varg should have transitioned edition
The crisis of the modern world edition
they call me the tom platz of abs
pay nurses the same as everyone else in a fair communist system
could watch this for days
oh no no no no no
It's 601
imagine raising a handsome successful son only for this to happen
what causes this?
plastic surgery
you know what lads, sometimes i think my muscles is too strong
come on now
Rule 3
the only thing mtf's are good for is being human flesh lights.
Remember the way she used to whisper 'I love you' into your ear as you came inside her?
Looks like jeff the killer LMFAOOO
she cute though
Humanity is a species that no longer evolves... If we wish to evolve, we must use technology to enhance ourselves.
anal sex is for benders
a great mystery lies ahead of you
but only you can be the one who-
man i want to kiss andy samberg so much
like if i ever met him i was gonna ask him for a cheek kiss or something
your Greek friend here
I just want to say how grateful I am for being in this amazing country. You guys bashing the UK have no idea how amazing everything here is. I can't wait to officially start working on Monday. I will be very happy to pay my taxes because I know that they will be invested in making this great country even greater.
Long live the Queen!
>looks like a woman
that's pretty much all they want too
win win
singularity WHEN
the very visage that gave me nightmares as a mere youth
not bad as a woman tbf
starting work? in this economy?
need cheering up lads x
might go go-karting by myself
Watching a video about Blink182 in the early days. So jealous man.
They grow up in these lovely American dream type California middle class suburbs with huge houses, just dicking around being idiots yet they end up in one of the biggest bands in the world and their mums are so adorable, completely understanding their son's cheeky humour and everything is just so carefree for them.
Very cool
Would you take this girl home to your mother?
evolution is adapting to the environment
we control our environment, so we don't evolve
cheers mate. stay safe in these trying times brother
did you get the flat?
probably felt like he completed masculinity and needed a new challenge and he's winning at that as well. mogging us all
yes, I am a software engineer at Amazon, everything is fine in tech companies.
*gets corona*
the greek meow because he know in my country the opportunity
someone help these people ffs why are they allowed to humiliate themselves with hormones and surgery
made a traffic light with a red, green, and yellow midget gem
poomanity is finished lads. life wants us off this planet and it'll accomplish it sooner or later.
just had a huuuge wank to an australian slag I know is interested in me
Vancouver BC has the prettiest women in the world
Just simple facks
just found some old holographic pokemon cards. wonder if neckbeards on ebay would still buy them
*does a dance for you and purposefully smacks my head against the wall*
*pretends to get up and then purposefully slips, severing my spinal chord*
AHHHHHH!!! a-are you happy yet?
*grimaces in pain*
Personally i find Scarface pretty boring. Not as boring as the Godfather though. what a shite film that is
yes, I am staying at a flat for 1 month, and then moving to my permanent flat later. When I heard of the lock down, I knew that I had to get out of my airbnb. I was lucky I found a guy willing to give his flat for only one month via a license agreement.
>boyfriend doesn't do something you ask of him for one (1) week
>in response, go over to your exes house without telling him
>bf gets angry
>get reddit to convince you that you did nothing wrong and he's an cunt for getting mad
Ted K was right about a lot t b h. The internet was a mistake
stupid people have more children than smart people so we are actually evolving to be more stupid
el ogro...
off to rhyl any1 want owt?
What phenotype is this?
stop using it then
he didn't have to kill ppl though
honestly cant believe hot and perfect brendan fraiser was in geroge of the jungle. how is that that possible o be that perfect
I don’t get reddit
it just fucking escapes me I don’t understand the appeal
still not even nearly as bad as spanish flu
Literal dream girl, cute pseudogoth asian girls
*beams and claps*
again! again!
sometimes when i sniff coke, i do 2 lines and turn into an anxious paranoid mess. sometimes i can sniff fat slugs all night and be fine. not sure if its me or some cut in the gear
one of the few unjaded and wholesome lads to grace /brit/. all the best in the future greeklad.
dislike of yanks rising
You know what's some weird shit?
The earth's fundemental magnetic resonance frequency, is the same as the resonance frequency of the human brain 7.83 hertz.
We literally vibrate at the same frequency as the planet itself. Something no other species does.
Experiments in the 1950s and 60s showed that if you throw the frequencies out of balance so that they no longer resonate, it can induce depression and mental illness in people.
Although also oddly, no publicly available information of research into this phenomenon or why it happened has been produced since...
la abominación de américa
imagine thinking you're a wee gangster cuz you cut dogs and sell pills and then you come across some fucking lunatic who cuts you into six pieces for slapping him upside the head one time and then imagine being a fucking lunatic who cut someone up into six pieces for slapping you upside the head one time and walking into one of the worst hit areas of the troubles that's filled to the brim with actual soldiers who actually participated in guerilla warfare and have the brass bollocks to put their money with their mouth is and realising that being mental can only get you so far compared to being trained and then you're dead
wild ride lads. wild ride.
you wouldn't even know who he was if he hadn't done that
what a cute girl
cannot for the life of me get Fallout 3 to work on PC
might just end it all lads, first corona now this, sick to bastard death of this grim dance we call life
based. Godfather is dogshit
whats the issue
canadians are mutts too bud
my brothers having to stay at my uncles gaff cos some paki lads from newham are after him, actually mad
it is baffling how they all go for the same look. women now get cosmetic surgery more than ever before and no tranny would ever look like a natural women after hormones other than the odd freaks of nature, but they can look like women after cosmetic surgery because they can do the same surgery to men to achieve that bimbo surgery'd look
Why isn’t it already maxed out freak
did you pirate it
thanks mate, I am very excited to be here.
why are people taking so long to recover? charles did it in about 3 days . arteta too. so did matt hancock. clearly a lot more recovered than is being recorded because the only cases recorded are the serious ones
same but i don't care about corona and I'm not a gamer
cope harder porch monkey
me and the gf
why are they after him?
you probably just dont like gangster movies then
No need to post it twice
not necessarily true he was a smart guy and well known for his academic prowess. he could have used that platform to get his message across
you need to be a yank to understand it. or sufficiently yankified that you would worship the ground any woman or leftist politician walks on.
we're all victims of a sick society. stop judging your fellow victims and turn your eyes to the perpetrators. they want us divided
can't in 2020 unless everyone else did
just load it up, black screen then crashes instantly
no, steam
don't understand it either
70k of those are fake china recoveries as well
normal people cant access adrenochrome
where are you finding these ogres, where can I find your beastiary of transgenderism
no one likes an arse licker
Is it gayer to put your dick in a man or to have a man's dick in your arse?
I’ve been thinking that any flu should take a week max once the symptoms show up
some long dispute that unironically started over a slapper 2 years ago n just progressively got deeper since
got my head up my arse
probably because not all that test positive need to be hospitalized
Yeah I'm sure that's worth killing yourself over
only posted it the once, i think you'll find. you may be confusing it with the post that inspired the thought, that was posted in the last thread.
feeling pedophilic tonight clogwog?
Read the pasta the other day
Utter shite
dont have a clue what this is from but its absolute nonce fantasy whether its explicilty feature in the programme or not
I do like gangster and crime movies though. Scarface and Godfather are just slow and dull. Thing is i don't mind a slow movie either. Chinatown is my favourite movie ever. They're just shit movies
bit antisemitic
thoughts on goodfellas
got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus
a classic slag post
look at those legs
SECONDS away from heeming this bint through the internet
phwoar would cut a lad up into 6 pieces and scatter him around dublin for 'er
banable post
Wrestlemania so far feels like a TV show at best
Emailed HR about my manager so the die is cast
whatever happened with this bloke?
was he a scam or not?
grim. your brother got anyone to back him up?
what happened to this lil nigga
Posting from bed lads
Hello all
what if poor people have basically been domesticated by the elite? isn't that possible since you can probably look at genetics to see if you are probably poor or not
i feel bad for looking at these MTFs, its tragic
please send your women to the island of great britain IMMEDIATELY
this is not a request, it is an INSTRUCTION
transgender "people" truly are odd
apparently a well known movie but I have no idea
it's a joke you seething projecting nonce
I’d rather a girl was into her ancestry and roots (even if it’s LARPY as fuck) than being your typical nigger idolising femoid who exclusively consumes American ZOG cosmopolitan media.
how do they even record covid stats there a person in every hospital in the world doing the daily count and sending the numbers by email just to whoever their boss until somehow it ends up being the final result ? seems like it would easy to make a mistake
ah another /brit/ where we just post stuff from our favourite subreddits grow up please
most recent vid of him
>saying that the earth and the brain have set frequencies
>sort by: controversial
ohhhh dear oh dear, ohhh crikey moley
You realise Big Ian called himself an Irishman?
>the troubles
>total casualties: 3500
some “conflict” you have there lol
>ywn fight with Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap
>it's a joke you seething projecting nonce
whatever helps you sleep, nonce. enjoy explaining that to the authorities.
always a bigger fish
Should've known better than to attempt to post anything other than slags, normie deano shit or anything that requires any level of conscious thought from you literal children and retards.
that’s fair
Is this that little turd that was getting bullied?
Why is he dressing up like some rap gangsta FFS
if i've said it once i've said it a thousand times:
yeah don't mind it and I like Casino too. Thought the Irishman was even worse than Scarface and Godfather though. Now that film is bollocks beyond measure. THREE AND A HALF HOURS of people trying to tell Jimmy Hoffa to cool it and him saying no. The film Hoffa is miles better
>this is not a request, it is an INSTRUCTION
I think she looks fine desu, looks like an older woman
Anime and video games have warped your image of the female gender
You realise I was SECONDS away from heeming Big Ian outside City Hall on many an occassion for the same crime?
built for bbc
I spent 10 days in January in London and Cambridge while interviewing for several companies. I lived here before the COVID crisis, and I have to say, I had the best time of my life.
I know that things are hard now, but they need to be to protect everyone from the virus.
I was here in January and had a BLAST for 10 days. A freaking blast, which is why I aced all my interviews. The best time of my life.
And now I am living the dream my man. Living the dream......I can't believe I am here in the UK. I go out to the supermarkets and still can't believe I am hearing all these regular people speaking in the English accents. Such a nice feeling to be honest.
the whole foundation of civilisation is a impoverished majority propping up a small elite. make of that what you will
lol love this
Good morning lads.
last one
>fake moni is here
we can’t even if we wanted to mate borders are closed
which OS?
people say there’s no work out there yet amer consistently finds work despite being an unemployable peado who consistently pushes his luck with his employers
they aren't accurate
there is no universal standard for data recording
you're best off just searching for your own country's stats
Redpill me on globalism
*punches you back into a deep sleep*
stop posting this. he looks ugly and smelly and i dont know or care what it is.
>n-n-no...please officer!! i only ironically posted my folder full of little girls on the internet!! owowww stop hurting my wrists these cuffs hurtt oooowww!!!!
Hi Lachie I just got here too
How are things
swear i've seen that bus driver in another webm
he's a chauffeur/minder and some negress whispers in his ear and twerks on his crotch
let's get out there and be our best today
>yeah get a pic of me beside the shitter
Dave is here
Hello Australia
weren’t you going to kill yourself?
I wonder who want to change that, and why?
yeah but he's always working in the absolute bottom of the barrel call centres which is just not a job that anyone really wants to do apart from the very desperate
I'd rather do something actually meaningful with my time
what is the purpose of this tube
Cope. Anal feels way better than vaginal from a physical and mental standpoint
unironically for the best covid19 has been a minor hiccup
film anyone shiting today?
so every news outlet is merely fear mongering by so much as reporting these stats
>says the actual nonce who has confirmed daughter rape fantasies
he found the one job, and he’s completely sabotaged it and it’s all falling apart
Globalism creates the potential for a truly global power system and with that heralds the death of human freedom. Simple as
>A freaking blast
Lads, its time.
peng scran
depressing. why did it get like this
jarring comparison
hello virgin
10/10 post
em still living rent free in your head? i bet you even dream about him, you faggot nonce.
white people because they're racist and see other races as potential sexual conquests
oh lord. found a pic of me and the gf on her 17th birthday. she is blowing out the candles. i am on the couch behind her smiling. i was 19. im 30 and she still puttnig up with my shit. feel bad for her
haven't had sex in a week
french revolution
not my shroomerino
>a freaking blast
>mental standpoint
*I'm plowing into shit*
ah yes, good mental standpoint
>his last resort cope is pretending he's not himself
it becomes the penis
they let the skin regrow around the tube and then they snip it off and there you go you’ve got 14 inch hollow skin sausage horsecock
Ari lads. I have this beautiful neighbour. She actually talks to me and takes an interest where nobody else does. I feel good around her. She’s really kind. She has a little baby and a bf. I hear them arguing and she’s always bruised. She says she fell over or walked into a door but I can tell he beats her. I want to help her but I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if she’d appreciate me calling the police.
Peru much
why are there so few australian pornstars
anonymous tip my man
larp on
All the paid crisis actors get the rope
thread is pretty fast for 1am
clog desperately hoping emmett is lurking and is trying to puff out his chest to impress him. such a homo.
cry everytime i see this
then they cut skin out of the mouth to make a urethra
No one is sleeping. Nothing to do tomorrow
enjoy doing literally anything about it and getting your head kicked in you fucking poof. probably already game over for you just by talking to her. probably beats her every time he hears about it. (not trying to be horrible just being honest x)
medicine almost certainly had a hand in making her as perfect as that 2bf
can it em
media only cares about getting eyes on their programs or clicks on their site
fear is a great sales tactic
that site now provides a few more stats for context but you'll only ever see TOTAL CASES and TOTAL DEAD, much like what you see on this site
didnt know clogwog was a nonce
No porn industry here
We’re happy to just watch the yanks and the czechs fornicate
But how is she going to raise the kid on her own?
I ask her the next day after I hear an argument if she’s OK and her eyes well up with tears as she says she’s fine.
>The white woman defeated the ethnic looking woman to retain the women's championship at Wrestlemania
Still feeling sucidal. More so that Corona virus has shut down the majority of the shops. My support worker dropped off a mini pool table yesterday so I've been having a few games of that.
welcome to 4channel
Any Rising Storm 2 man in?
Was playing as TL on Stratego yesterday and got 62 kills, I believe that’s a record as commander. Called some absolutely devastating artillery on the last cap and turned a really shitty team into a decent one with my strategic tact and genius.
can't understand a word he's saying
clogwog when he sticks his fingers up a little boys arse be like
hardcore one too. you just know he has some real filthy shit on his hard drive. must be asking to get locked up so he can be pounded in the jail shower all day.
f 2 m tranners wanting willers is extremely rare even in the tranny community
feel like the kid will be better off poor than living in a household where its dad beats its mother
Whats the end goal of globalism
cuckold fetishist too
everyone staying in on a saturday night, pathetic