/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

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We should make a python script to bump the thread. If only we knew how to run one.

making the cofe

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pythons can't run because they don't have legs

>mack'n anime spergout in the last edition
glad nobody kept that alive

was he ever not a gigantic faggot?

Kind of. He was less mentally unwell in 2017-18.

imagine dying while climbing some tourist trap mountain and then spending the rest of eternity as a travel marker for other stupid people trying to do the same thing

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they got most of the bodies off of Mount Everest though

There were plans for a big operation to remove bodies last year, but I don't think they went through with it. Unsurprisingly, people are reluctant to put their lives at risk to recover dead bodies from a mountain. A lot of bodies have been removed or recovered over the years, but the most that happens with most of them is that they get pushed into a crevasse or rock pile where it's more difficult to see them. Like a dozen additional people die there every year, and now glaciers are melting and revealing even more bodies. So it's impossible for them to ever actually clear the mountain of corpses entirely unless they shut it down to climbers (which they should, but will never do)

I'm sure George Mallory's still up there, for instance

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wrong pic

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nice shoes

you can have them if you want

no thanks, wearing tainted clothes gives me a mood debuff

here's your vacation, bro

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Making the breakfast

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>washington grew weed
oh damn he must have smoked a phat one every day, that's why he was such a great politician!

yes that's history
t. historyrian

Thomas Jefferson grew it too, I believe
I reckon he would have been an alchemist if he was a TES NPC

and the constitution was written while a bong was being passed around the room

um no sweetums, the founding fathers wanted us to put people in jail for owning plants. that's why they say we should do that in the constitution. it's right next to the part where they say you actually can ban guns if firearm technology advances past muskets.

did not bump the last thread because it was tainted


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Happy Palm Sunday everyone.

I see no reason to celebrate palm sunday since there are no palms here

the Czech Republic is well known for its palm trees, don't talk nonsense

that's Boheamian republic to you, scum

That was before the revolution. Palm trees are banned in the Soviet Czechoslovenia.

>tfw no more Samo's realm
it hurts bad bros...

wtf we have to stop Bosnian Franconigeria
this is getting out of hand

I've started intermittent fasting again, but according to my scale I've gained 15 pounds in the last 3 months. Hopefully that's wrong, because that would add about 3 more months to fast for.

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read that as intermittent fisting and got very confused and scared


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>somebody posting about fasting
am I in /v4/?

I recon he would have been a cocksucking whore in any reality.

thinking about canned coffee

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somebody left the door of the flaglet cage open again

>there are flaglets here lurking the thread every day

>they all have skeletons inside them
>and folders full of twitter screencaps

I just don't understand, how is it possible that every single flaglet is such a shitty poster

Flaglets are the norm
We just don't realize how ascended the rest of us really are

most Americans on Yas Forums are literally underage
half of this general was underage when it started

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is that why dixie oldfags are so childish

By childish do you mean fun

have never witnessed any childish behaviour on /dixie/ whatsoever

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poopie haha

/dixie/ is a geezer general

your over18ness is questionable
so was CHIs

everybody post your IDs

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Dakota is a weird poster because he's at the young end of the spectrum but he posts like a smart facebook mom
I would guess he was like 26 if I didn't know

This guy has a future in nerd commentary if he learns english

dakota posts like a 15yo
doesn't even have enough braincells to argue so he just posts spongebob pictures and says he doesn't care

gosh i WISH i was still seventeen
cant even buy cigs anymore there is no point in being 19

>ohio is 19

how old did you think i was nigger

I was under the impression that every poster here was at least over the age of 23

>he's at the young end of the spectrum
he was one of the aforementioned people who were underaged when the general started

I forgot that happened
would like someone to point at the part in the constitution which says there can be federal age limits for buying alcohol and leaf flakes wrapped in paper

>he wasn't born in the 90s

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