
Attached: kaput.png (713x893, 680.72K)

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اما واحد انت؟

شنو قصدك؟

Attached: 2_6.png (900x600, 812.43K)

اما واحد انت؟

It's over for currycels

it's over for all non-chads


>wheat fields

Attached: 1578861853348.webm (478x482, 2.9M)

I wish I was dead.



The only civilized and respectful countries on middle east.

Attached: CoC878RWcAAR-OK.jpg (800x500, 41.53K)

Yes. I am thinking I will go up to the highway soon & wait for a big semi truck to drive past & close my eyes & step out infront of it.

please don't say that

don't say that faggot

كسمكم وكسم الشرق الأوسط كله يامخنثين
>Saudia crown prince still lurking
Turn off the proxy i know you're there kaffer

how did you mange to post the most incorrect thing i've ever seen in my life

where is the qt with a saudi proxy

Attached: snifffff.jpg (645x773, 30.49K)

Post your tummy qt

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Attached: brrraaap_sniffing_bear.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

I'm no longer sucidal
I will start nofap, anyone want to join?

no thanks
btw anyone can confirm the poster with unknown flag is Brazilian?

How is /mena/ spending it's time

Trying to learn german

I'm feeling suicidal everyday because this Corona virus is still around. I don't think I'm going to make it out of this shit alive bros.

it's 3 am I'm gonna go for a night drive to waste the fuel in my car and then full tank it with high octane

You are making Greta cry
Are you layth?

What happened to that fat tranny behind Saudi flag ?


I'll let her beat me up and yes it's layth I can recognize his writing style. I don't want him to be sad :(

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This insufferable bitch

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why is she everywhere

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What are you learning?

Nothing in particular

Attached: Capture.png (753x654, 325.7K)

I once unironically hit an arab girl with my fist back in high school.

Attached: 397788A2-BDA4-407F-8312-4B0441B61A55.jpg (208x181, 6.64K)

Fuck women

should have kept going

don't worry it's what they're created for

She thought I was going to simp for her and do her homework. Little did she know I’m autistic as fuck and decided to punch her instead.

Attached: 5B03FAE8-2626-4A99-8CF1-2CF24FF9C6C8.jpg (249x225, 14.21K)

You get the Chad award of the month.
I once threw a pen at a girl because she made fun of my hair.

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LMAO reminds me of the time I took an eraser and crumbled it into bits and flinged it onto this girls head so she had white bits of rubber stuck in her hair all day.

Yepp, this is based

You guys mean the grill that is american but uses a Saudi proxy? She is very hot, she posted pics a long time ago on /Mena/, Here is she inside the car. so beautiful

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"why yes i am shia, what gave it away?"


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حروح اشوف طبيب نفسي لما يخلص الحظر

Mommy milkers please please please God

Texan trannies look like THIS???

Yeah, she is literally perfect.i cannot believe she hangs out here in Yas Forums. I found another picture of the Saudi proxy. I am in shock that a woman can be this beautiful and still hang out here.
I assure you good sir, she is 100% a woman.

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Does she fuck dogs if no then cringe

I simply cannot believe this is the same girl that said she wanted to spoonfeed me my own semen
Woah mama

Yeha because she isn't.
>what is reverse search

check'd and nice mangoes

It was a joke, Jordan. I was joking. It was a Christmas joke.
Not the part of wanting to feed me my own cum though

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No she is not attracted to dogs according to her, she said she likes these creatures, i don't know how to describe, mostly because i don't understand it myself
I don't know what you just wrote but yes that is her.
That is her. Stay jealous.
Yeah she is perfect.
This is how she looks every time she calls one of us an Incel

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>she doesn't fuck dogs
Yikes.. I guess she's not the kind the women I'd be into.

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I REALLY want to MILK her