
/Canada, Japan, Chile, Russia, Italy, Egypt/

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Don't ask questions

How is it going, my canadian, chilean, russian, italian and egyptian friends?

do you have friends in that countries?

Very good japbro, do you want anything from Canada?

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What do all our countries have in common?

tfw no titlet gf

I know people in russia!
Can I have a gf, please?

Okay. We have many to choose from bro, what kind do you like.

Nothing, OP is trying to find out how easy it is to start a meme friendship on the internet

I would like if she was kind and passionate.


On the other hand she is fucking flat and ugly, so I'm not interested.

Hello my Japanese nakama

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Sounds based to me

Is this the based thread?

here you are fren! her name is kaypea

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Still waiting on Russia bro and Chile bro to join us

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Giv russian gf

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blyat I didn't see you comrade

Thanks, she is cute!

wtf is this

Reminder to drink water

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Younger one?

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we take shoes off before go into house

hmm true
I'm wearing some comfy wool socks rn hbu

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Come and get.

I have an uncle who moved to Canada :)

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Thanks for the fish and chips britbro


melancholy is the only feel i can feel anymore

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One of my high school clasmates was half cilean (indio), it's still weird to think his mother came to live in our shithole village in the middle of nowhere

Ethiopia is building the dam
but according to scholars ,it will makes water more and stabilized even in the dry season
the dam is for electricity
why is Egyptian government angry?

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I like egypt
but what do egyptians think of sisi?
I think he does well ,for example , infrastructure and new capital investment
and Egyptian firms are happy?

Which village is that, I have an Italian friend of a friend of a friend of mines whose mother knew a guy from a deli who knew a neighbour who's kid had a school friend whose mother's uncle is from that village.

It would reduce our share of the water
Economic situation under him and the freedom of speech issues took some of his popularity away but he is still fairly popular


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ok thanks
but Ethiopian dam would really reduce it? without dam,Ethiopia can use more,
and dam will stabilize Nile water,I think

Yeah it would severely impact our share. I don't really know about the stabilization

the dam is for elecrticiy
I think Ethiopia can't use much water for
and sisi is really popular ?why?
economy under him is better or better but not good or bad?

This thread radiates a very potent energy, can you feel it?

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yeah,I think so
but for above reason,Ethiopian dam will make Ethiopia use much more carefully
the Nile water
and I think other nation's are true of same and they will not use much water for they are poor
so I think egypt ian government too angry

>I think Ethiopia can't use much water for it.
They will need to fill the dam first which will make it hard for us
>and sisi is really popular ?why?
Because he brings stability
>economy under him is better or better but not good or bad?
Things got really expensive. Liked tripled in price. They say his economic policies are good on the long term but their effects won't be immediate
Egypt and the rest aren't opposing the building of it entirely, just the filling years of it. Ethiopia wants to do it quickly which would seize up a lot of the water we are getting.

I think a Chilean farted

ok thanks

Chilean girl or boy?

I unironically sharted in the shower yesterday

No difference
Nice. I only piss while showering

Is this the axis of the new world order?
Not bad

i am from CANADA

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Actually things didn't get more expensive it's the currency that got less expensive

Canadian-Japanese-Chilean-Russian-Italian-Egyptian Empire when?

Guys what do you think?

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People who aren't autists got that


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Deploying our Italian zerg rush force

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is he latina or...?