Is your country a Chad spreader or a virgin crosslegger with gay socks?

Is your country a Chad spreader or a virgin crosslegger with gay socks?

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Trudeau>Trump unironically

the brown shoes (and that shade in particular) are a greater embarrassment

canada deserves better

Both of these are cringe. Normal people don't sit like either of them. They're a practical spectrum of gender, with Trump's hands extended out along his crotch line, imitating a large chode dangling between his legs, while Trudeau is clearly larping as a upper middle class white woman (one of his many disguises). It's pathetic. Normal men just slouch and look like stupid fucks.

Trudeau is based

Trudeau is brown?

Americans obsess with everything.
Imagine being that insecure

I can't get over how trump looks like a frog.
The loose skin over his neck just makes me loose it

Trudeau isn't even a good boxer and would still punch Trump's face off.

Everyone sits like Trudeau
That's not a big deal

I doubt Trump has the flexibility to sit like Trudeau.

why do they stand like that

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yeah man, he'd fit right in in brazil

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Good god, what a ugly family

The guy on the left looks like the bad guy from Harry Potter.

Trudeau would beat your dad in a fight

Klinefelter syndrome

It makes you look better when taken from the right angle


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Jesus christ is this shooped?
What the fuck is wrong with their hips?

a unholy mix of anglo, bavarian and jewish blood

poor fitting skinsuit

then you have a belly that big, you can't sit down with your legs together and lean forward, it's extremely uncomfortable.

>not the socks

>that thicc
>barely got any of the black vote

speaking from experience bud?

Growing up my dad told me crossing your legs like Trudeau is for women and faggots.

Why would your father say such a thing?

yeah dude since quarantine i've put on a like 2kg and its fucking rough, it feels like something is pushing up against my chest from my belly whenever i lean forward. i can't imagine how it feels for land whales. it's awkward af.

your dad is a woman and a faggot

I've gained almost 10kgs. I'm eating like a pig

damn man i've actually lost weight cause i'm not eating out anymore. you stress eating or something?

i'm drinking a lot to pass the time kek. fucking beer and carbs.

gotcha lol, stay safe buddy

post Family

Trudeau still hasn't released any coronavirus projections yet. Canada's hyper fucked.

Each province has their own projections.

When is Trudeau getting a pair of programming socks?

can i get a link to the bc projections?

That's exactly the problem. There should be a single reference point that provinces should be basing their coronavirus strategies off of rather than wasting time on their own research that may or may not be representative of the situation within Canada.

trade secret. shhhh

i think bc is legit the only province that doesn't offer projections

I'm guessing you didn't care for Reagan too much then.

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shall i post the canadian faggot hugging ukrainian creator of two neonazi parties? or will you manage to use google ?

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me too, I used to get on the piss every Friday and Saturday, then have greasy takeout in the morning after. I haven't had a drink in 3 weeks and I've lost 2 kilos as well.

A degenerate abomination of a family

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You're proving his point

Imagine being so weak lol

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Is that Sergey Shrunov?

Trump just sits like a fat guy.

>Chad but dumb or gay but smart

Hard question

Can someone explain why Trump always wear clothes 2-3 sizes too big? Like he's rich and is POTUS. Couldn't he get better fitting clothes? It's like he's wearing trashbags most of the time.

>doesn't mention his faggot socks

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Why doesn't he gets surgery for his neck? He obviously cares about his image. He had his scalp skin pulled close together to avoid baldness.

this, trump is a cuck and a faggot

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The Chad glued hand

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Nothing wrong with the shoes. She should have shined and polished them though.

Orange frog

At least Trudeau's suit fits him.

Is it any wonder Idris Elba fucked his wife?

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