Why is Spanish feminism so hostile to men?!

Not an incel, poltard or troll I'm genuinely curious. In countries like France it seems like feminists are more of the intellectual, high brow psudeo philosophy variety. In Anglo countries they have the "u go gurrl" type of feminism. Here in Iran we have a hybrid of these two.

But in Spain amd Argentina specifically the women seem to despise their men with a passion and want to hurt them it's not even political. There was a video of a bunch of feminists shouting and spitting at a man in Spain for litrrally no reason. And there was one in Argentina where they were beating guys drfending a church. Wtf is going on? Why the hostility? And more importantly, why are the men putting up with it? There are plenty of videos of American feminists acting nowhere near as hostile and getting punched. I know if in Iran one tried doing that stuff she'd probably by stoned on the spot.

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it’s the same in korea too

Fearless woman

I’m so hard rn thinking of getting beat up by a gang of Spanish qt feminists

Pls cucks no derailing the thread only legitimate answers.

>maria and the gang will never attack me with manhating rage when i ask them to gtfo the bike lane

why do i keep living

idk, i tought feminissm was just an internet meme, never seen things like this irl, but im sure they exist in big cities


Women have it too easy, when the threat or a fist descending upon their soft delicate skin around the face or stomach area is looming, they dare not to say anything bad about a man because they know that in truth they are physically inferior and wont be able to defend themselves

We tend to take things way too seriously here, just watch us scream at a goal at the top of our fucking lungs

Because they're based and know how respect works. Pacifism doesn't work if you want real respect.

Holy fuck, based brazilian

The purposes of feminism are dismemberment and destruction of family, and political power game. This is universal. It is bullshit that they care about gender-equality.

Back when I was living in Spain, it always struck just how stupid insane women were with feminism, even the usually smart ones were completely intoxicated with passion as soon as you talked of women's rights.

The hilarious thing is how, despite their "macho" appearance, Spanish men are actually quite submissive, it's usually the woman who's leading the couple, Spanish men talks big, but they don't have much cojones.

They'll just blame the jews and call me a sand nigger.

It's not a question of degree, but of type. While your county appears healthy on surface(illegality of abortion for example), some of your women seem like lost causes. Such women exist everywhere, but they tend to be bitter femcel uggos nobody wants to touch. Spain and Argentina has cute girls that are like this.

Don't care about feminism per se, but these particular feminists, which cultural issues cause them to hate their men with such an immense intensity?

despite what spics would tell you about being their men being 'machismo' they're actually the most feminist and sissy men on the planet it's part of their culture, the men take the woman's name in marriage and if a woman beats a man on the street of any spic country, you are either supposed to watch silently or lend her a hand. Therefore, spic women are more entitled, crazy and have a more advanced form of feminism. What you are seeing isn't some 'different' form of feminism, you are seeing the future of every other feminist movement in the world and if you don't believe me take a women's studies class at your nearest uni. Spic feminism is end game.

Interesting observation. The opposite is true in some Arab countries, where the guys appear effiminate(too nice, always smiling and mocking themselves, no muscle mass...), but have a very firm and manly attitude when it comes to women. I think it's because in places where women get all the choices, men become superficially masculine, like african Americans, but still have severe anxieties when it comes to the women leaving them so they act like simps around the women while being super hostile to other men.

This. Well said, Aussie bro.

>Therefore, spic women are more entitled, crazy and have a more advanced form of feminism. What you are seeing isn't some 'different' form of feminism, you are seeing the future of every other feminist movement in the world...

Very scary thought if true. They're gaining ground here and everywhere else in the world.

>if you don't believe me take a women's studies class at your nearest uni

The mullahs don't allow for that to be taught here lol. It still finds its way into the culture through social media and stuff tho.

They're not hostile to Chad tho.

Wait what? I thought most feminists despised men regardless of country
What do feminists in first world countries even do?

>What do feminists in first world countries even do?
they enjoy their victory, the average western man is a soiboy

Kek this
Woman don't fight on firstie countries cause they already won there

It has to do with a lower average IQ. That's also why we love socialism

It's just like other first world countries. Maybe there's more women brainwashed but that's what happens when 90% or your politics is about feminism and "women women women women". We even have a "Ministry of Equality".
It's just the other side of the problem

Feminists in my country hate double standards, like there was a case where w*men shared pict of man without his consent, and it blew up and everyone (including feminists) told her to fuck off and deleted the picture, quoting that you can be the victims regardless of your genders.
In the end, twitter deleted her account though.

This is just sad. Ter algum respeito

yeah that's probably it. also consider that seething and hating might just be more suited to their culture. usually feminism is about creating a subculture based on seething, i don't even think men being the target is important, they just lack hobbies and meaning.

Bratty tomboy culture between women is the cause of everything.

idk i just wish the police could beat them up when they chimp out on the streets and churches

all wh*te women are deranged hateful feminist monsters

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translation for brainlets:
>Haven't you all figured out by now that in these times where there's a very high possibility of getting sick, it's not recommended to meet up and be close to each other for too long?? In Italy, we've taken very serious measures, but it's what needs to be done to fight this damn virus. In Spain, what more are you all waiting for to figure it out?
>A worse virus is the patriarchy, it kills more people.

that's actually pretty based
i don't mind people having different opinions on gender, I just hate that most of them aren't consistent with it

she p cute

>it's usually the woman who's leading the couple, Spanish men talks big, but they don't have much cojones

>oh yeah well feminists in my country are based
cringe. ping pong dong, learn some fucking history, that's the first wave of the feminist movement, they all started out like that.

Feminists are not cute
They're only hostile on the internet because they're frustrated whores with daddy issues.

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When did spaniards turn into such soiboya?
You guys used to be the manliest men in Europe.

it's the truth

Maybe spanish females being so agressive is a reaction to spanish machismo culture, so now they know the only way to handle the spanish BVLL is being the spanish BVLLESS

>the men take the woman's name in marriage and if a woman beats a man on the street of any spic country, you are either supposed to watch silently or lend her a hand
The absolute state of upside-down bong education.
OP, none of this is true, he's either larping or deluded


same. lack of consistency also comes with kneejerk emotion and unseriousness. most people are like this thus most people's opinions and words are worthless at best and dishonest/manipulative at worst.

Third wave feminism is shit testing to the extreme. Western men have become so submissive women can't help but put them down. Contrast to thuggish mysoginist refuggees and feminists easily open their legs.

If men didn't lose 40% of their testosterone during the last century, feminism would be dead.

Only weak men are like that though. Most feel no need to ingratiate themselves.

Because the worst social, political and cultural trends of the western world get amplified and magnified ad infinitum in Spain. Whatever good, smart and reasonable aspects those trends might carry within get automatically dissolved in a pool of cancerous retardation once they enter Spain.

>But in Spain amd Argentina specifically the women seem to despise their men with a passion
If the people you're supposed to build a family with are lazy, don't work, have no skills, sleep all day and live with their parents until they're 25, you'd hate them too.
This is the reason why i hate young Belgian women.

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Why is that happening? Is there a disease?

What is the truth then? There are many videos of thousands of women in Spain engaged in various activities that humiliate and degrade men. There is a picture that is not sfw so I can't post it but it shows hundreds of naked and ugly Spanish women standing on ugly naked Spanish men. Standing on them literally and screaming and screeching. It is a very disturbing video user. I have watched many beheadings and accidents and gore but that has had a very negative effect on me, that and the one in Argentina with the church.

I started agreeing with the Islamic Republic's aggressive and hostile policies towards all feminism out of fear of something like that happening on our streets.

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Spaniards are so insecure about their identity they literally decided, and I'm not joking with you, to become the opposite of arabs. That's why they are staunch feminists and wont shut the fuck up about alcohol and pork being delicious when no one asked. That's also why they went from the golden age of europe to the bane of europe and intellectualism, when Napoleon took over Spain the clergy had complete power over the population and they told them that Napoleon was literally satan and his soldiers were the army of the anti-christ and the people believed them, that's how stupid they became.

por que pones un PUTO SALTO de linea

user, italian women don't need feminism, they're already pretty scary as is

santo basado!

>OP, none of this is true

t. Nadir Alvarez-Medina

feminism is brainwashing. cia social construction plan to make humans more brainwashed sheeplings to who ever in power. its replacing patriarchy with, new form of social, cultural construction that is just simply lies. false assumptions and such.

feminist females like that are men haters, they literally might be the omage bitches or who just got very badly treated by men and now hold grudge for all men. like literally people are very stupid. because people are very stupid, the smart people will lure them to do anything.

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tho, spanish men treat their women very shitty

Guys, how do I get a bunch of spanish feminists to pull my hair, spit in my mouth and make me clean their shoes with my tongue??

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yeah sure, sure.
spics in movies:
>tanned gigachad polymath that has a 100 woman concubine and slaps women when they get out of line
meanwhile SPICS in reality:
>pot-bellied drunkard, sitting at home barely conscious on the couch after work while his wife screeches at him for the remainder of the day throwing pots and pans at him as he 1000-yard stares at his shitty television wishing for a meteor to hit his wife because he's too pussy to file for divorce, the only wife-beater here is the stained one covering his fat gut


have you noticed how "turned on" feminist will get, when you being what is not accepted by feminism? then they might even deny things, which they have just said, etc, its like a game.

they are all like that all over the planet. its not a coincidence.

they are brainwashed people to operate on teh behalf of cia.

like cia I so cabable to fuck with human brain this is what happens.


Denunciame al Ministerio de Igualdad, Charo.

Be yourself.
Go to a Spanish university, for once in your life try to hit on a girl and voilà, she'll freak the fuck out that a man, an incel on top of that spoke to her, he screams will alert campus security and nearby feminist harpies and you will be publicly humiliated by them on the spot.

Should I try to hide my soyboyness and incelness or should I display it instead?

Could go either way if you don't hide it, they might think you're not a threat and you can soyboy into their panties eventually, or they will be even more disgusted by you and sue your sorry ass for traumatizing them.
According to Spanish law, during trial, the female judge kicks you in the nuts when asking a question.