Why westerncucks so weak?

>Norway - 2 month and 1 day, France - 1 month 12 days. Denmark - 6 hours, Netherlands- 5 day, Jugoslavia - 11 days, Belgium - 18 days, Greece - 24 days, Poland - 27 days.

>Single “pavlov’s house” in Stalingrad stayed more than for 1 mounts against nazi army

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anglos are weak by nature

because of pic related

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my ancestor

just not enough clay to wear out the wehrmacht

>Denmark - 6 hours

Merrica would last for 7, what do you think?

Against the Wehrmacht at their peak power? A week.

Look upon your list and take note at how there are no anglo countries, Ivan.

And remember that the next time you think about poisoning innocent Brits, because when this sleeping tiger comes out of its cage...you're gonna get bit.

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literally none of those groups are anglos you deranged mexican lunatic

During 1943 Germany started having oil shortages as they planned for war to be done in 1-2 years but the USSR was persisting and Hitler did various mistakes like not using peak German power to attack Moscow and capture it and then Leningrad would fall concentrate forces and make sure you don't get army groups isolated able to be cut off

Anglos is not ethnicity, it's state of mind.
All the listed cunts were anglo-minded back then.

He is an olmec.All "mexicans" who make retarded comments are olmecs.

Meanwhile nazis couldn not place a single foot on British soil

That's what happens when you have a 2 front war.

anglo countries do not exist

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>Denmark - 6 hours
SURELY you jest. There is NO WAY this can actually be true right?

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Napoleon captured Moscow, so what?

>6 hours

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>the nazis would have won if hitler listened to the generals and secured the oil fields when he had the chance and took moscow when he had the chance

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The French didn't want to fight without Britain by it's side after the horrowshow of WW1 so gave up.
USSR has a massive military-industrial complex and invading Russia is not easy.

It is indeed true. They surrendered so fast that the news they were at war didn't reach 90% of the country before it was over.

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the outbreak of the war, Germany’s stockpiles of fuel consisted of a total of 15 million barrels. The campaigns in Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France added another 5 million barrels in booty, and imports from the Soviet Union accounted for 4 million barrels in 1940 and 1.6 million barrels in the first half of 1941. Yet a High Command study in May of 1941 noted that with monthly military requirements for 7.25 million barrels and imports and home production of only 5.35 million barrels, German stocks would be exhausted by August 1941. The 26 percent shortfall could only be made up with petroleum from Russia. The need to provide the lacking 1.9 million barrels per month and the urgency to gain possession of the Russian oil fields in the Caucasus mountains, together with Ukrainian grain and Donets coal, were thus prime elements in the German decision to invade the Soviet Union in June 1941.

The smallest of the Russian oil fields at Maikop was captured in August 1942, and it was expected that the two remaining fields and refineries in Grozny and Baku also would fall into German hands. Had the German forces been able to capture these fields and hold them, Germany’s petroleum worries would have been over. Prior to the Russian campaign, Maikop produced 19 million barrels annually, Grozny 32 million barrels, and Baku 170 million barrels.

The only two front war Germany lost was after 1943 when it's oil ran out.

>Napoleon captured Moscow, so what?
No trains or roads to connect any of the land or any base of operation total collapse of Soviet morale organization and logistics.

By the way if you're so great then why did you get so BTFO by tiny Finland?


bruh, we can retreat endlessly and our supply lines get shorter with this, whole theirs would het longer, taking moscow wouldn't have matter at all

BTFO by small viking gang.

sweden lost in 0 seconds if you think about it. the nazis didn't even have to invade to vassalize you.

How would you transfer goods and equipment via train if the location where all the materials meet is captured?


the finnish BVLL is difficult to tame. only the mongol and the swede has ever managed it

USSR won because of our Finno-Ugric soul.

All other purely Slavic cunts like Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Slovernia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia etc. are quickly surrendered.

Only our Uralic and Siberian stubbornness saves Motherland.

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Our interests were aligned so we were natural allies. No pressure was ever put on us by the nazi government and we angered them a lot by taking jew refugees. Also we had a very strong military at that point, probably the strongest in Europe outside the superpowers with solid terrain. It took the nazis 2 months to take Norway with similar terrain and size but with a MUCH worse army. Hans wouldn't bother wasting a year trying to subdue us for nothing.

So eat shit Amerifat

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Do you have any anti missile defence?
Asking for a friend.

Only the USA and Russia emerged victorious from WW2.

You would do well to remember that, Nigel.

If it wasn't for Stalin's mad mistakes, then the Germans never would have got anywhere near as far they did.
Stalin was a disaster.

The US is by far and away the world's largest oil producer (over 180 million MT in 1940), followed by the Venezuela and the Soviet Union (30 and 27 million MT respectively). The next tier includes Indonesia and Iran (about 8 million MT each), trailed by Mexico and Romania (6 million MT each). Germany got most of her oil from Romania

With Moscow taken the Soviet Union would be disjointed and unconnected

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I don't blame them. I would want to be around the Inselaffen either.

australia is my territory ivan
I'm gonna have to ask you to back off

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Friendly reminder that Russia would have collapsed if it wasn't for lend-lease.

They already relocated the factories and everything behind the Urals. Moscow was expected to be captured.

Only USA really. Okay the USSR gained geopolitically but it's economy was shattered and people and cities destroyed.

>If it wasn't for Stalin's mad mistakes, then the Germans never would have got anywhere near as far they did.
And the poles or french?
Stalin was a disaster.

>Hitler did various mistakes like not
shut the fuck up retard stop acting like you know shit. you play paradox games shut the fuck up

This guy is Korean. There were some Koreans and Japs in Nazi camps.

Commies were the disaster.

Vote Sanders.

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The enemy throws new forces to the front without regard to heavy losses and penetrates deep into the Soviet Union, seizing new regions, destroying our cities and villages, and violating, plundering and killing the Soviet population. Combat goes on in region Voronezh, near Don, in the south, and at the gates of the Northern Caucasus. The German invaders penetrate toward Stalingrad, to Volga and want at any cost to trap Kuban and the Northern Caucasus, with their oil and grain. The enemy already has captured Voroshilovgrad, Starobelsk, Rossosh, Kupyansk, Valuyki, Novocherkassk, Rostov on Don, half Voronezh. Part of the troops of the Southern front, following the panic-mongers, have left Rostov and Novocherkassk without severe resistance and without orders from Moscow, covering their banners with shame.

The population of our country, who love and respect the Red Army, start to be discouraged in her and lose faith in the Red Army, and many curse the Red Army for leaving our people under the yoke of the German oppressors, and itself running east.

Only smart leader in WW2 was Roosevelt. Eveyrone else was hilariously incompetent including the mythical Churchill who fucked up nearly everything.

>Greece - 24 days
that was after we were in war with the Italians for a year
So 1 years & 24 days.

one tough cookie to crack

Some stupid people at the front calm themselves with talk that we can retreat further to the east, as we have a lot of territory, a lot of ground, a lot of population and that there will always be much bread for us. They want to justify the infamous behaviour at the front. But such talk is a falsehood, helpful only to our enemies.

Each commander, Red Army soldier and political commissar should understand that our means are not limitless. The territory of the Soviet state is not a desert, but people - workers, peasants, intelligentsia, our fathers, mothers, wives, brothers, children. The territory of the USSR which the enemy has captured and aims to capture is bread and other products for the army, metal and fuel for industry, factories, plants supplying the army with arms and ammunition, railways. After the loss of Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic republics, Donetzk, and other areas we have much less territory, much less people, bread, metal, plants and factories. We have lost more than 70 million people, more than 800 million pounds of bread annually and more than 10 million tons of metal annually. Now we do not have predominance over the Germans in human reserves, in reserves of bread. To retreat further - means to waste ourselves and to waste at the same time our Motherland.

Therefore it is necessary to eliminate talk that we have the capability endlessly to retreat, that we have a lot of territory, that our country is great and rich, that there is a large population, and that bread always will be abundant. Such talk is false and parasitic, it weakens us and benefits the enemy, if we do not stop retreating we will be without bread, without fuel, without metal, without raw material, without factories and plants, without railways.


Churchill was just a Jew puppet tb h

yeah I remember watching "my way" those two gooks end up in atlantic wall, what a hell of story

Nice meme, with Moscow captured the USSR would collapse as it was the center of command and trains/roads of organization which is why Stalin refused to leave Moscow he knew if he left Moscow it would mean the end of the Soviet Union and there's no point running away.

Holy cope

>This guy is Korean. There were some Koreans and Japs in Nazi camps.
a few koreans and japanese were also conscripted as prisoners of war in the soviet red army

Lets say Stalin relocates to Stalingrad and Moscow is captured, how would materials and equipment/soldiers concentrate and be connected if there's no connection between these regions other than Moscow?

The entire WW2 conflict could have been avoided if Trotsky succeeded Lenin, who would have crushed fascism in it's infancy instead of allowing it to thrive and dominat Europe like moronic Trotsky.

Many Koreans fought in the Soviet Army.


t. Paddy

It's because of our superior mongolian genes, which helped us to survive the terrible times and to spread them among half of inferior slavic and anglic population later

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>calls others weak
>can't even beat the mongols
russians are pathetic

>h-hey Benito, could you just step down please? I-I'm trying to crush fascism

Red Army soldier Mikhail Alekseev (originally from Yakutia) with a submachine gun PPSh-41 and “For Courage” medal in the ruined Berlin.

He is Native Siberian soldier.

>funding and supporting antifacists all over Europe
I was more talking about Germany where Stalin helped the Nazis destroy the SDP instead of aligning with the SDP and German Communists to destroy the Nazis.

Moscow in 1812 was nothing like Moscow in 1945 handling hundreds of thousands of tanks and connecting materials, there was NO organized Soviet Union if Moscow was taken, stalingrad was a city cut in half by a river which allowed fresh troops to resupply and preventing encirclement, Moscow had no such river and could be encircled and capitulated in 3days-1 week as was the case elsewhere and Germans had the capabilities to launch a campaign against moscow as soon as 1941 but were stopped by Hitler as he wanted the oil in caucases.