Why are pigskinned nordcucks so pathetic and soulless compared to sun-blessed MED BVLLS?
Why are pigskinned nordcucks so pathetic and soulless compared to sun-blessed MED BVLLS?
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Last time I've checked it was the MED BVLLs loading them on ships and bringing them through the mediterraean.
Fuck off.
it's meds who lets refugees flood europe
whats the difference
Meds are the refugees
Why are you defending the people who raped and thrown your country to communists? Also what you said is completely wrong, take a look at Scandinavia, especially Sweden, god-forsaken shitholes worth of a nuke. Not that I expect a p*le to be able to do 2+2 let alone know his history
You're russian, your genetics are worth less than a dime. Please don't embarass yourself like this
Why do you finn cocksuckers always flood these threads? You're asian, even your precious neighbours make fun of you everyday as the black sheep. Stop pretending to be a nordcuck it's even cringier
grow the fuck up
Cope untermensch, don't post in these threads if you have thin skin. In fact you shouldn't post at all no one takes the worst shithole in Europe seriously
grow up
No!!!! Let more afro-norwegians in!!!
>precious neighbours
this whole thread is cringe
>Distance between Rome and Santiago: 11,901 km
Why is a Chilean flag acting Med supremacist?
Imagine being the guy that posted this.
Maybe if there was a single country on the mediterranean not filled with arabs it would stop the refugees
ONG are almost all germans and swedish.
Like that retarded female captain who even received parisienne citizenship
Nordcucks are actually racist toward Southern European.
They're autistic as fuck
>''meh, we love muslim and african browns, meanwhile if you're from our continent but with darker complexion you're subhuman''
Literally what?
Brain damage from taking way too much bbc
You're lying and samefagging.
fixed your pic
>video does not exist
Mediterraneans are literally niggers, no offence.
Get off of Yas Forums.
Also this thread is very cringe all around. You should all be ashamed of yourselves
Odd way to come out of the closet as a sub
Africa begins at Pyrenees and Alps
>meanwhile if you're from our continent
>but with a darker complexion
You are as cringy as nordicists
>Muh meds vs nords
Both pathetic larpers, gj falling for d&c memes
>Both pathetic larpers, gj falling for d&c memes
Because we are all sissies made for worshipping BMC (big med cock)
Pale skin with light brown hair and amber eyes Europeans are considered dark complextion by Nord cucks
because that's just your opinion, friend
Based Russiabot trying to weaken Europe.
Give me an example with a photo.
If you cant find one(1) example of what you described it means that you are trying to trick me.
Slavs too. They're envious because they want to be us. No need to defend us tho, cute alpine cub
No one wants to be this, no matter what your loudmouth swarthy undeserved ego tells you
t. actual southern european
We don't care about you at all, Ogdei Khan
>cute alpine cub
So who is the top and who is the bottom?
In which way Latvia is so ''superior''? Because blondes and snow? Wow, such hyperuranic.
You're more irrelevant than San Marino in european history
Yes we all want to be Varg Vikernes though, right? Subhumans are everywhere, doesn't change what I said
I mean his placenta fetishes are fucking weird but you cant stop SEETHING at how he exposed you swarths as a different cancerous species.
Guess how the italians who wrote this song look. ill give you a hint.
You're Greek not Italian, not French. You're as southern as one can be. Stop putting France and us together with you lol.
I don't care what some larping northern Italians do, I have my own culture and identity. Stop projecting your insecurities
isnt the OP pic about the greek borders? Seems that according to you its you who has no bussiness itt.
>I have my own culture and identity
Sei sardAnon?
In tal caso avrei una domanda idiota sulla Gallura, ovvero: quanto è simile al corso il gallurese
>I have my own culture and identity
I know. I dont like it or you.
And? You're talking for South Europe while you're Greek. If you believe North and Centric Italy and France look like you, you're deluded. You share your border with Turkey for fuck's sake.
Molto, entrambi sono praticamente toscano con qualche rara parola sarda mischiata qui e lì
I don't care or like anything about you either, I was talking to a fellow countryman, not you.
Meanwhile, I look like this and I'm 85% Italian. Take your shitty memes back to Yas Forums and work on your self-loathing.
Ecco, quindi ''ironicamente'' la lingua corsa sparirà a breve dall'isola a causa dei franciosi ma sopravviverà in Gallura. Questo è emblematico, accadrà la stessa cosa col genovese e i tabarchini.
La vostra isola davvero dovrebbe diventare un santuario semi inaccessibile
>You're talking for South Europe while you're Greek
> If you believe North and Centric Italy and France look like you, you're deluded
Do north and centric italy look the same? Or are you trying to slither in swarths while talking to me? I grew up listening to your swarthoid verbal poison so I can spot it a mile away you know.
Sono d'accordo, la gl*balizzazione sta rovinando questo Paese e tutte le identità locali, è tutto da ripensare
zoom out a little bit
1. to prove this is your photo and not some download
2. to see what the rest of you looks like, that black eyebrow gives me a hint already but ill humor you
Dont care, you are a loudmouth repuslive cancer swarthoid christcuck
Learn proper English, Western Turk
Learn how to not die from corona swarthoid
You're the one clinging on for (You)'s, attention whore to the limits. If this was real life you'd be ostracized like the vermin you are
Choke on Merkel's cock and get raped by Turks, gayreek