Everyone who posts in this thread loves Donald Trump edition
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yeah im still about
lil donnie
fuck anglos
how are we already on a new thread
This is insane
unprecedented times
almost 3am on a sunday morning.
Why is Russia painted as the main bad guy in the Media when it is obviously China?
we are protecting the nhs by staying home
Checking in.
Four naan, Jeremy? Four?
too soon
/brit/ are the only friends I have
that's not funny fuck sake
we're all brothers and sisters in neethood now, user
hated him as clay hate him more as himself but quite like him as a cat
>Kill The Poor
No idea who will build and maintain the roads. Would it matter though.
Ah yes all those Chinese agents trying to kill our people
hows it going
how do you get your tex rebate
I was literally just thinking about this
That's insane
How could Russia be China? China is China.
pikey lads could tarmac the roads for local commnunites
we were hunter-gatherers for 99% of our history. civilisation has always been lop-sided with the many serving the few. the problem we have at this point we're populated every corner of the earth, created boundaries and formed countries. we cant go back to that. i dont know where we go from here
Yas Forums jeremy?
That's insane
It doesn't matter where you go or what you do
I want to spend each moment of the day with you
Look what has happened with just one kiss
I never knew that I could be in love like this
It's crazy but it's true, I only want to be with you
>gyppos doing any act of charity
fucking state of this post. sorry, i'm on the bevvies
How does this play out?
ahh yes mikey's proposing a pikeyocracy deeply entrenched in nomadic hunter-gatherer ideology
might go for a night walk
might not
deciding right here right now (to the tune of fatboy slim - right here right now)
very funny my melanated friend.
I'm racist to GAMERS
can't believe someone actually was retarded enough to make this image
they would be compensated with berries and twigs
As an amateur tiger king wannabe in the UK, what do i need to do to become the official uk tiger king?
Pub goers need to be shot. Fucking hate pub people. They always swear that their pub is their best. TAB, pool table, pokies, generic mass produced beer, like it's not the exact same fucking thing as every other pub in the country. And don't even try to tell me that they've got "the world's best schnitties!" it's fucking crumbed and fried meat, any cunt could cook that. Next they'll probably try to tell you that the social atmosphere is great; fucking simpletons are always so pissed they would be best friends with a Labrador.
after a gruelling match britain triumphs 5-3 over the us and gets to go on to play the reigning champions
pic related
Hunter Schafer the hottest girl in Hollywood
Name one thing that's wrong with it
It’s the end of the line after this you know.
shes a 5 at best and im not even 190
allo CEO of Road Inc. ere
just a cheers for using our service and if ya don't like you can always use a competing provider heheh
The new building looks better than the twin towers anyway desu
Love the pub simple as fuck you
oh yeah she was great in Euphoria
You are obviously a woman
so its basically confirmed he'll lose the election at this stage?
combustion engines being the most complex machine in human history for one
probably is you know. feels like we've plataeu'd and are in a slow decline
its a tranner
No, there is something supernatural at play here, I'm certain of it
Lets see you design one then
>*teleports back to 2011*
>*tampers with the time lines*
yes... yes.......
oh yeah i can see that
looks like that cunt at school who would always tell lies
lose to who?
top kek
ngl i prefer this timeline
Ok night night
nobody is claiming the complexity of making a road is the limiting factor in paving one in a governmentless society
Aye, it is. Will probably still make certain advancements but the planets fucked at this point. Too many people, environment is starting to get fucked. Everything is too globalised
I'll ride witchoo
those people always turn out to be lgbt
his approval ratings are up since corona lol
foreigners who dont understand america and get all their opinions from their respective heavily biased newspapers are funny
I suppose, how can our diplomats compete against British or Irish rugby players.....
from human history to just little old me is quite a titanic and transparent shift in goalposts
did you honestly think I wouldn't notice
for the 154855252th time, it's over
being a tranny is the natural endgame for a deranged narcissist in this day and age
Ah its Dr who's fault
Trump will turn cali red again
If its under 3 miles and you take a car you are weak
What’s the problem
this but china instead of trump