Hi, I'm a black girl. I have been on this site a few times and I noticed you guys really like us, especially European men. :) I want to move to Europe someday.
some questions:
why do you like us? do you think we're prettier than white/asian/latin girls? would you marry a black girl? would you be freaked out by our wigs/weaves?
a lot of men hate us, so thank you for being woke on black girl magic.
it's ironic, really. the most racism I have ever received has been from white millennial girls. I'm from the deep south, and a group of millennial white girls shouted "nigger" from their truck when they drove by.
this is like the most pro-black woman board on Yas Forums. I was shocked.
From videos that I saw before, black girls in America beat white girls.
Kayden Brooks
I doubt that you are a girl but I fucking love black women. White girls seem boring and the paler skin shows more flaws. Also you are retarded.
Nathaniel Russell
greener grass etc
Camden Rivera
post tits
Bentley Long
Do you have a big butt? I want to fuck you. SEX SEX SEX
Juan Thompson
Nice try you fucking tranny
Benjamin Sanders
you clearly never met a white american girl. they're absolute demons.
yes, black girls will hit white girls. but white girls do more psychological damage. the white girls would segregate themselves the most from non-white girls. even white guys had non-white guy friends.
James Thompson
fuck off
Benjamin Gutierrez
Nobody wants to date a sheboon they just want to have sex once so they can say they fucked a black
thanks but how am I retarded? tf salty italian girl lmfao
Ian James
You're not a woman, but on the off chance one is reading this. They're sex starved incels who watch too much porn. Yes, there are plenty of men who are attracted to black women, but the perceptions that the incels here hold were molded by an addiction to pornography.
i'm not tryna 1) dog myself 2) get roasted lol no offense but I am kinda skeptical of that. imo, black girls are the most compassionate when it comes to recognizing bullied ppl. based, german girls are mad ugly.
>why do you like us? anything is better than a wh*te g*rl >do you think we're prettier than white/asian/latin girls? all qts are equally qt, but wh*te g*rls are ugly inside >would you marry a black girl? if she is a qt yes >would you be freaked out by our wigs/weaves? ?
Joshua Russell
doxx* I never heard of that country .. so.. lol
Tyler Hughes
Because white civilized people like to domesticate wild black savage girls. White girls are so tame and boring
Xavier Long
this shit made makes me so proud thank ya'll for appreciating black girl magic. white people for years compared us to apes and chimps, said we were welfare queens etc. I noticed that europeans are more woke than americans. crazy.
Daniel Hernandez
>I'm kinda skeptical of that Fuck you No, trust me. She fucking hated me and she was cruel
Ian Cruz
why do you like us? Booty do you think we're prettier than white/asian/latin girls? Booty would you marry a black girl? No would you be freaked out by our wigs/weaves? I don't know what this means
>makes sense why your countries are also the most open to the refugees Sweden's openness to refugees is fading away
Thomas Jenkins
.. why?
Oliver Gomez
I want a gf so bad
Wyatt Walker
>German doesn't know what FUN is
Josiah Watson
funny joke
Samuel Miller
>why do you like us? You cute >do you think we're prettier than white/asian/latin girls? Some of you are, some of you aren’t >would you marry a black girl? No >would you be freaked out by our wigs/weaves? No
Juan Wright
>the nigress thinks the Irish flag is actually Italian
Where is your father? How many siblings you have? How your mum manages welfare check? Do you smoke crack all the time? How many children you had at 17?
Its hard to generalise. Some black women are very beautiful and some arent, same with girls of every other race. I like the context of the skin, my white on their black and their long legs and nice asses. Yea i would marry one.
Henry Jenkins
Zachary Sanchez
we're not barbaric.. but ok. white women were the most barbaric. they used to beat the slaves themselves, kill us, and then do taxidermy on our corpses.
Hunter Cruz
my thoughts exactly
Cameron Lee
Hahhahaha Ahhh based double digit IQ. Only Mongols live in Mongolia. Also we dont eat dogs, but you dont know anything about ethnicity or culture because your ancestors were slave.
Parker Davis
Pretty much all the black girls I saw in California were qt unless they were fat
Cameron White
>>white women this >>asian women this >>why are black women better then this other race of women >what is racebaiting ?
stop larping retard, you're either white or an annoying chicano male
Jayden Campbell
I member Polish girl was here. She was pretty based and cute not like this mutt shit. She was covering her face.
Ian Nelson
Our retarded government's failure to integrate them properly Our anti-immigration party is the biggest party in sweden now according to polls so it definitely is true to some extent
are most swedish guys into black girls? ya'll need to have some black babies and then you'll feel more open to other immigrants. racist asian guys into racist white bitches, color me surprised.
come to america and call one of us a nigger, faggot.
stupid ass asian bitch.
i don't give a fuck about you. irrelevant ass country. european MEN are into me. who's into you? your own women hate you! lol!!!
Dominic Green
>why do you like us? exotic, we dont see likes of you often >do you think we're prettier than white/asian/latin girls? white>latin>black>asian >would you marry a black girl? haram, absolutely not >would you be freaked out by our wigs/weaves? yes
first of all you are not woman but im gonna eat the bait anyway, second of all i think euros like you for the same reason they like tranners - fetish, i dont think it gets any deeper than that imho