Why are they hating each other?

Why are they hating each other?

Attached: 58603532-greece-flag-with-turkey-flag-3d-rende.jpg (1300x780, 87.96K)

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proximity, give me an example of two neighbouring countries that love eachother

You'd understand if you were conquered and destroyed by Turks.

Because Greeks look indistinguishable from Turks, but their identity relies on being in opposition to them.

Is it true that Greeks used to be white? Today they're brown because of Turks

We Turks used to rule wisely over Greeks. Now they got their independence and their whole country is a mess

>Is it true that Greeks used to be white?
Yes, just look at their ancient statues and paintings. They probably always had mostly dark hair and maybe even olive-ish skin, but their faces are completely MENA now.

>Today they're brown because of Turks
This is more questionable. It is probably mostly because of invasions from the Near East and Egyptian immigration (especially during the Roman period.) Some of it could also be gypsies.

turks look like gypsies
Greeks look white

this is a german cuck larping as turk

Attached: file.png (758x411, 30.25K)

Greeks are literally "whiter" now because of Slavic migrations.

I heards there were so many Greek concubines in the Ottoman Empire

Greeks are Europeans you shitskin
Arabs are mixed with Greeks thats why Syrians are white

I *heard
Sorry, typo. I'm so sleepy

German Turks look like gypsies because they were mountain people who moved there for work.
Lot of Turks are white.

Syrians are white because of Greek genetics?

sibling rivalry, same reason we hate pakistan

same reason we hate pakis
in fact it’s literally the same

>there were Greek concubines in the Ottoman Empire

Attached: 1545121929887.jpg (1120x630, 76.71K)

More so Circassians.

Attached: WALL5295120.gif (909x438, 101.08K)

Greeks were like number two

That's why Ottoman Sultans were genetically 'white'

Greece was the center of that empire, so the immigrants largely went to Greece, just like how New York City is full of immigrants.

Itt: Third worlders talking about much better countries.

You underestimate the power of Hellenization. Just look at the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom

We don't?

You realize that Pontic Greeks are almost full Anatolian, like over 90%?

I thought we really didn't until I became exposed to Greek content online (for our side it was mostly a fringe nationalist thing imo) many years back. "Both sides won couple wars, got their revenge and moved on" is what I was thinking. I was wrong it seems.

Do people in Turkey actually believe in the Turanism shit, or is this just a meme localized to TheApricity?

I am Greek


That's what this board is all about

I think it was a really meme-y retarded thing like 6-7 years ago that people were made fun of over it but it's getting more mainstream each day.

>but it's getting more mainstream each day
What the fuck? You guys don't even look asian.

Attached: Turkish Girl 2.jpg (445x599, 72.16K)

Turkey is a diverse country. Some of them look Asian. I think this girl must be Armenian

Some do. It's a mutt country I don't know what you niggers expect.

Around Izmir and in one area near the Black Sea, they cap at about 18% asian. The rest of the country is like 0-10%.

There is not a single Turk more asian than Keanu Reeves. Just let that sink in.

*or even as asian

you are third world

>Greece was the center of that empire
No lol, Anatolia was clearly the center

Nah, only boomers care about that shit. Nationalists are extremely vocal on the internet but in real life, hardly anyone takes them seriously.

There are almost all Eurasian looking villages and enclaves all over Taurus mountains dude. There's also nomadic activity there even today, so make it as you will.

Attached: 475.jpg (752x395, 53.77K)

He's like 30% max. Could even be a tatar immigrant.

The greek cultural cities shifted to Alexandria and Antioch (called Athens of the East), basically most new found hellenistic cities in Asia and Egypt were settled by Greeks leading to demographic collapse of ancient greek city states. The most intellectual minds were tempted by the acquired persian gold and migrated outside of Greece.
This, along with other factors, opened the path for the Roman invasion and 6 decades later the slavic migration.

>He's like 30% max
So were the Turks in Central Asia kek

Attached: Global-25-K16_-PCA-Based-ADMIXTURE-Analysis-of-Pazyryk-Xiong-nu-Huns-and-Medieval-Turkic-1.png (1204x1090, 89.71K)

>He's like 30% max
t.Genetics pro

I've seen enough gedmatch results.

Attached: 1495984854473.jpg (1807x1308, 846.45K)

>Medieval samples
Holy fucking shit. So falls Turan.

Do you have more pictures of the "eurasian" Turks?


The biggest butthurt of Jewish history was the subversion brought by Hellenistic Judaism, namely those jews who inherited the greek culture, names and language. Worried about the imported greek liberties, orthodox jews initiated the famous Maccabean revolt.

Yeah but you'll accuse me of cherrypicking so not sure why I should bother proving that some Turks, unsurprisingly, look Asiatic tbqh.

Anyway, this is the mayor of my city

He's actually from a peak region (and about 18% asian makes sense for his appearance.) I'm more curious about the nomadic ones though, because the one you posted does look more asian, 25-30%.

Attached: Asian Ad.png (1600x800, 463.08K)


just go on insta yarram

Attached: IMG_20200405_122633.jpg (720x1149, 203.36K)

Post more.

She’s definitely not pure Anatolian Turkish.

well they hate us because we're where the first world starts and they're left out of it for life despite all the efforts they put into acting as white people( wearing white man's clothes, having a lating alphabet, trying to erase their history and bleaching their skin), and we hate them because they're just ugly just all other muslims

Because Turkey conquered Greece for 4 centuries and still own Greek territories, like the region of Izmir which should belong to Greece because the people in Izmir are Greek people who had been Turkized..


This is what HELLAS should look like today

Attached: groBHelliums.png (3000x1426, 339.79K)

>we hate them because they're just ugly just all other muslims
You can’t accurately differentiate between Greeks and Turks based on looks.

Near Izmir is where asian admixture actually peaks.

turks are shitskins

haha wtf is pure anatolian turkish. Aint no thing

You know what I mean. The girl you posted is probably part Kazakh or some shit, as in one of her parents or maybe, maybe grand parents.

ok so turkic admixture, is normal. Tell me what is she mixed with?

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Because fuck gr**ks. Greece is a joke, and belongs to Turkey.