This is my culture.
No, I won't stop living in the mountains.
This is my culture.
No, I won't stop living in the mountains.
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This is also part of your culture.
Have you ever seen P A C A R A N A?
This is mine
Dude, I saw a Peruvian take out place the other day, never seen that
Cuzco... I miss it
no offence bro but that's a bit too much
this one is decent, almost comfy
is this capybara?
Yes, how do you know?
The north side is really nice. But the immigrants ruin the rest of the valley
do many people move from rural places to cities?
Looks like southern Algeria towns, how do people cope with wind?
That looks like absolute shit
I'm a Latin-Americaboo
damn, i didnt know bolivia was so pretty, congrats my dude
looks like my dad
It's not a strong wind like near the sea but it does cover everything in dust and dirt, poor bastards.
Sadly no, only based cuyes
What a cutie
Imagine how glorious South America would be had it been colonised by Great Britain.
imagine how great they would be if white people minded their own business
Like this
Way to many. The last government moved their voters from rural areas to my city. They come from dryer climates so they don't like the vegetation and kill the trees
Cochabamba was so nice that Europeans used to move here to retire. Now is looking more and more like any other bolivian city due to migration
show us more
>They come from dryer climates so they don't like the vegetation and kill the trees
Kek based
I always say that. The problem is that the mines in South America are too high up, Spaniards tried to bring blacks to mine them but they died due to altitude sickness. The only solution was keeping the natives around to work. Fast forward 300 years and the Europeans living in Bolivia are being out numbered by natives ruining the country
As if Brazilian favelas look any better.
Our favelas are made on MOUNTAINS, not flattrash
Joking aside, I wonder how it would turned out, probably Australia 2.0, no green and yellow...
From a website
You wish you had blacks instead of Indios? are you fucking retarded or what
This is mine...
Are you talking about inmigrant? Fuck you
Aymaras are worst than blacks. More violent, lower iq, dirty and impossible to educate. Blacks make good music and sometimes integrate into modern society
>I always say that. The problem is that the mines in South America are too high up, Spaniards tried to bring blacks to mine them but they died due to altitude sickness. The only solution was keeping the natives around to work. Fast forward 300 years and the Europeans living in Bolivia are being out numbered by natives ruining the country
Incans were like real life Dwarfs but instead of drinking they probably ate magic mushrooms or something.
Not integrating into globalist society is based, keep seething
Incas never died. Fuck the Spanish.
Inti and her descendents are immortal.
Cuzco was more advanced than northern of Europe in the years 500-1000AD
I want to drink Ayahuasca.
I'm tired of living in the mountains all my life. Every day seeing pic related. Gib sea/plains.
Too funny
I live in the mountains, but not on the hilly side, rather in the valley below it
based anti globalization poster
I love being a 3° worlder. For real. So much SOUL.
this is mine
Looks comfy. Is that Rocinha?
How did you get videos of me?
Valleys/plains are depression tier landscapes. Mountains or coast are the only chad options. Where do you live?
Based mountain men. Mountains are the seat of the divine and immortality. Montjoie !
Your country will end up the same
the center of the country, hundreds of kms around is just Andean mountains.
in Colombia pretty much all cities are on the mountains or near them, except maybe one or two (Cartagena, Barranquilla).
All those houses up in the hills, how do they even live up there? Do they have running water and toilets? Electricity? Can they get stuff delivered? Why does nothing grow?
My city is fringed by hills but the best city for a mountain view is Santiago imo.
Mountains are cringe, flat land is for true chads.
I live in the flattest part of the country, I've never seen a mountain in my life.
Holy fuck is that real?
Sadly no. We would have known about the place if it was real
How much does it cost to buy a medium sized farm (house, land, outbuildings/sheds) there? Not a tiny subsistence peasant-tier farm and not a humongous colonial style plantation. Something reasonable. I'd be especially interested in growing coffee
I would go crazy.
where my mountain bros at
Brings good memories from when I lived there. Driving 700km or even 1000km and not seeing a single mountain, nothing but a perfectly straight horizon, only broken by a few trees, electricity towers and antennas, in every single direction.
But I can't hunt frogs and gators in the mountains...