/brit/ + /brot/

Patriarchy edish

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*makes robbie aware that this is only the beginning*

haha woah cool reddit meme here's your upvote

why'd you nonce your niece then

Excuse me? Apocalypto user, what do you rate Le Mans? Surely it's finished by now

been stuck inside on my own
only left the house for shopping one day then got questioned by the police when I went for a walk

for me? it's sobriety

I don’t usually say but since you’ve badgered me into talking about it

Drugs I’ve done whilst partaking in British culture such as raves and generally being a wasteman:

Various speeds
Rhino ket
Thc pills
Bath salts
NOS Cannisters

Imagine being such a neek that you’d go through uni not doing drugs.

Any drugs you recommend I do while partaking in British culture such as raves and that?

Also best combo is the classic Calvin Klein, a trusty reliable ol’ friend that’s only physically bad for you, mentally coke comedowns are a doddle.

tl;dr: I fucking love drugs

>haha woah cool reddit meme here's your upvote

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Oxford University is...?

*gets fuckign dismembered*

oneitis told me she cried 3 times today because of quarantine


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Every post 190 makes is bait and if you respond to it, even ironically, you are a fool.

should told her to grow up

why you bald for

i'm having 3 weeks off the alcohol

>she cried

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no church in the morning, going to pray anyway, anyone wants owt?

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lucky 7s innit. a sign from god

tired of untitoil but i'll miss it when it's over

I do not fear Coronavirus.

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yeah I'll have a 17yo catholic girl, thanks.

>sue poster is bald
it figures

1 week in de lad
2 more weeks

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I said it once and I’ll say it again:

The Irish are gobshites who can’t fight for shit.

thought sueposter was ludders


all barbers probs going to be shut til late may at the earliest

bat aids

feelin real good lads. the real red tape is back. gonna start posting pictures from my devices

done so much stupid shit

There is no God
Only men
Telling tales and fantasies
To make the world make sense
To make things fair
To ease their suffering

And now we find out
Oh, the Gods aren't really real
What will comfort us now?
Where will we find our solace

Nows your chance lad.

fabuloso looks a lot like juice
surely health and safety would shut that down

She stood on my neck and abused my bollocks round the back of spoons last month

why not long hair


oh nooooo
heaven forbid that your hair grows out a bit
get a grip

About to eat dinner. Can a man get a prayer?

this aged like milk

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my wanks per day is flattening off
with no toiltights and arses to get me all frustrated i'm just bored

how many times did she wank?

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Didnt you see his name? Hes the bald kid

One of the girls I’m talking to is into art but the paintings she does are utter shit

Kinda makes me thinks she’s dull and turns me off her slightly

*remembers when literally every business/property in Limerick had a visible 'Protected by M/A Kelly sign on it*

even the Ra knew not to fuck with them back then. good times

the gf got tested for rona today. i hope she's safe!

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it's going to be a trend to have shaggy here after this

what if shes mute with down syndrome

Wasnt here Friday night, how did that go?

Don't understand this idiom, isn't old milk just joghurt?

holy shit

Yas Forums is a cesspit

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Queen's making a speech tomorrow, you will be watching won't you /brit/

living under deaf people is absolute hell, fucking screaming at all times of the night, washing machine on EVERY night, slamming doors, walking around like a fucking elephant. it's absolute hell.

copealone moved into his new house located on the ropes

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seriously cant believe this. my beautiful boy. mentioned him in a post and then decided i need to check on him, AND THIS is what i find.... oooouuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhggggggg

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How do people smoke cigarettes?

I can't do it. It totally destroys my lungs and feels horrible.

don't care




feel like shit lads just want him back

shame you can't pay money to watch a load of irishmen beat the ever-loving shit out of 190


then you can have her







used to love smoking me. now been over 3 years without a single one

"this is a difficult time for us all....blah blah yada yada"

so fucking horny

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Cute girl on hinge stopped replying lads

pretty easy

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Do you love the lung feeling?

For me it hurts.

the gf's younger sister

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>get lectured about sticking together by someone whose entire family runs off to ivory towers when there's a whiff of trouble

no thanks lol

ignore it whatever onto the next one


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are opticians open

shouldn't have insulted her nursing career

it hurts if you cough with smoke in your lungs but otherwise it doesn't hurt


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remember, 190 filters the word niece so if you want to wind him up you have to get creative


like that

it's relaxing, you can sit down and do nothing but smoke for 5 minutes and just think with a clear head. It's weird when I used to smoke whenever I would have one I would be able to just think about my life and not feel bored.


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>Queen's making a speech tomorrow
don't see anything on her twitter

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love a good fag when drunk me

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why did you edit it

that nigga blue

pouring some on the kerb for robbie lawlor

I am black
And Muslim
And Gay

braids are ugly

honestly cant be fucked with this dublin gang shit. can youse not just keep it down there? could've walked past that robbie lad 20 fucking times this year for all i know. dont need that in my life.

you know why

my gfs dad is puerto rican and he still wears adidas everything that he has had in his closet since 2004

living my best life

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imagine that stiletto on your bollocks
they'd bust like puny grapes

are babies are supposed to breathe just like adults

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i dont thats why im asking
but you did edit it

did this bitch fuck a Na'Vi

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*keeps the midfield ticking over*

only the 4th time shes ever addressed the nation outside of christmas time

I actually don't.

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She has been SMURFED.

not me but he was obviously trying to make the baby look black

speaking my truth in my calvins



taking a dump in my calvins

11pm already lol


My favourite musical genre you asked? Black women from 60s that were beaten by their managers and/or husbands.


george bush doesn't care about black people

doing a poo

the weekend is half over, wagie. better rest up. you have a long commute on the COVID infested underground, tomorrow

why a deviled eggs so good

thinking about how much I hate yanks
spoiler: it's a lot

fucking freak

get lots of compliments since I began lifting

heroic post

>when yanks see this

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yeah well... uhh i dont know what a yank is but i can tell you where babies come from. ill give you a hint
b u t t

hate you more

never understood why yanks and pol schizos edited babies in pictures to make them look black

this is how dublin "gangsters" live? just pack it in lads and take up plumbing, you'd make more money by the looks of it.

Hungry? Thirsty? Horny? The Atomic Wrangler has you covered!

>Plusnet's not sending out engineers until June at the earliest, maybe even later
>don't want to get into a contract with any other provider at the moment
>I've only got 10gb data on my phone a month, half of which for this month is already gone
Life is suffering. No multiplayer. No streaming. No YouTube. FUUAAAARKK KILL ME

phlil spector was a character alright

thinking about anime titties

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ahhh yes the little bloke that hated white people
forgot about him

So who has the hardest gangsters, Dublin or Belfast?

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never seen or heard a labour supporter do or say anything remotely antisemitic

get the bumps out

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outstanding post

my mom always got a chuckle out of that.


>when I see this

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the linus lot say that the rtx 2060 is shite but all the lads on here rec it

Belfast, since they use bombs

no you dont
be quiet

jk you're alright but a bit annoying

your mum played fallout new vegas?

>he says, posting in a /brit/ thread

interpoo went shit after andicks

really want to see pics of Rosy with the red hair

sorry I don't speak virgin

Attached: are rosie 4.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>rtx 2060
the rtx 2000 series has been rekt
in 2-3 months they're about to become overpriced paperweight

/brit/ is /cum/ 2.0, lad. you should know this by now

What city is the Athens of the North?

What a fucking glorious post


Anders Brevik listened to this just before he started his shooting spree