/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico

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The way the game was meant to be played.

Attached: 2020.04.04-22.42.png (1920x1080, 3.39M)


Covid Bryant

Browsers are so advanced these days

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what is this?

RE2 remake I think

RE2make. Tweaking my settings and seeing if there are any good costume mods before I do my 2nd runs.

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ate 20 chicken nuggets bros

Going to order a pizza anyone want any?

I'll have a pepperoni

>yes, one pie of bacon chicken ranch please

Attached: giggs.jpg (750x1024, 79.68K)

Get me a ham and corn pizza, with mayonnaise

I have a couple doritos left, but I will go to the kitchen and see what other snacks I can put together as well.

Didn't even know people did that. Wonder if it's any good

Mexican pizza

Little gem from a French learning server I'm in

Attached: frenchmen are oppressed.png (780x466, 56.79K)

it's really good, how have you never had that?

one DEEP dish please

its very good


thread theme

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Just ordered the Han and pepperoni pizza

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fuck the french

It bothers me so much there's like 5 different versions of the song, and that my favorite one got forced into obscurity when they private'd the video for a couple of months.

i freaking love this song

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shut the fuck up urkel

Might not be a bad idea


/my guy/

Attached: 78.jpg (356x399, 50.61K)

ist pretty good

>ordering pizza at 11pm at night

Nothing wrong with ham and pepperoni pizza


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wait i'm retarded i read that as "pineapple"

sorry it's a habit

go post on /can/ :)

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It's 8pm on the white side of the country

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can more like stan


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It is actually 9-11PM in the white parts of the country.

you got a beef with the leaf niggy?

got my finger on the trigger

Attached: original.jpg (640x498, 148.12K)

what so advance that i am looking at

Listening to some based korn tonight

i like to play with my penis

>white side
you mean the only place where whites are majority minority, ok

I'll get a pizza but on Monday. The place I like nearby has a good special.

same been very horny all day

If your local pizza place is
>a chain
>not staffed by all teenage white girls
then it is garbage.

What kind of pizza you getting?

After the virus kills 90% of the population and civilization collapses, this guy will act like Mad Max but be the absolute nicest you could possibly be about it.

can i play with it too

>>a chain
>>not staffed by all teenage white girls

why don't white nationalist just start their ethnostate movement in Liechtenstein or Palau


troit za

Attached: detroit11281.jpg (1500x1125, 400.88K)

do you have a sexual preference for east asian girls that look like this?

Attached: 1586056844635.jpg (746x1345, 529.99K)

cause Cascadia would be better.


You can click that icon at the top of video players and it pops out like this

Attached: Untitled.png (823x900, 777.56K)

I find them mildly repulsive.

If your local pizza place is staffed by more than one teenage girl then it's actual trash

Wish I had a desk chair that could transform into a bed.

only is she has something tucked down there

but i live there and has over 1 million non whites
Liechtenstein and Palau has less than 30k non whites

I have cheese, ham, pepperoni, pickles, mustard

make 2 sandwiches with these ingredients

once we cleanse cascadia of the undesirables and build a wall to keep the californians out it will be paradise.

teenagers are mean and do terrible job
fast food places should only have ppl who are 35+