Germanic Speakers General

Do Germanic speakers feel any kinship, or do we all hate eachother?

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You tell me user, you are a germanic speaker.

I doubt Alsace deserves to be on this map.

I like Frisians and Danes

Thoughts on Folkspraak?

>All mensklik wesings âre boren frî on' gelîk in werđigheid on' rejte. Đê âre begifted mid ferstand on' gewitt on' skulde behandele êlkên in en gêst av brôđerhêd

my germanic brothers :)

Attached: fren.jpg (820x500, 89.79K)

Every Germanic on this board has shown nothing but unbound rage toward me so I suppose not.

I feel a certain kinship, because there’s a semblance of a common culture. But I could just be autistic.

I live in the red/orange part and nobody speaks german fluently

My cousin had moved to the Netherlands for ~1 year for work and traveled nearby countries while he was there. Met new people in every country. He said that in any country he went to other than Germany - the one common factor was that most people disliked Germany/Germans.
Maybe it was just all coincidences...
But if it is widespread, I wonder if it's some sort of remaining WW2 bitterness thing(kind of like what some people here have towards Russia)
or if it's some entirely new meme.

I'm from Tyrol and literally 99% of the people here hate Germany. I guess this happens with austrians as well. Me, I don't feel anything.

>Do Germanic speakers feel any kinship, or do we all hate eachother?
Cringe. Germanic peoples in Europe feel close to each other but thats because we all have a similar culture. It's not some kind of "omg we speak similar languages so we are all teutonic kinsmen lol" thing.

Most peoplr arent that autistic

I specified speaking rather than just “Germanic” to avoid anyone sperging out about race.

Did you know about Wymysorys?

>Wymysorys (Wymysiöeryś IPA: [vɨmɨsʲøːrJɕ] or IPA: [vɨmɨɕœ̯ɛrJɕ]), in English known as Vilamovian, is a West Germanic language spoken by the ethnic Vilamovian minority in the small town of Wilamowice, Poland (Wymysoü [vɨmɨsɔy̯] in Wymysorys), on the border between Silesia and Lesser Poland, near Bielsko-Biała.[3][4] It is considered an endangered language.[3] There are probably fewer than 20[1] native users of Wymysorys, virtually all bilingual; the majority are elderly.[3]

>In origin, Wymysorys appears to derive from 12th-century Middle High German, with a strong influence from Low German, Dutch, Polish, Old English and perhaps Frisian.[3][5] The inhabitants of Wilamowice are thought to be descendants of German, Flemish and Scottish settlers who arrived in Poland during the 13th century.

I can understand that but I doubt I would if I wasnt already fluent in English.

Well, It seems you are not autistic after all. We latin speakers do not feel that sort of kinship though, unlike you germanics

That goes for:
Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Lichtenstein, Austria.

It's the same in Switzerland

I love all except The Netherlands. Because of them everyone thinks Dutch is an ugly language and they are also insufferable "people"

English is a Latin language though.

Why, they didn't even invade you during WWII?

>I specified speaking rather than just “Germanic” to avoid anyone sperging out about race.
Why the fuck would I feel close to someone just because they speak a language I can't even understand?

That’s surprising, it seems like Latin-speaking Europe has so much in common. I mean, you guys could genuinely get away with LARPing as Romans together if you wanted.

>Implying Belgian dutch isn't ugly too

Just like Austria most hate we've been annexed into it and are extremely jealous of Switzerland because it stood out of it and now it's rich. This same sentiment is strong throughout all North Italy in my experience.

>let me tell you about your culture

The difference is that American culture has diverged from Germanic Europe. They don't think and act the way northern Europeans do.

We have been at each other´s throats since the roman empire disappeared. The french invaded Spain and there is still a lot of resentment, we invaded and occupied southern Italy for 200 years and they still kinda hate Spain. We annexed Portugal in order to form the Iberian Union and we ended up fighting an independence war against Portugal for several decades. There is a lot of bad blood between us.

but it's not though

i think dutchoids are based regardless if they come from dutchland or not

Why are you so angry Sven?

tbqh i feel closer to the french than to scandis or brits
our true brothers are belgians and germans though

The English and Germans hate each other because Germans are assholes with everybody.

I don't know if we can really consider English as a Germanic language though.

Not angry at all. You guys are just a bit different, that's all.

Fick dich Hans

Their work ethic resembles yours, and the USA is still a culturally protestant nation. It is true that their behaviour when they are interacting with others is rather different, more extrovert than yours.

Pretty cool, doubt it would be worth learning though.

Because of WWII virtually all Germanic speakers try to distance themselves as much as possible from Germany.

No coincidences, everybody hates us

>All mensklik wesings âre boren frî on' gelîk in werđigheid on' rejte. Đê âre begifted mid ferstand on' gewitt on' skulde behandele êlkên in en gêst av brôđerhêd
Alle menneskelige vesener er födt frie og like i verdighet og rett. De er begavet med forstand og visdom og burde behandle andre i en gest av broderskap.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and right. They are gifted with reason and wisdom and should treat each others in a guesture of kinship.

It's an interesting consept. I feel like I understood all the words intuitively to some extent, with the exception of "êlkên", which I assumed from context would transalate to "other", or "each other".
It does parhaps become parhaps become phrased a little oddly, when directly transalated to Norwegian, but it's definatively more comprihensible than German or English would be to a monolingual Norwegian.

stop hating us

Attached: why.jpg (800x522, 47.98K)

>english language

>Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen.

Basically this. They're hard working and all, but they're much more extroverted. Some people, especially older scandis, are very put off by this. It comes off as fake and insincere. If someone treats everyone like their best friend, then you can't tell how they feel about you. They might be super friendly yet it's really just a facade and they don't give a shit about you.

Brother tier:
>(Austria although they are tsundere)
Okay tier:
>other Scandis
Meh tier:

what, are you going to tell us it's romance?

Purquoi si salé? Est-c'est que tu crois un petit du peuple d'Alsace pouvent parler Allemand? J'ai déja venu ici mais j'ai parler avec seulement un person qui peut parler Allemand en deux semaines.


Yes it is.

58% of the words in English come from Latin and only 26% come from a Germanic language.

Attached: 1024px-Origins_of_English_PieChart.svg.png (1024x1021, 102.96K)

>J'ai déja venu ici mais j'ai parler avec seulement un person qui peut parler Allemand en deux semaines.
Ça c'est triste. Pourquoi les français détestent ses cultures indigènes?

>Because of them everyone thinks Dutch is an ugly language
it is

It’s a mutt language for a mutt people. The colonies are continuing the tradition of advancing the mutt agenda, most notably America which has somehow even out-mixed Britain.

i can only speak for myself but i feel kinship with other germanic speakers of course. there are differences though. swedish for example feels familiar but also very distant. like that one cousin you only talk to once a year. dutch however feels very familiar and close

>American culture has diverged from Germanic Europe
American culture is very germanic desu. I can't tell the difference between American tourists and German tourists cuz they dress the same. They both have that socks and sandals and hiking in the forest vibe. I was in the Netherlands it was basically like America to me. Prot*stoid for sure

Grammar and syntax is still Germanic.
Also, the most commonly used words are pretty much all Germanic.

Yeah, I get that. I’m extremely put off by it as well, and I think most people are. But it’s a weird social convention that some people feel is necessary. The people who do it know it’s fake, but they think that’s the proper way to act personable. It’s like putting on a suit to look professional, when you’d rather not wear it. It’s shallow and stupid.

compare swedish and english

That chart is stupid though. Because the vast majority of words used are Germanic. Sure, an English dictionary might show a lot of French words, but they aren’t frequently used. I mean, most of our Latin and Greek words are purely for scientific and academic purpose.

that's not how it works, it could have a 99% romance vocabulary and it would still be germanic. You could look and dress identical to your cousin but that wouldn't make him your father. To add to that, the most frequently used words are still overwhelmingly germanic, and so is the grammar.
having a large number of loanwords is far from unique to english, and most importantly has no bearing on a language's genealogy

Geht ihr lieber die Spaghetti lutschen?

Why are all the german variants counted as one language but nordics are counted as different languages?

Echt Scheisss. Fick di.

>german variants counted as one language
because they are
>but nordics are counted as different languages
because they are not