My Dutch roommate is a fucking psycho. He's a funny (and terrifying) character, awesome stereotyped guy of central/nordic Europe: tall, blond but ugly. He wakes up, even with the quarantine, at 6am. He has to get to work couple hours later but he wakes up that early whatsoever. I've been observing him these weeks and he is just measured for a really strict schedule: wakes up 6am, works till 10am (I am still sleeping by then lol, I'm med bros), then quick break and eats his yogurt with frozen fruit, back to work till early afternoon, then he gets inside his room and I guess he does some exercise/wanking, after that he gets his cool shower with latin music reggaeton shit in the background. Then he watches the crappiest series (literally those from the main line), then he stops for cooking up dinner and eats his oven fishit (or horrible pasta) while watching a Spanish show or movie (while he takes notes and some Duolingo). Noon arrives and before 10 30pm he's already asleepeeeepepee. Every fucking single day has been the same for him. No important hobbies, no games, no great cinema, no literature, no stupid things to challenge life... He also stores huge crazy amount of food in his room. I believe this kind of lifestyle is a thing in western/nordic Europe right? He is a great guy tho! And I'm just pathetic piece of shit talking trash, I might have cool hobbies and experiences but I'm done. I ate his pistachios tonight while playing Kingdom Come (great game btw).
My Dutch roommate is a fucking psycho. He's a funny (and terrifying) character...
maybe you should follow his example and your country wouldn't be such a shithole
interesting blog post user. I'm not a Nord but this schedule your roommate follows seems pretty autistic (autistically efficient) even for Nordic standards.
We'll get that once you stop spamming your polymaths
>I might have cool hobbies and experiences
I doubt it but I’m sure you really believe that
You should ask to have sex with him, he sounds hot
why do you have a dutch roomate?
Why don't you ask him instead of us
Spanish people love to talk about others behind their backs
Because every place is getting bought up by foreigners that want a summer home where the weather is nice.
There's a housing crisis there and few of the current generation in Spain work. They just play video games and rent from mom&dad's money while signed up for studies, where they keep skipping classes for 5 years.
In short - can't afford rent. Gotta split with roommates.
I had a Spanish girlfriend who would teach after-school classes for kids. She said the main problem was kids had no motivation and didn't even want to study. They'd say:
"But my brother/cousin/friend sells drugs and he didn't need to study for shit and he just plays video games all day. I'm gonna do the same."
Unfortunately, Spain's gonna be in some deep shit due to how many people don't work, scam the government for benefits, sell drugs to the rest of the cunt, etc.
Nowadays seems like a serious and ever-declining lack of discipline in the culture.
Or so I've been told by several people there *shrug*
I'm 24, it's pretty common sharing a flat in European cities while studying or early career jobs
I'm catalan germà, that's our thing. We are disgusting as hell
Pretty much like me, but darker
Wow the situation you described doesn't even exist slav. It can't happen. A truly catalan family will never share a long-term place with a stranger. Their own house is nuts. Do you really want to suck your grandpa's corpse cock?
catalan people are fucking losers, you behave like literally like fucking bunch of monkeys, since I came here it's never been too clear to me people are related to monkeys, you are subhumans. stupid, weak looking, can not do anything, but to sleep late and be assholes, you are shit scared of north europeans. I would literally make you shit your self if I just got mad at you. you are sub human monkeys to us. you have no consciouss abilities like north europeans. theres no many bummy people here I can not understan what the fuck. then you little bitches have fucking guts to fuck with us..
Damn... After reading what the litwa said about Spain's future I was a bit worried. But after seeing this, i KNOW that Spain is going to be enjoying some SERIOUS prosperity for the years to come :)
Niiice meme. You mean to tell me there's no housing crisis? Financial crisis shrekt Spain and they never implemented proper austerity measures. Country to this day hasn't recovered since 2008/2009.
Do some families have some nice houses from before then? Yeah they do.
But now - they're f00ked.
The mortgages people are on is what's nuts.
>Do you really want to suck your grandpa's corpse cock?
I'm okay dude, I'm okay.
The question is:
Do YOU want to suck your grandpa's corpses cock in his own house, which you share with the families of all your close relatives of around your age like some foster home?
top kek
manjana man manjana.
these people actually puff weed at work.
Whatever you say brother. Sorry, I don't know a shit about your country because is insignificant. Another cyst that Russia didn't want to clean after the former URSS. Meanwhile you are studying the history of what we did and what is going on with us. Time to let the things happen around there slav, start by cutting down a couple trees, after that I'll teach how to build up two walls that won't fall anymore.
like literally these people act like bunch of losers would act in my home country.
cold, calculating and emotionless
in other words, soulless
He sounds like a tard if it gives you any peace of mind we're just as disfunctional as you but slightly more punctual in the morning.
But everyone knows Spain has been going downhill since 2008/2009
Wow you really think you’re all that huh
they actually have soul, that why they hold they emotion. we can use our emotion when we want to, you dont have that ability. you are more subconsciouss beings. more like animals.
The most American post I've seen from a non-American.
>Tries to learn something about that thing called' money'
>2million slavs are not illiterate anymore
It can get funnier:
>a lithuanian talking about gdp per capita
I hoard lots of food in my room too. I think that's more of an assburger thing that a Nordic thing though.
Thanks for kek
>Literal signature "muh Spain is best in da world!" while on a sinking ship cope.
I rest my case.
And that's why Netherlands is 5x better country than Spain. Take away weather from Spain and it's poorer than half of Eastern Europe
Based. Medoids wont comprehend that and will call it soulless though
Why should it make any difference whether one sleeps from 10 to 6 or from 2 to 10? In the end with both versions you will have the same amount of time available. I think the real difference is that your room mate uses his time trying to be productive, whereas you spend it consuming media like a child.
hold up nigga do you really expect me to read All That Shit by You?
Another slav obsessed. I literally said nothing about his country and you just came in defense of and for absolutely nothing. My/your country is not 5 times better than yours/mine and Netherlands is not 5 times better than anyone. Otherwise Luxembourg, a shithole (jk), would be 50 times better than Portugal. Just check the Dutch comment above. The truth is that I hate Spain more than you do, but it's just so funny see you brawling for something that nobody asked for. I just wanted to share this goddamn character I'm doomed to share 100m2 with for months
I was not referring to that one XD
So you are emotionally repressed, is what you're trying to say?
You are proving his point. There is no relation between ones emotional state and the way one expresses emotions.
yes there is
emotional expression gives the person in front of you an idea of how you feel, its a form of communication
if you just bottle it up the other person might have no idea of how you feel ,its no use
I wouldn’t call him a phsycho, just lame. Why don’t you guys hang out together? Maybe you’ll get better along
That is not an argument against my statement. You are just stating that expressing emotions is useful for communication, which I did not question at all. I am just saying that expression of emotions is entirely distinct from the existence of emotions. You cannot infer any information on ones emotional state from the way he expresses them. Also emotions have much more use then just for communicating with others. Essentially what you are saying is that without feedback from other people you are an empty shell, which is a very sad statement, but not surprising coming from a med.
your passive-agressiveness screams "repressed and emotionally frustrated"
take your antidepressives and go back to your routine
Well yes average normie here is pretty much a normie who likes to work, work out, watch Casa de Papel and listen to top 40 radio edm songs
The only purpose of the European Union is to scam these soulless Germanic sociopaths of their hard earned euros.
I am 100% behind Spain in this regard. Protestant G*rmoids actually enjoy working. If resources are to be shared, and they like generating wealth, then why not simply take it? It’s no great loss to these creatures, they’ll just make more money.
Slaves to the system. It’s tragic desu.
Liberate yourself. Turn the music up and sleep in until 12. Enjoy the sunshine and good food. Take the med pill
>Noon arrives and before 10 30pm he's already asleepeeeepepee
Reminder that spaniards love to complain about being unemployed but every single store there is run by a chinese or an indian
they're literally just lazy
are you a woman? you sure act like one
For once I side with the Dutchman. He sounds like a lovely flatmate. I'd take that over any loud druggie anyday
You sound like a piece of shit and if he finds out you ate his food he will strangle your pencil neck, Pablo.
Is there any happy median country between the 24/7 siesta spaniard and the protestant assberg dutch?
More likely leave him a scolding post-it.
Yes, but it's now an African country in the middle of Europe.
Galicia, Catalunya, Portugal
I propose a trade.
You take back the Spanish students here and we'll take back our countrymen.
>My Dutch roommate is a fucking psycho. He's a funny (and terrifying) character, awesome stereotyped guy of central/nordic Europe: tall, blond but ugly. He wakes up, even with the quarantine, at 6am. He has to get to work couple hours later but he wakes up that early whatsoever. I've been observing him these weeks and he is just measured for a really strict schedule: wakes up 6am, works till 10am (I am still sleeping by then lol, I'm med bros), then quick break and eats his yogurt with frozen fruit, back to work till early afternoon, then he gets inside his room and I guess he does some exercise/wanking, after that he gets his cool shower with latin music reggaeton shit in the background. Then he watches the crappiest series (literally those from the main line), then he stops for cooking up dinner and eats his oven fishit (or horrible pasta) while watching a Spanish show or movie (while he takes notes and some Duolingo). Noon arrives and before 10 30pm he's already asleepeeeepepee. Every fucking single day has been the same for him. No important hobbies, no games, no great cinema, no literature, no stupid things to challenge life... He also stores huge crazy amount of food in his room. I believe this kind of lifestyle is a thing in western/nordic Europe right? He is a great guy tho! And I'm just pathetic piece of shit talking trash, I might have cool hobbies and experiences but I'm done. I ate his pistachios tonight while playing Kingdom Come (great game btw).
Have some discipline.
Foreigner who grew up in the Netherlands here.
I used to live with a Dutch roommate. He was also boring with his schedule of bland sandwhich breakfasts, faggy Edward Sharpe lovey dovey indie music while showering, lunch and diner always around 12.00 and 18.00 respectively, mainstream tv shows etc.
Not everyone is like that but the people that are grate my nerves.
>no important hobbies
Hes stuck in lockdown so he cant play any sports he might