
Another shitty yank edition

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we are ALL american people


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we're all living in amerika

it really dooby like that

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mein land

im not american because im white

Sister is ghosting me for some reason

I will never understand why the british mock americans so much, america it is their creation, everything they do is the same the british do.
It is like boomers mocking millenials, altought they raised them


Get in here, everybody except the Great Shitstain!



>51. Mississippi - 0.867
>United Kingdom 0.863

>UK HDI: .863
>Mississippi HDI: .867

>UK GDP per Capita: $35,494
>Mississippi GDP per Capita: $36,967

>UK Unemployment: 7.8%
>Mississippi Unemployment: 7.4%

>UK Muslims: 5,000,000+ (uh oh!)
>Mississippi Muslims: 5,000

stop hitting on her

this but unironically
fuck wh*Te people


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can't believe pepé (raymond the bastard's girlfriend) is in that advert off of the telly.

Baby Boomer memes and Foreigner memes both fall into that weird spectrum of internet humour where the images are very low quality, shittily made, the images, humour or references seen to be outdated by at least 5 years, you can't really understand it, but it's still charmingly absurd and funny for that reason

yes, that's my working hypothesis

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i agree with the latter statement but with britain and america its different
france and germany raised america

oh no no no no no

seethe on wogboi lmao

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america is about as relevant to britain and british people as china is, completely different race of people that live very far away its only americans that think we are the same, a mere brainless delusional cope

What the fuck is happening edish

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even rednecks are similar to chavs

lurk more

This is delusional

Love qt southern English gentlemen, norf fc's are gross and not qt

redpill me on the gargantuan mississippian economy

you are delusional

>lurk more

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Fuck Drumpf

nah hes right
china has more cultural power now

off your chops mate, you went too far and now the post is a farce

britain and america have got nothing in common other than they use the english language, if we went back to the 1700's yeah then maybe but now not even close we are completely different peoples

she wants a man from brisbane

the coke must flow

America has a british german president, and not smelly irish retards


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dude youre coping. my dick was already in your mom and grandma

we were enemies until WW1


USA is a cultural powerhouse. no point denying it. you all eat mcdonalds, listen to american music, use american technology. just accept it

even australians arent the same as us anymore completely different people that live far away, not relevant to britain or british people

and the semi arrogant attitude, the same expansionist policies, and the autistic small government bullshit

you can say that once the British youth stop watching American movies, TV, news, listening to their music, paying attention to their politics, and instead start paying attention to Chinese movies, TV, news, Chinese music, Chinese politics

This image always pisses me off. For one, no one that good looking works for Australia Post, at least not down among the brain dead mail sorters and posties. Secondly, if by some miracle she did, men would be going out of their way to be nice to her. She looks like an erotic dream.

end of the day i'd rather side with the americans over the chinks.

you live far away and you arent the same people as us, not relevant to british people at all, you are foreigners

you arrive in wollongong, 2032

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got no friends besides you lads

yellow fever nonce
never reply to me again

you arrive in milton keynes

There could be an extended recovery period over this...

why not lad. this might be a temporary salve but its not long term happiness. you need to change things

kiwis - foreigners
americans - foreigners
australians - foreigners
canadians - good lads very relevant to britain and british culture

she wants a man from warrnambool

im not your friend
try again retard

>met a nice canadian one time
fuck off sheltered freak

Wish i had some coke right now, would even settle for more drink and a fag or 2

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>autistic small government bullshit
First of all, that's not autistic.
More importantly, you must be posting from 1700 if you think Britain has any relationship to small government.

Karen looks so attractive while holding that pistol

Fucking yellow fever nothing cunt. She's a good sort.

>other than they use the english language,
language is far more important than you're giving credit to it lmao. The language you use is basically how you're able to think, vocabulary is your mental furniture, it genuinely can affect a culture's general psyche and personality

We are closer to aus and usa than we are to France or Germany. No point trying to deny it

wish I could beam you a few smokes and some drink
no coke though sorry

is there not a 24 hour corner shop near you

Why did the “gas chamber” doors open inwards though? just doesn’t make much sense to me. Assuming you’d have to haul the bodies from the execution chamber to the crematorium, it seems counter productive to open the door “inward” into a room strewn with bodies. Wouldn’t it get jammed constantly?

>She's a good sort.
got that fucking pancake face lmao

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i am amercan, i have nothing to do with your memes, youre all in a state of cope. suck my giant american cock. sucks my huge wage, suck my guns, and suck my goddanM soul because that's all you euros seem to fucking do. suck my cock. britain SUCK MY FUCKiNG COCK. your food is unhealthy too, ours tastes better. cunt

been on gear most days since this lockdown. really need to stop. think my heart is gonna do me in if i dont

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haha epic

kek this is me

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the only real difference between the UK and the US is the way they say vagina

all my friends always forget about me

canadians are the most relevant to british people and british culture, australians are diet yanks and wannabe wogs kiwis are who cares and americans conquered by spanish and that speaks for itself


i would ngl

you're not gunna find a home here mexican man
you'll never live up to beto

A guy in Christchurch got arrested for fake coughing and sneezing on people at the supermarket

some guy 12 months in jail for doing it here

The promised land

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but they are still all foreigners, not even close to british people at all not relevant to us


mmm bovril

Authentic Canadians are an endangered species.

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>wanktoil looms

karl pilkington told a story about visiting here with his parents on xfm. the monkey world only has woolly monkeys

if he's not beto then he's the best beto impersonator ever, he hasn't gotten a single character detail wrong. so even if he isn't him he's the next best thing

Maybe they were worried about people forcing the door open from the inside.
You've got no taste, peasant

lil monkey fella

USA or china

pick your side and pick wisely


what if the monkeys broke out and stole a tank

I choose.....Chimerica

id rather walk

business idea is currently being made

had some whiskey earlier

don't reckon I'll have anymore tonight

Fucking HATE Canadians and everything about them, but if they were subject to foreign invasion, I wouldn't think twice about giga-nukeing their aggressor

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any giga nigga man in

>I wouldn't think twice about
ill stop you there, you dont have the power do anything

only quads can stop me

Bovington is shite, was down there for a 3 week course recently. Was absolutly shite.

This except about Kiribati

I see this around. What does it mean?


>and suck my goddanM soul because that's all you euros seem to fucking do. suck my cock. britain SUCK MY FUCKiNG COCK. your food is unhealthy too, ours tastes better. cunt
Literally cant stop laughing. Euros fucking suck and have bad taste.

anime nonce

my chest and arms are fucking blitzed

dont know


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twitch emote
brit bloke who died of bum cancer

you arent a country

this isn't twitch, why are people using emotes that clearly dont work here?

Which one of those meme squares are you from

oh thats TotalBiscuit, was ti added before he died or after?

wow that small island really conquered the rest of the world?
thats impressive

ask him not me

we're the 51st state

Did you drop into the Tank museum or Monkey world?
Suck a dick nigger, I don't even watch anime or like asian women in particular, but I'm not blind. I know good looks when I see it.

Most of those big states are complete empty with just endless megafarm crops as far as the eye can see

No state has as much stuff in it as Britain

You're both defending some yank who posts twitch emotes on here?

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who is this

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>the colony ends colonizing you
how humiliating

no, genuinely had no idea. dont use twitch, watching people play games seems fucking weird

>half the size of texas
>only 7 and a half less times the GDP

>the Useless Sqaures of America

I would defend any yank post about anything ever

The Jews have invented these mythic holocaust characters, like the evil Ukrainian guards and dr mengele doing heinous Frankenstein shit.

Eh. Happened to Ancient Greece.


they did the same to you though. yanks are alright, rather them than the chinks

We are stuck with Canadians at this point, can't stand them but don't want them to suffer, like some special ed kid

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*limitations may apply

The British empire is the natural successor state to Rome

you responded in like a minute fren