the good stuff edi
love you serbia
i wanna kill
Ugly monkey
Nikad nisam probao to. Jel stvarno dobro?
Cuck speaking the language of his occupators
I miss old hand drawn sci-fi and fantasy covers.
Modern computer made ones look painfully generic and soulless.
Here is a modern one.
I'm kinda disturbed by the arrogance Sloni displays as Hungarian. By all sympathy an empirelet crushed during every war, only co-ruled the Austrian in the name but nowhere else, literally invaded several times by Romanians marching through Budapest whose architectural accomplishments are solely due to Austrian architects. Not sure where this confidence comes from but it's kinda ridiculous.
Here's a good sci-fi cover
Oi /balk/...
Where is Ukraynalı??
She was going to collect me intel...
And now, for some old BG covers of famous sci-fi books, translated in the 70s and the 80s.
This one looks interesting
brave new world
wizard of earthsea
Fuck bros...
Surprised this one was available during commie times. Any idea if 1984 was available?
I think it was available only in an abridged version until the 90s.
Ottomaan general
Do you recall a book with something Japan or Japanese in the title, I remember hearing it existed and was strictly forbidden?
No, Jap sci-fi is too weird and not politically suggestive.
I got this one
god what a piece of shit thread
jump out the window, now
tiho mangal
Books are 4. Nerds
Cux read boox
back to lebbit, weirdos
I'm going back to your mom's pussy, retard
If you type "we are here with you" in google it shows your address. Spoopy.
My skin is getting drier as i age
lmao retarded kiddo
Aging is bad
I want to be 15 again
Lifes over after 23
why the fuck are you all posting in a thread made by an abo and 15 posts away from bump limit
I cant stop balding
My body peak was at 22 since then a constant downfall
it is done
I can see the end of my diet coming.
I'm running out of fat.
I though it would happen at 78kg, but I think the limit is going to be 80kg.
Imagine eating the same dishes for the next 50 years
Thats life
I want to die at 40 like our grug ancestors
Turkish diasporia here
Yes I eat Doner Kebap
Yes I pass out from drinking Raki
Yes I convince the locals I'm European and Turkey should join the EU
No I will not stop leeching off welfare
No I will not stop throwing piss bottles at you while driving
No you cannot do anything about it
nuff said
ikibey, you can always kill yourself and put an end to suffering. you will be reborn a greek in the next life. you won't be a schizoid depressed turk anymore.
>Yes I pass out from drinking Raki
There is nothingness after death
You cease to exist
You will never find out what happens after death
Life is probably a simulation
Humanity will die out
>100% of sexual intercourse in Macedonia isn't gaysex
I thought you were the decendents of Alexandorvich the Great?
We are the first generation with a simp and whore majority
Beauty fades away
By 30 a woman is useless trash
So a woman's only worth is her beauty?
No its about their eggs
They lose fertility
Women are trash
72 new cases in last 24 hours
the hundred looks closer and closer
Maymuns like your parents
Eine gute Freundin von mir hat mir ein Black Boy vermittelt. Er soll einen echt großen Monster Schwanz haben, den musste ich natürlich ganz persönlich testen. Deswegen habe ich ihn zu mir nach Hause eingeladen um mir von seinen Prachtstück selber zu überzeugen.
how do you have such low numbers?
bitch do more testings
You are trash like your parents
Only 14 real humans, the rest were provincials
dunno, don't care, got first case in my town these days, possible second that's a nurse, I'm finna die AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>1 lev for cнoп peпички