Huh... Never thought of it like this before

Huh... Never thought of it like this before...

Attached: RP.jpg (680x380, 67.45K)

Any country have dead toll more than 1 deserve to get shit on


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Is this...real?

i-is this true ameribros?

holy based

Did Vietnam build up resilience from biological warfare after getting chemically blasted by the US? They seem to be ultra resilient to everything. No China or US could take it out, especially not a shitty little virus.


Nice try Chinkerino

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Don’t look at me that way you all knew this from the beginning

This is the original btw

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I fucking hate Niggers so much bros

Nice try, Wang

My guess is that your spy just leaked the virus which was already in Wuhan virology lab desu. Like, probs the communist govt wanted to use it for something else but your spy deliberately leaked it.

>shut it down, they know

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Would've been based if we shut our borders properly.

An american novel published in 1981 predicted 2020's Coronavirus pandemic.

Attached: EURUWo8U8AMfObP.jpg (1335x2048, 352.85K)

The disease is a bio-weapon named Wuhan-400 which causes incurable pneumonia to the patients.

Attached: EURUXm2UMAI8n2W.jpg (780x1040, 124.25K)

Well, seeing your government are clumsily handling the pandemic, my guess is probably wrong in some case.

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Blaming is stupid. It solves nothing. The true Chad power move is dealing with it efficiently like S.Korea did.

How old are you? You have gnarly granny hands.

We don't have enough testing kits like they do and our retarded government told us masks are ineffective.

Nah we just learn from SARS and barricade the virus and lockdown everything before it start. Work surprisingly well, no dead so far and only 237 cases and half already recover from it.
Unlike Burgertards "Just a flu lol"

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It really do be like that sometimes

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Yeah, I know we dropped the ball. Was just praising S.Korea. apparently Vietnam is doing good, tooKeep it up, bros.

Agent Orange, lol

>Blaming is stupid. It solves nothing.
The whole situation is because of chinks eating everything that moves and often without cooking it too.

It's a western disease.

it's just karma how the entire fucking world was laughing at the chinks for months instead of locking up borders and then it was too late.

but you all know that Putin was behind this right? he destroys the competition in one swift blow and the fallout will be America and china buttfucking each other into oblivion.


wow such a deep meaning comic.

I often wonder if people look at themselves at the mirror before going outside.


Look at the filename, it's from Twitter.

At least remove the RFA (Radio Free Asia -- a US news organization sponsored by the US government) tag you moron

the us was stupid to not close its borders, but this is all chinas fault.

NIce vpn, now go clean my yard, nigga

It is edited, the original version is backwards

>history revisionism in an internet era

muh ancestor :)

Yeah, west of Japan

of course it's true, if the chinks made a bioweapon why would they release it in their own country leading the entire world to suspect them?

It's a US/mossad bioweapon.

It was designed with many purposes in mind:

1) to be a scapegoat for the inevitable recession of 2020
2) to get Trump reelected despite this inevitable recession
3) to isolate China more
4) to buyback stocks at all time lows
5) possibly some vaccine bill gates bullshit, but I'm not really that deep in the rabbithole

damn breh

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dont let russian jannie see this one

Why is China fat?

they really have no shame

Based. Fuck unitedstatians.

Haven't they already re-opened the wet markets and gotten right back to eating bears and snakes and little green men and shit?

Too much sweet & sour pork.

This is totally 9/11 2.0, USA is gonna use this excuse to invade China. But are they bad boy enough to do that?

damn wtf they named a fictional disease after a well known biolab run by an antagonistic superpower?
it also acts nothing like covid-19? wow

>USA is gonna use this excuse to invade China
rilly? both parties would hand each other their arses in respective invasion scenarios.

>we the people
that makes sense, that it is in plural

I thought she was about to eat an sea urchin or something like that

It's time to recognize Taiwan as an independent nation. The true China.

nah, they would nuke each other back to the stoneage and the rest of the world aswell

Does this absolute nigger have a cubic beer belly?