
Planet Watermelon edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

bestgore.com/?s=Keane Mulready Woods

>new at 280

you're playing a dangerous game

trolling is based

nah janny has retired


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off for a snooze

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anxiety and depression are largely genetic
no matter how many pills I pop or therapist sessions I attend I will always have them to some extent

>anxiety and depression are largely genetic

RIP robbie lawlor

2c-b on its own or with mandy for a dnb festival? done acid a few times but never 2c-b, getting a few pills and want to take it at a festival in about 6 weeks assuming the corona is over by then

definitely on its own if you've never done it before

bestgore.com/?s=Keane Mulready Woods

simply do not care about anything in this thread, not even my own post

First Indian itt


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brothers..................................................................................................how can one man be.................................so........................................
fucking........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................based...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................guenon(pbuh)based thread for the brotherhood............................................................................................................................................................

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can't stand druggie mongs
sad pathetic losers

fuck off right now. guenonposting is worse than coronavirus

how do you deal with somebody you care about who is very obviously delusional, but everybody is keen to keep them that way?
they're not being malicious, on the contrary they think they're appeasing said person by telling them what they want to hear, regardless of the consequences.
I've tried just letting it run it's course but the problem is only getting worse, I really don't know what to do.

mate, that's vague as fuck

>Oliver Cromwell banned swearing, card games, stained glass windows and Christmas

y'all white niggas love this crazy nigga?

hes talking about the proletariat you noob

So you are honorbound to fight to the death with the kid from the dojo next door?

admire cromwell

we irish could be more like him

grandpa's into the petrol again

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how would that not trash anybody's liver

I'm getting this fat

hahahaha fat bastard

he must have died

the yank phenotype

Cor me arse is ruined, the arse sure isn't built for taking as much cock as I just have.

The Chris Chan documentary series finally got to the Tomgirl saga
Took 34 episodes

you can get spare kidneys

Is it really worth watching all the way through? I watched the first episode

you can drink petrol and not die

hope thats not true lad x

Look at the shadow on the bed where her side should be (her right our left). The way her spine is curved means that that side shouldn't be so tucked in it should be rounded, maybe with a little sinching if she has naturally large hip bones but she has yanked her waist all the way in. The reason this doesn't look wrong is because it is aesthetically nice and you would see something like this in digital art but if you were to compare to the original photo or just someone of similar size sat on that angle you'd be able to tell straight away what's been altered.

What series?

je suis monsieur petrol

no he just means he's going to acquire the chap in the webm

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There have been a couple filler-episodes (ie basically the whole episode is a phone call recording) but by and large I've really found it worth it, watching it over a prolonged period of time

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Who the fuck cares you boorish boring bitch.

preparing to poo

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If German anti-Hitler resistance fighters had managed to kill dictator Hitler July 1944, WW2 had ended then saving millions of Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Germans, British, American, Japanese, Chinese and others from being killed until May or August 1945 and ... there would have been no grand finale, i.e. the 100% fake, US atomic bombings of Japan August 1945.

Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History
On YouTube
The first episode was on YouTube trending when it was new

looool me

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>social anxiety

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some countries dont have showers in their bath they just have a drain in the floor of their bathroom, savages

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some people are willing and able to deceive themselves over this stuff
like people who pay for prozzies and actually think the prozzie likes them or coomers who donate to twitch titty streamers and think they have a friendship
sometimes wish i was dim enough to delude myself in that way

girls figured out how to look decent in photos
nimrods like you are astounded and perhaps offended by it

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what's the appeal of posting unattractive women you scraped from instagram

host family's bathroom in singapore was like this

dont get it either
thats why i post anime

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want to fill up a room with water then open the door

me on the right

cheers mate I'll give it a listen


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good Yas Forums is an anime website

if I ever encounter such a room I'll block the drain and fill the bastard up

good lad no worries

anime is for nonces

current favourite topic is evolutionary psychology
moved on from the effects of the industrial revolution on modern society a week or two ago

well said

go back to your whatsapp group any time

Actually is.
Really need to get myself exercising. Am about 18 stone right now

I went to bed early last night because I was tired, woke up even earlier than expected today, and now I'm still tired but can't get back to sleep and haven't had a huge amount of it to begin with

more important than exercise is to get your diet under control

>previous gf
>instant chemistry and attraction
>love being around her
>dumps me out of the blue
>reason, for things I "didn't do well enough", and isn't willing to give a second chance

>current gf
>I do things better
>communicates with me when she has issues
>more attractive than last gf, more things in common
>still want previous gf more than anything
I'm terrible

anime isnt real slags are real

you cant fuck some nips drawing

imagine being cucked by paper and the hand of some japanese freak


you're not having sex with some bint because you keep posting her picture

He seems fun

let's face it, these dorks aren't shagging anything, real or fiction
let them fantasise at least

i believe in the power of positive mental attitude, you can watch all the anime you want you will never fuck a drawing