
moosefix edition

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Nice feet.

good morning


a special for the British user who was upset at a lack of moosefix feet pics
I am a kind and magnanimous user
so much so here's a pic with her cat, for the Lebanese user that loves cats

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Hello frens

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>had a dream last night about two friends i met at university 10 years ago
>in real life, we were close friends for a few years but then i ghosted them when we graduated
>in my dream, i explain to them that the reason why i acted like a turboassburger around them so often was because i was extremely insecure and over-compensating
>since they were both girls, i sometimes felt like a third-wheel because they had this extra layer of female kinship that i couldn't be a part of
>always had this distant background notion in my head that i was being mocked and neither of them really wanted to be my friend
>in the final year of university, i had a very brief romance with one of them where we kissed and were intimate with each other, but never actually went the whole way
>completely ruined it by being an obnoxious emotional assburger
>so ashamed of myself that i ghosted them both 8 years ago and refused to ever speak to them again
>last messages were in october 2012 where i left them on read
>in my dream, everything is okay and i feel fine

>wake up to the present day where i am a 29 year old, friendless, virgin hermit crab NEET who has completely given up on life and spends all day shitposting on Yas Forums
There are people on this website who never had a chance due to their life circumstances, but I had a good education and even good friends at one point and still managed to fuck my life up. Even though I felt like a mature person back then, I had the emotional competency of a small child, full of jealousy and fear. And a decade later, I don't feel like I've evolved much further than that.

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disgusting gook mutt

Hot thread.

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Good morning /med/

found the problem. Not being productive ruins a person

honestly man i dont understand people like you
what exactly are you complaining about
what even are your problems and why arent you fixing them
what is the point in dwelling on the past
i mean at 29 you should have gotten your shit fixed by now right


I have a moose fix addiction now, what does she even do? Just look good?

Looks better with shorter hair. Like all women.

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lifts and cosplays

short hair is trash

Lifting and cosplay

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i would love to have my testicles crushed by her feet

Too much

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Holy shit she could fucking crush me
>kinda hot ngl


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Nice armpit.

We have two confirmed cases of infected illegal immigrants. They of course are not so obedient when it comes to preventive measures.

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I predict NGO tears if the government puts the open centre on lockdown.

We have more than 20 from a migrant camp near Athens, because they didn't follow the curfew and the cops didn't penalise them

Apparently the 150 euro fine for moving around without permit (which you can get with a simple sms) is reserved for Greeks

Valerie abou chacrastein

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We have a 100 euro fine per person for those in a gathering of more than 3 people. They however seem to be able to gather in numbers and even play football.

>We have more than 20 from a migrant camp near Athens, because they didn't follow the curfew and the cops didn't penalise them
>Apparently the 150 euro fine for moving around without permit (which you can get with a simple sms) is reserved for Greeks

Lol same here there are groups of illegal migrants going around and non migrants can get fined 125€ for going outside and there's an order not to arrest them or fine them.
Some anti migrant group went to film them and the migrants broke their car window with a rock(because they didn't like being filmed) all that in front of the local police station with officers outside.
What a joke, everyone's in quarantine other than Niggers who keep behaving like nothing changed

>What a joke, everyone's in quarantine other than Niggers who keep behaving like nothing changed
good, they get to die

Except the orthodoxoids no ?

Maybe, if they were a bunch of old fucks.
They keep flipping people taking pictures of them off and there's a video of them playing football. Then they have the audacity to cry about racism lmao.

To be honest after burning down the centres of Ħal Far, Marsa, and trashing the Ħal Safi one a couple of times, they have no fucking right to complain about anything. They never had it to begin with, honestly.

Ok, lunch time. Keep it alive frens.

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what's for lunch?

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I though Moose didn't want to show her feet

Orthodoxies too but the police does arrest them if they can

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>10/10 body
>10/10 face
she always looks great no matter what,
it ain't even fucking fair to other women

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hopefully them niggers get infected

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>men IRL
'noooo only do cardio, if you touch a dumbbell you'll look like an ogre man!!!'
>men online
'yaaaaaas muscle queens, slayyyy'

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It's partly memes I guess
desu not interested in muscle girls, cardio bunny is better

what's the matter? Afraid of a strong nord woman?

I don't talk to girls IRL because I'm ugly and hate myself

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petite women are superior imo desu

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Literally looks like a man, this is why asian women are better

just bee yourself bro!

low test

EXTREMELY low test, show bitchtits

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Low test.
Nothing wrong with wanting to wrestle with strong women

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I'm not saying it's wrong, all I'm saying is that muscled girls get a lot of hate IRL

Because of men being insecure
>Wah wah if I'm not much taller and much stronger than the girl I'm not a man
Why should I give a shit if she can bench me

sure, but why do musclegirl lovers only exist online?
I've met plenty of chubby chasers IRL, even dudes who are into traps. But only one friend of mine admitted on liking muscle girls

I don't know people who are into any of those.
Except for Shahar he likes chubby women apparently

no, you don't "prefer" Asian women, you're just coping with the fact all white women reject you and believe that somehow you'll do better in Asia
good Lord you are pathetic
no, Asian women will never stoop as low as to fuck you miserable losers, not even a hikikomori woman would

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t. muscled roastie

From other women.

I've never gotten hate from a woman, just men
Ridiculous amounts of insecurity

>I've never gotten hate from a woman, just men

I hate Saudi Arabia. You're scared.

yes, I'm in London as we speak

I love Korea
please keep being the best East Asian country and keep dabbing on Japan, it's very funny to see them seethe

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Pasta arrabiata.
Check this. Foreigners make up a good amount, if not the majority, of the covid cases that we have. At first it was Italians, Brits, Spaniards, Norwegians etc. etc.
Now, that things are getting "darker", now things are being handled different. Pic related is about the superintendent of public health's conference that happened earlier
this afternoon. I think it's unfair to pull all the blame on her, as she's probably being pressured on what to say and what not to say.

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nice, I wish I had pasta too rn

I think it's unfair to put all the blame on her*

I eat it frequently. I don't enjoy many kinds of food but I happen to really love pasta.