretend hardmen" when the discussion was about an irish man who had cut a teenager up into little pieces and scattered his body around the country? and now he's crying because he hasn't been able to go out for a few days and drugs have ruined his brain lol
hello actual paki
Got arrested for breaking the laws of physics.
yes, get to a doctor ASAP
The plantations weren't responsible for a four-fold ballooning in the Irish rural population and were mainly focused in the Ulster. Your OWN FUCKING SOURCE states the population increase was the primary cause of Irish deforestation. Holy fuck, you're dense. I'm not denying the British government was involved in some amount of woodland clearance, but I am claiming (as backed up by, you know, real life) that they were not the primary cause.
would make sense yeh mad lol be interesting to see what comes of it now
British workers know that the GDR was a democratic, peace-loving socialist state that supported the international working class and independence of Angola, Vietnam and more.
190cm and 60 kgs
cant believe i might actually start playing azorius control just to deal with the rampant rdw embercleave going on in the meta right now
yes that's their plan
lock everyone up devoid them of all social interaction and nature and turn them in to mindless zombies with no desire to reproduce
>Eyes automatically draw towards her crotch
I'm going to off myself lads its over for me
dont believe this
>robbie lawler
>drug dealer
Did the drug man shoot the other drug man
Oh dear mikey that is an interesting one you irish men must be so cool and rough. Please go on about it for another 3 days straight
>the planting of an entirely new population into the single most gaelic and rural part of Ireland wasn't responsible for the increase of the irish rural population in ulster
it's mad. imagine your brain being this fucked. you need a carer.
new drake is shit he's 100 a peado
new kiwami japan video de LADS get IN get IN m LADS
what was the name of that guy who was such a coomer that he murdered his family because they tried to stop him from being a coomer?
>independence of Angola, Vietnam and Equestria
fixed that for you
honestly hoping everyone just shrugs it off, glad to see the back of lawlor and moves on without anything coming of it.
wanksy should be arrested and tortured to death
the gay thoughts are back lads
>white nurse
Problematic seeing as 90%of NHS nurses are non-white
The UK should federalize like Switzerland, but also break down the 4 constituent nations into different Canton sized units like Switzerland.
grant amato
>look up other vids
>autistic knife channel
ah yes, the so-called sunny day, or "a bit sunny but obscured by clouds and windy as hell" as I've taken to calling it. very impressive!
cheers big ears
He chopped up that little paddy lad a few months back
you do watch a middle aged japanese man talking about his knives and guns in broken engrish on youtube, don't you user?
no they aren’t, also the white nurses are way better at their jobs
Mad that there's a specific report for "pony content"
Get hanged
is this really going to be the most interesting thing that happens in our lifetime?
doesn't feel like THE happening ive been waiting for
Oooooohhhh a knife this time
Did the drug man stab the other drug man?
With a knife!
How horrid
Please continue to discuss it forever
It didn't, most of the rural population growth occurred after the Plantations
>The earliest data for the population of Ireland are those given by Petty for 1672,
1676 and 1687. The next, figures are for 1706 and 1712.^ Petty's estimates are
I - I million inhabitants in 1672, 1*2 million in 1676 and 1-3 million in 1687; the
estimates for 1706 and 1712 yield figures of 1-6 million and 2*1 million respectively.
A ll these estimates are based on hearth-money returns; they are also dependent on
assumptions about average household size
she's obviously italocontinental mate look at her hair thickness and colour
pretty sure someone gets murdered dismembered every week here
based retard
shut up racist
Slit your throat
Why does /mlp/ still exist? It was a containment board but are bronies still a thing?
it's at least 99%, you racist
it would if you'd left the house before this all started happening
>japanese survival knife
when the underage worn panties packing is too hard to open with your tiny asian hands
I’m British
god that lawyer with the short hair in Tiger King was so fit
it's a very entertaining channel with lots of chemistry
I want you dead
t. flip
>most of the rural population growth occurred after the Plantations
now put those two braincells of yours together and try to work out why that might be the case.
you're like those spastics who say immigration has nothing to do with terrorism because the terrorists were born in britain, ignoring the fact that their parents are first generation pakis
>We've got a tankie infestation
Implying that's a bad thing you fucking revisionist scum
can't stand when foreigners refer to britain as anglo-saxon
Paddies are worse than ISIS and Los Zetas
how have you lot been keeping busy these past few days
yeh its mad the response its had here hopefully things settle for a bit but im doubtful tbqh people will want blood on the back of him just to save their own image not even to do with the fact they wacked him but just for their own pride you know how it is