
The Beatles edition

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the beatles are overrated hacks

Because if you don't know about God you go to purgatory instead. Only those who know AND don't sin get to go to Heaven

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he’s dead lads

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why did John have to be such a disingenuous cunt?

you can't trust an irishman

in islam you can still go to heaven if you’ve never heard of islam or heard about it incorrectly. yet they still proselytize

ah yes i've to feel extremely sorry for the queen because she's old . i'm pro monarchy now

I've got so much money

corona is how you call a crown in spanish

brown hands


Kinda odd how physics has two major theories, general relativity and quantum mechanics, which are inherently incompatible and at odds with each other.
Also the math behind general relativity proves that free will doesn't exist, while quantum mechanics proves free will does exist. So clearly both cannot be true.

Based, might take up a spot of the ol' ecofascism myself. Just need to make sure I don't start mixing with the sort of insufferable idiot nonces in the likes of XR and other pro-environment groups

love spanish me

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porque no los dos?

>which are inherently incompatible and at odds with each other.
>So clearly both cannot be true.

Evidently you are not a physicist

>why do non anglophones always mix up the words "how" and "what"
>the correct way to say what you said would be "corona is how we say crown in Spanish" or " "a corona is what we call a crown in Spanish"

Thanks for the correction.


Corona is how we say crown in Spanish.

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lend us a tenner then laddie

Same, except I don't

redpill me on eco fascism

is it like eco socialism but men are in charge instead of women?

why do all dutch people have a balding fauxhawk

puto negro

/brit/ is very sleepy this sunday

Edentulism looms if I don't go to the dentist soon

La mujer es en la familia royal en Espana? Ella es muy bonita

We cannot not have free will and simultaneously also have free will. It is a binary choice.

asked for a "fauxhawk" in the barbers and the barber said he'd never heard of it

>oh no she's old that means she needs your support

What book is he reading?

Tu puta madre, hijo de la gran puta.

love that feeling of successfully writing an essay and then reading over it and realising its total dogshit

What does that mean

t. smoothbrained humanities student

Ecofascism is a theoretical political model in which an authoritarian government would require individuals to sacrifice their own interests to the "organic whole of nature"

Basically just the same as what those snivelling runts in XR want, but with people who will actually do something about it instead of pointless stunts. They might start a nationwide letter-bombing campaign, for example


woke up at 6 and went back to sleep 9-12

We don't.

Me cago en la leche de tu puta madre, imbecil

i found spanish harder to learn than russian for some reason. it’s simpler but less logical, makes no sense

>Woke up this morning.
>Got myself a gun.
>My Mama always said I'd be.
>The Chosen One.

Why is the new testament so shit compared to the old testament?

>We cannot not

are barbers still open

is duckduckgo broken?

chupa mis cojones, gilipollas



this was over 10 years ago

>La mujer es en la familia royal en Espana


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Spanish is really easy to learn. Russian grammar is a hell compared to Spanish grammar.

Why? Spanish is admittedly the only other language I'm even close to being competent in, but I've found it relatively easy desu. If you don't know a word you can pretty much just guess it by saying the same word in English but with a little Spanish twist, and you'll be right 50% of the time

Not where I live, considering doing the ol' home buzzcut

protestant bastard

Give me (You)s please

hows it foing brit

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Foight me coont

Old testament is full of death, slavery, rape, mass genocides
New testament is just some beardy freak telling everyone to love each other

spanish is just english with an o at the end of every word

most european languages are like that really

why don't you start a letterbomb campaign

no idea what to do when i graduate from the ol' masters this may top kek

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Fucko offo youo Potato shaggero
Learno howo to fisho

Some of the Iraqi subhuman sidestreet barbers are open

The new testament is just a pussified version of the old testament. Why would ever read the new testament?

Spanisho iso justo englisho witho ano oo ato theo endo ofo everyo wordo.

I'm asking, in perfect Spanish, whether the woman is in the Spanish royal family?

Would have thought you'd be able to understand that Pedro, are you sure you're even a proper Spaniard?

phd looms

doingo ao pooo

>The waitress is a South American immigrant.

Very accurate.

Haha es completamente verdad

yeah but spanish grammar is illogical once you get past the very basics, russian grammar is very complex but makes sense



what is even the point in going outside?

Don't want to kill people or go to prison

gfs mum walks around in a bathrobe all the time

what is even the point?