Damn... She is right, you know

Damn... She is right, you know

Attached: 1586039786255.webm (640x640, 2.89M)

But they created the virus

I want this mature asian woman to sit on my face.

Yeah, she forgot to mention the 16 tons of medical supplies we sent China when they were the ones getting CORONA'D.

china lied people died
simple as

chinese here, it is quite shameful to see something like this, helping people is not a privilege

She's so fucking ugly holy shit

Why does she look so incredibly robotic?

Also why are you shamelessly posting CCP propaganda? I realize Russians love propaganda, but you should still know better.

you mean cia did

>No, coronavirus was not a Chinese bioweapon, but when China first found out about it, they leveraged this new contagion by secretly sending as many infected Chinese agents to the United States and gave them orders to visit highly populated cities. Very likely, to make sure that even those agents would be unaware of the real mission, they sent them on "reconnaissance" missions to those cities so they would get in close contact with as many Americans as possible. This is my current theory, and I believe it in my gut to be true.

Attached: gigachad ascended.png (680x760, 202.49K)

It wasn't intentional, but the help they provided to other countries was indeed real, intentional and very significant

I just help to spread the word, people should know the real heroes, it's the least i can do in this situation

cope gookoid subhuman
CIA did, retard.
It's not propaganda, it's the truth. See Italy

My own intuition.

Attached: gigachad godhood.jpg (1080x1175, 457.33K)

She's a bot.
Or a government dog is standing in front of her with a gun in his hands.

Creating a problem and then fixing it to gain favor doesn't make you good

what are you doing in brazil zhang?

Obvious propaganda. Chinese people really suck at their tactics, it sticks out like a sore thumb. I love how the cunt is so confident, gets me hard I like it.

I want to make her scream on my BWC

>See Italy
gullible retard, the amout of help Italy got from China is fucking nothing compared to what they got from the EU. The difference is that the EU is busy providing actual help and is not on a propaganda mission.

Also, rich of you to demand proofs while unironically posting "CIA did". Retard.

I condone the beating of chinese diaspora.

>Why does she look so incredibly robotic?
Heavy makeup

based if true

>Chinese virus


Are you retarded? Italy is in the EU, of course they would receive more help from their own organisation.
You're just a canadian aka a weakling enslaved by America

Pathetic, I thought all Brazilians were cool but I guess I was wrong

China died people died

I am cool, but I like truth and justice

Her facial expressions are repulsive, she looks agressive, i think she even starts shouting at some points in that video

I want a Chinese girl to peg me

>Being butthurted over movies

It's a chinkoid with a VPN. Everybody here knows they are not even human.

>truth and justice

I am not a chinese citizen

Do you also worship corporations and consider them as being altruistic entities just because they make some dumb PR campaign where they give a couple of bucks to some charity (while conveniently marketing their own product)?

And Canada is more powerful than Brazil, and more powerful than the vast majority of countries on Earth. There's no shame in being weaker than the US or China when we only have 34 million people.

Yes, in the real world it's americans that lie, cheat, torture and murder innocents
No, corporations are evil. That's why the chinese government keeps them on a tight leash.
>And Canada is more powerful than Brazil, and more powerful than the vast majority of countries on Earth. There's no shame in being weaker than the US or China when we only have 34 million people.
You're not. You still worship a dumb old german Queen and is a member of the NATO, which means that you do whatever America tells you to

Shut the fuck up Ling Ping Dong, go back to sleep. Tomorrow you gotta sell bootlegs in Praça da Sé.

How can you turn a blind eye to the blatant evil of the Chinese? They pass dead children on the street and don't even try to help. They also abuse animals and pollute. America is evil but we do some good. We donate a lot to charity

So why are you so gullible with governments if you're able to see the bullshit when corporations do the EXACT same thing?

>the west try with all their intelligence to stop chinas expansion
>error404 not working
>decide to use the last resource: "jack london's plan"
>200,000 cases in usa
>8k deaths and rising

lets laugh at the jewish anglos, humilliated (again) by the red dragon

>*selflessly eats bat shit to kill all the boomers*
wtf i love china now


This , what a repulsife bich

>warned by scientists that wild animals such as bats have diseases that could potentially infect humans in the future
>stack those wild animals in cages in enclosed rooms anyway so they could eat them
>get bat virus
thank you china


>They pass dead children on the street and don't even try to help.
> They also abuse animals and pollute.
And so do you. How do you think your burgers are made?
> America is evil but we do some good. We donate a lot to charity
You murder millions and then send medical aid to the same people you crippled.

The problem is not cooking them enough.
You know, cattle and pigs can carry diseases too


Attached: 1586035855723[1].webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Attached: 1586035924184[1].webm (640x368, 1.77M)

The problem is not keeping them in sanitary conditions. They clump them together and stack cages on top of one another where they shit and piss onto each other. Its just as likely that the disease came from people handling those animals rather than the consumption of them.

They helped 82 countries and they caused 1 million people to suffer due to the spread of their virus, thank you Xi.

Seems like they think that it loses taste when you cook it properly. Best cooked for chinks is of course alive.

China's aid = selling, not giving medical supplies to countries, that keep turning out to be fake or broken.

theres no way in hell china doesnt still have the most deaths from this, right?

at least they're not stealing from other countries
what's thehelp that yourcountry is giving to others?
your deal is with companies, not with countries
your "country" is a company and your people are merely as you guys say "consumers"

Only China get a win against virus.

>at least they're not stealing from other countries
imagine actually believing this

Only if you believe 'official' numbers.

i am just troll

>Chinks trying to spin out the story to make themselves look as the good guys when the virus erupted on THEIR soil because of THEM and their disgusting subhuman habits and their pathetic excuse of a culture, of frying dogs alive, hunting endengered species because they thin their blood will make their micropenis grow, and also eating raw mice and bat soup.

Loving every laugh.

Fuck china.

Attached: bakicoca.jpg (125x93, 2.12K)

After this, the ROC in taiwan should be recognized as the true government. Death to Xi and death to the communists.

Chinks are notoriously disgusting pretentious cheecki cunts.
Japan offers free avigan for everyone that needed for cure of covid 19 in return of feed back of procesures and results of patient to develop medicine for the world.

Is her skin about to fall off? Looks like Halloween costume

I want her to scold me like that every morning and evening

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