Is it true they are only 25% slavic by genetics?

is it true they are only 25% slavic by genetics?

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Yes, and 75% Turkish

I thought it was 25% slavic, 50% gayreek, 25% mystery meat from turks

Slovenes are mostly Slavic (>60%) with celtic and some germanic ancestry, but not much. We are genetically closer to Russians and Belorussians than to Serbians for example.

Yes but are you cute?

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Only in Serbia

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there is practically no Turkish genetics in the Balkans. If you're too retarded to know this already, just look it up

there is no such thing as slavic, germanic or latin genetics

they are language family.
save of certain Andaman islanders all humans are mutts

this feeling of solidarity based on shared ancient ancestry is fucking odd when you dont even give a flying fuck about your irl cousins

>Yes but are you cute?

Excellent question. Answer him, Slovene! Especially if you're a cute smooth twink.

I'm not that gay ass motherfucker. He's probably still sleeping.

where is turkish
>inb4 none
You can't tell me there's more fucking mongolian than turkish

I'm R1a Slav with some Venetian admixture on my mother's side.
I look like something in between a Pole and an Anglo.

You don't have to be gay in order to be cute and smooth.


What color of your eyes and hair?

Are you cute? This is IMPORTANT, so answer.

light brown hair and eyes but my beard is red
are you that bavarian gaylord?
I guess I look really young and boyish without my beard

there is none, its just a Yas Forums meme

>slavic genetics
why are europoors like this? you're all gypsy+mongol mutts

It's not only a pol meme, boomers here say when they see a guy with darker complexion "ta je pa s turki zmešan"

So you're telling me that there is a measured 0.21% mongolian haplogroup in serbia yet less than 0.21% turkish? explain it

>are you that bavarian gaylord?

Hello, yes, that would be me indeed, in fact.

I regret nothing.

That mongolian haplogroup is probably shared with turks so you might consider it turkish. But otherwise no, there is no significant turkish admixture in the Balkans. There is also no significant german admixture in slovenes as many also believe.

they probably grouped turkish with meds

>let me tell you about your region

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>There is also no significant german admixture in slovenes

Would you like some? :^)

indo-uralic bro...

b-but Yas Forums told me Slovenes are genetically Germans who speak a Slavic language

Nigga i aint gay. What for that gay fucker to wake up and you can fuck him whenever you want.

according to STJ genetics and history youtuber anything lower than 3% should be deemed as inaccurate

on the flip side slavs came from the east so some of them could have carried bit of mongolian steppe dna

>Nigga i aint gay.

You don't have to be gay to be a cute Bavaryan's cute and smooth boyfriend, stupid.

>on the flip side slavs came from the east so some of them could have carried bit of mongolian steppe dna
not that far east

this proves my point, other than that 0.21% is really negligible and doesnt affect general genetic makeup at all

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You will always be a fucking roach whether you like it or not

Zhi Chang, calling Eastern European a cockroach.
Stay classy, Yas Forums.

They are South Europeans.

nonsense G2a is Caucasian

pure illyrian genotype

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I see them as the true blue pure slavs.

All others are deep asian steppe scythes mixed with mongols, huns, turkomans, khazars and god knows what else larping as slavs.

mediterranean coastal regions do have more dinaric admixture compared to other regions

i know, i am 201cm, 90kg, dark brown hair and brown/greenish eyes
i am not a slav(e)

sadly, document doesnt state which g2a branch it is but i assume its this one?

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looks like it spread with celts

and germans, didn't serbia had tens of thousands of swabian miners?

Ante the dinaric bvll.
Funny how our teacher from hs came from Zadar and she was really short, probably below 160 cm.
She was qt thought.

Pure Phoenician here

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zadar is the southern most shifted city in all of yugoslavia, it's on par with montenegro
and yeah, there's plenty of short people, my grandfather was about 205cm and his wife, my grandmother was about 160cm
zadar is america level mystery meat, you have arbanasi, italian mutts, serbian mutts, pure croatians, pure italians and all sorts of other shit
southern dalmatians are much taller on average as well, zadar is around 184cm and south is 185-188cm

no idea about the miners, but german and austrian officers did came during the occupation and build houses like pic related, they all look fairly similar. after the war ended those officers left country and communists claimed their homes and gave them to workers who worked in nearby "Zmaj" industry

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yes, celts were the founders of todays belgrade

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>southern dalmatians are much taller on average as well
Yes, people around Imotski should be the tallest in the world. Average teenage male is almost 190 cm.
I find it amazing how different that is compared with north Adriatic Croatian coast like Istria where there is heavy Italian admixture, even more so when compared with north continental Croatia.

kvarner chakavians, gorski kotar chakavians and kajkavians, along with licani are the purest slavs in all of croatia, zadar imo is the most mixed city and of course istria, where every second family has an italian relative despite half of them being descendants of herzeg migrants

hi i have some slav related questions
how did the south slavs get separated from the east and west slavs? why is there a big ass divide of non slavs in between them?
how different are the east slavs really from each other? they all seem the same to me
are albanians slavs?

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The magyar invasions

Kvarner Chakavians could be pure Slavs, definitely less Italian than Istrians (if you don't count the center of Rijeka). Lika and east Gorski kotar are mixed with Serbs and Bosnians that came during the Ottoman invasions mainly from Bosnia so a bit more dianric admixture while north GK is mixed with a lot of Central European ethnicities that came there to work in the mines during the Habsburg times, kinda like Kočevje in Slovenia if I'm not mistaken.

I guess 30-40% is whatever pre-Roman and Romanised populations lived there. Greeks, Thracian, Illirians so on.
Then the other 30-40% is Slavic.
Then there would be the Bulgar component, whatever it was. Probably only in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia.
Then you leave 10-20% for wildcards such as Pechenegs, Cumans, Armenians, Turks.

>how did the south slavs get separated from the east and west slavs? why is there a big ass divide of non slavs in between them?
no one knows, probably just migration because they were populous in numbers and needed more land for herding domestic animals in order to survive
>how different are the east slavs really from each other? they all seem the same to me
all east slavs look the same to me as well
>are albanians slavs?

>how did the south slavs get separated from the east and west slavs? why is there a big ass divide of non slavs in between them?
The Magyars invaded and assimilated the people in the middle. The Romanians were fairly culturally integrated with the Slavs, we called them Vlachs and still to this day the Vlach is important in eastern Europe
>how different are the east slavs really from each other? they all seem the same to me
You can generally tell which region they are from, but I couldn't tell the difference between the White Russian and Ukrainian languages
>are albanians slavs?
Nah, they don't speak the language so they will never be Slavs

My theory why everyone is speaking Slavic: the nobility of the conquering peoples took Slavic wives because "where the white women at" and this repeated over several generations and the women taught their children to speak their maternal language. The end.

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from all autosmal results i've seen, lika croatians are either around the kajkavian average or are just straight up more northern shifted and are on par with south poles autosmally, could be german admixture but idk
dalmatians in general are mixed as fuck, even the islanders who larp as pure chakavians are literally genetically identical to mainlanders
also, bosnians from what i've seen are either very illyrian influenced or are literally kajkavian tier when it comes to autosmal dna, same goes for herzegovinians
ironically herzegovinians are more northern shifted than both slavonians and dalmatians, and are just a bit southern shifted from kajkavians

red arrows happened first

>My theory

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Outside ERE and Bulgaria, the conquering people were the Slavs. Besides this did not happen with the Magyars.
I think that in the Bulgarian case it was also some imperialistic doctrine to incorporate Slavs. Hence, the official language, post 9th century. But this is pure speculation.

Slavs themselves were often "conquering peoples". Eastern Europe was mixed as fuck before and during the migration period, and people didn't just live in ethnically isolated communities like a lot seem to think. Slavs ended up being kinda everywhere, along with being more handy at agriculture than others, and Slavic language became the lingua franca of Eastern Europe. That's how it started.

>slavic genes
No such thing, retard
Slavs are a linguistic group

based and renesanspilled

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This is correct
slavs = slaves
t. Sarmatian PAN

We are 100% black.