Faces of Yas Forums

Get to know the mugs of the world
Use picrew.me/image_maker/95230

Attached: 76E1B65D-71AC-47AE-974D-F1C90E266668.png (600x600, 274.64K)

This template is even worse than the other one

It’s in japanese

Attached: download20200406175610.png (600x600, 294.71K)

You’ll figure it out

See you tommorow right?

Attached: Our lord and savior.png (600x600, 509.25K)


Attached: 155E9EDF-EB36-4248-876D-0EFEC637B41D.png (600x600, 360.65K)


Attached: 95230_DxYg8d4O.png (600x600, 265.47K)

Tried my best

Attached: 95230_J7GdVSXK.png (600x600, 400.62K)

Looks nothing like me.

Attached: not me.png (600x600, 224.21K)

This is stupid.

Attached: 95230_60DgIsTj.png (600x600, 295.87K)

I look like a pedo here

Attached: 95230_6xejZfxc.png (600x600, 388.67K)

Yas Forums is this diverse? I was expecting you all to look like the same incel except maybe a bit darker in southern countries.

Attached: download20200400001916.png (600x600, 360.82K)

Attached: penis.png (600x600, 277.72K)

>Yas Forumsoids arr rook the same

Attached: download20200400002310.png (600x600, 210.13K)

wtf this is literally me

Attached: 95230_4jcqMaY8.png (600x600, 339.52K)

i forgot to remove the glasses fuck

Attached: download20200400002534.png (600x600, 207.12K)

Well, at least you and I are pretty similar

Bon soir, Yas Forums

Attached: 5A80F119-0EDD-4970-B064-DA7B81D81DF9.png (600x600, 364.8K)

Damn, he cute ;)

Attached: 1557850594811.png (600x600, 315.77K)

lmao wrong image

Attached: 95230_3QQYbiG5.png (600x600, 272.34K)

The zhang memes are real

This is shit and not customizable enough. I'll just use the image I used in my "What do you believe in /x/" image macro.

Attached: Me.png (526x1182, 148.63K)

these templates keeps getting worse and worse

Somehow me

Attached: 95230_J4sif8z8.png (600x600, 251.85K)

its almost like canada isn't 100% white or something

Attached: 1575138915576.jpg (720x720, 20.47K)

Life sucks when you look like a reject Rebecca Sugar.

Attached: 95230_MPKbbdtp.png (600x600, 209.14K)

Attached: download20200406173717.png (600x600, 254.96K)

Attached: soy.png (600x600, 196.57K)

Attached: 95230_iLZB2xXb.png (600x600, 240.03K)

I put that eye color because looks like not to dark or to clear brown eyes.
the creator of this 'avatar' creator looks like the typical fag left artist

Attached: 9357u4723y498.png (600x600, 321.06K)


i look like a dweeb here

Attached: download20200406173943.png (600x600, 229.28K)

Why yes I do indeed look like the same incel, how could you tell?

Attached: download20200400013835.png (600x600, 214.63K)

Here's sam hyde, KeK

Attached: faggot drawed sam hyde kek.png (600x600, 334.46K)

This doesn’t accurately capture the true extent of my ugliness

Attached: 65180BA8-A630-4650-BDCE-CD1BDCAE2599.png (600x600, 347.84K)

Attached: 95230_mfx3JBQk.png (600x600, 248.31K)

closest I could get

Attached: 95230.png (600x600, 324.46K)

I am 100% British

Attached: 95230_3sJ2KRQp.png (600x600, 208.64K)

Fuck your shitty template

Attached: 1585678782209.png (600x600, 74.72K)

Looks like that negro that say ''our vikings ancestors''

My long lost brothers

that template sucks, change my mind

>Looks like that negro that say ''our vikings ancestors''
Vikings were retarded wigger rapists that did nothing but rape and kill

Attached: 95230_RXVwlirx.png (600x600, 297.67K)

Who wants a kebab :3

Attached: 95230_iLX5VKVv.png (600x600, 287.95K)

Mutahar is that you?

rate my trash

Attached: 95230_iviwCVCx.png (600x600, 224.3K)

je m'appel Abdullah


Attached: B9454035-A814-4CDE-A280-970AFDD05877.jpg (1491x1833, 560.8K)

Attached: 95230_X2QkAW1D.png (600x600, 249.57K)

Attached: download20200400005930.png (600x600, 283.38K)

tfw no med gf

Attached: 95230_H0LwyBG1.png (600x600, 245.03K)

Fucking slaves cut your heads off assholes slave animal fuckers

Attached: 95230_fzm8GNw6.png (600x600, 276.38K)

Attached: 95230_UdSAlO1F.png (600x600, 383.01K)

I don't like this one.

Attached: me.png (600x600, 266.77K)

Completely untrue they never raped they just impressed christcuck women with the pagan bvll lifestyle. I know because a French guy named Louis Cachet told me

>I know because a French guy named Louis Cachet told me
Top kek