why is the european death rate so fucking high???
Why is the european death rate so fucking high???
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not to be edgy, but I don't mind the boomers dying, many of them are far right and racist.
1/3 of that useless fuckers are over 65 years old
literal exact opposite in sweden, honestly
far left, maybe a bit unfamiliar to immigrants but not racist at all. Maybe it's different in big cities like Gothenburg or Stockholm though i doubt it
we aren't called yuropoors for no reason
Socialized medicine
you sure?
Even Italian authorities have admitted that BOTH the death count and the infections count are underestimated.
Death count seems to be underestimated as high as 3x in some areas around Bergamo
Multigenerational households are usually the reason why it's so high.
>imagine thinking that being racist is wrong
>oo wait it’s wrong only if you are white
Yeah, SD is growing among all age groups, mostly in the 18-35 bracket, and old people are always like 'i voted socialists my whole life and they did me good, so im going to continue voting the same'
V is tricky (""communists"")
FI (feminists) is obviously young because anybody grown up votes on a real party
MP (green party) is young because nature memes and old people dont care about that
KD (christdemocrats) is fading away because it's associated with christianity
M (moderates(bourgeoisie) is rich people and wannabe rich people, age is whatever
C And FP (who votes for these lol) are gay
So really, in the end it'll be SD growing, M sitting comfortably next to them, VS S growing because of poverty increasing and every immigrant wanting gibs, with MP next to them
This but unironically
Go check afd, casapound, lePen, vox ecc.
They often have higher support among young people.
we have had 200 sufferers now. And 0 deaths.
should be around 2-20 with the 1%-10% death rates media spews.
or maybe we are just superior people.... who knows
LoL young people are voting right
Because they are the one that will pay the price of immigration
Swedish boy drinking Muslim piss in the pic
Not only boomers die of corona-chan, fatty
>kid with autism gets bullied by sandniggers
Extreme happenings like this just promotes the right in all honesty :^)
>Rightoids are just autistic kids who literally got pissed on
kek, you deserved it
>Left wing government help Muslim piss on kids instead lol
>future engineers raping underage girls
>But hey don’t be racist that’s bad.
>Remember that pattern recognition is racism.
People are slowly waking up in the whole Europe
most of the Muslim bulling European videos are from Germany
it’s full of them, you are all pathetic feminist that can’t even defend themselves lol
This is the true face of the far left: agree with us or die.
>coming from the people of RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS
why do rightoids always project and never accept personal responsibility?
What the fuck are you on about? Criticizing the far left isn't an activity exclusive to member of the far right.
Same here as well, most boomers are socialist while zoomers are much more divided
>i'm an enlightened centrist
you're the same shit
>No Spain on the list
did... did we just ascend to another plane or what?
Someone isn't necessarily a centrist just because they're neither far left nor far right.
then why are you complaining about violence from the left but never from the right?
>but never from the right
You've known me for two posts, how could you possibly know I don't?
Lots of boomers + Intergenerational households + Lack of respect for respiratory infections = Your picture
lol -_- ok
Allah is punishing the yuros for being so smug about their free healthcare
Because they're in middle of peaking, where as America and Canada will be peaking in a month.
Our death rate is gonna skyrocket in May
Because the killing wave has yet to reach the US
Ah yes, iran my favorite eurobean country
This really shows quality of society, or lack of it.
here's some crazy shit: no one else should be racist either :O
Centuries of liberalism has impaired western state capacity.
Indo european brothas
China lied
China lied.
Eurofarts are transparent about death count.
Some other factors that are way beyond our knowledge and shit that's not black or white
Yes, but that doesn't explain why South Korea and Japan have been good at containing Corona.
they were dealing with h1n1 and sars before that many years ago, they have that culture to wear masks on daily basis, they were more worried and took measures, the usa will get the most deaths since how badly the crisis was dealt and minimized there.
So you're saying that western governments have grown complacent and hollow.
that one started in Mexico and the USA
>free healthcare
>"You get what you pay for"
And ofc
>aging population
>The present report describes characteristics of 12,250 COVID-19 patients dying in Italy.* Geographic distribution across the 19 regions and 2 autonomous provinces of Trento and Bozen is presented in the table below. Data are update to April 2nd, 2020
>As of April 2nd, 145 out of the 12,250 (1.2%) positive COVID-19 patients under the age of 50 died. In particular, 35 of these were less than 40 years, 26 men and 9 women (age range between 24 and 39years). For 14 patients under the age of 40 years no clinical information is available; the remaining 18 had serious pre-existing pathologies (cardiovascular, renal, psychiatric pathologies, diabetes, obesity) and 3 had no major pathologies
I remember everyone laughing at Iran for being so fucked but it seems for whatever reason everyone else became just as bad or worse
but yeah, there was a great transformation on some norms in in Asia after SARS in 2002 or so, can't say the same for North-America after H1N1 or West and Central Africa after Ebola, or even Brazil after Zika
so if both are underestimates, death rates might even be lower
>USA lied
>"nothing to see here!"
>China being incompetent
>"China lied, China lied, China lied!"
They're not actually that high, just wait for next week in the US
Also China is not a very reliable benchmark. We will only know in a few months what a low and high mortality rate are for Corona
even funnier/weirdier is that almost everybody thought that Wuhan represented the worst ever case scenario and nobody would ever be as bad as them or even Hubei
i don't understand what you mean but yes western governments dealt the crisis way worse than the asians, and it's even worse in america, but you will surely manage to get through this as always since how many more cash and ressources you have in reserve, italy spain and france will have a hard time to get back, i'm also concerned about england and nord countries strategy that thought it was just a lil flu and advised their entire population de get the virus for future immunity...
t. about to break the record in deaths
The US isn't a one party state like China, half of us actually saw the virus as a real threat while the other half thinks it's a hoax created by bill gates.
They're not as vulnerable to disinfo. They have their own, niche language and websites. Which make social media bombing harder.
Democratic states tend to be more transparent with the actual numbers
>1 guy of the republican party doesn't pay taxes
>"nothing to see here!"
>1 guy of the ccparty doesn't pay taxes
>"China lied, China lied, China lied"