Your cunt

Your cunt
Would you live in a comfy mcmansion in a giant suburb?
Yes. I live in a shitty apartment. I JUST WANT A FUCKING BACKYARD TO GRILL IN

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yeah, that one in your pic is not that bad

I would rather not, I don't find those very comfy

based and grillpilled

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no, that life is completely trash compared to what im used to.

Yeah I don't know why but I've had a sudden urge to just grill some food and sit by a bonfire. Maybe it's because we used to do that all the time as a kid and now I'm longing for that again? Who knows, I JUST WANT TO FUCKING GRILL

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this isn't a mcmansion, it looks nice

Even if I got the house for free I'd rather sell it than stay there. Nevermind actually putting myself in debt for decades for it.

Yeah I don't want to live in an urban Corona swamp like NYC, Milan, Spain.

>yOu CaN't GeT cOrOnA iF yOu LiVe In ThE sTiCkS!!1


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no. Location is king. I would rather live in a cozy flat next to where life is happening, rather than in the middle of nowhere

What is it with people only putting fake bricks on one side of their house? Do they not realize how ridiculous it looks and it that only pronounced the fakeness further?



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Based German real estate agent
Fair enough. I've never really liked big cities or densely populated areas in general. I'd like an area where it's wide open and i can just breathe. A place where i can blast music, have a nice big yard for gatherings and gardening, and most importantly, privacy.

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>and most importantly, privacy.
It's weird because the more small town I go in Germany, the less privacy I feel like I have. Everyone knows everyone, can't do anything without someone noticing, and once one person knows other people will know. To me privacy isn't quietness, it's anonymity, and I feel far more anonymous being another nobody in an apartment block.

wow you are really nice

Yeah I don't really like new british houses... No offense of course. They just seem more soulless than American houses.

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People in Britain don't like newbuilds either, they're dangerously close to yank suburbs actually, usually miles away from any shops

I feel you. Rural America is the same really. Everyone knows each other and is nosy. If you're a girl and sleep with someone you'll probably be cast out as a whore and shunned by the whole community. That's what I like about the suburbs is that they meet half way point of rural and urban america. Blends in enough to get some sort of anonymity but still has somewhat of a community.

It's a blend in the best ways and worst ways. You never get just the upsides.

Thanks m8. I know we can be stupid at times but generally Americans are nice to others, especially towards Europeans who are viewed upon with great favor in our culture ;)

I can understand. Most of you guys are used to older more "soulful" architecture so these new houses can be seen as an eyesore. Out here in the west (can't speak for the Eastern USA) our developments are relatively new ( a 50 yr old house is considered "old") so it doesn't bother us when we see a newly build cookie cutter suburb. I know people who actually enjoy that style (guilty of it as well. But i think it's more of just wanting a house in general for me personally)

>everyone around you see how many beers you drink or joints you smoke
>cant whip out his dick and take a piss in his garden without 15 neigbours calling the police about indecent exposure
i might as well live in a glass house on a busy street

People in Britain don't much either. New builds are the reason charts show British homes as having some of the smallest space in the world. Compared to what was built in the Edwardian era, they were beautiful, really nice inside and out. Since then it's pretty much all garbage and has sunk to new lows in the past 20 years.

Exactly, as with most things in life.

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Why do americans love decks so much??

Its a shame really. Might i say, Edwardian architecture is absolutely gorgeous. Its used heavily in San Fransisco and i think that's what gives the city it's charm. I don't want to be "negative" but if you look at the bright side of the corona virus, it will thin the population a little bit. Maybe after that, bigger houses with cooler architecture will pop up? With the need for less density.

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Doesn't Murrika demonstrate rather colorfully that big houses with low density are a fucking horse shit idea?


Woah. Is it normal to live like this in USA? If so, Im moving there

Cant you just growa big grass hedge around your place. Its definitly better than living in small houses where your lawn so so small, that you can stand at your own porch and throw a brick at the neighbours porch.

>This hous in Texas costs 300k $
Wtf? In norway that wouldve cost something like 600k $.
Is this normal in USA?

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Farmers in Norway should be fucking killed.
Imagine if all the farmland here couldve been used for housing.

With 600k I can barely buy a studio apartment here in Milan, meanwhile Americans get to live like kings. I hate this and it makes me suffer.

>Would you live in a comfy mcmansion in a giant suburb?


>you get a fucking mansion for 600k $

This simply cant be true

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Middleish class with a two parent employed household, it varies quite a bit geographically as far as cost with these new developments

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Naperville a shit

Houses like that would've good deal into upper class in Norway

poor design poor execution

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Location, location, location is what the mantra of realtors here. You could be 5 miles away from a house that cost half as much when it comes to urban/suburban pricing

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They are sorta big for a new development but not by much, Americans LOVE square footage

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>absolute flat land with all natural elements removed
thats the problem, a hedge would make no difference, then you live in a box with no other view than up
i challenge you to throw a brick from my porch to the neares neighbour
hint: 4km on the side that matters. 300m on the side that face the road
no need for that plenty of cheap land if you just stop swarming around the citys

Now I feel like I live ine a 3rd world country compared to americans.

These two halves seem fucking retarded, like just massively increase the outer surface area to maximise the heating losses because you can.

What a desolate hellscape.

LOL, don't.... remember you are a nation that has not become an oligarchy despite it's wealth. I unironically cannot think of another nation that can make such a claim. It speaks volumes about your values, our middle class is disappearing pretty quickly, last I heard the median home value in California was around 550$k

maybe will look a bit better once the trees are grown
still looks like a shitshow where you can't do anything without a car though

wtf where do you live? commieblock in grorud, oslo?

Yeah, what happens is developers buy up farmland and build houses, over time the trees and such will hopefully turn it into a proper neighborhood

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Nah. I live in Lier, there is a good deal of food production around here.

A huge house and garden means more responsibility and work to do. Learning from the errors of my parents I don't want more from anything than what I really need.
Of course comfort is still very important for me, but sometimes things you buy for making your life easier just name your life harder. My philosophy is to always stay compact. Buy exactly the car you need, not more. Buy the reality you need, not more.

Bro, we barely have any farmland in Norway. It's the forest owners that should be shot

also true, there's literally no reason for that to exist except it looks cool to some people I guess, it fits into the mcmansion design philosophy of adding useless shit onto a rectangle until it looks aight

a house of this size in my region is under 240k, not even the middle of nowhere

I'd rather live here than in any sort of Suburbian purgatory

your choice my brick in the wall friend

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Damn straigt B)
All forest land should be taken by the state.
All food production should be compacted into glass hoises like they do in the netherlands. Netherlands exports as mich food as germany and france, because of how effective they do it.

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>Be american
>Houses are cheap
>Cars are cheap
>Food is cheap
>Basically everything is cheap

No suburbs

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t. farmfag

take your pick

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most practical is Michigan, but I like Vermont the most. Tennessee one looks like you would get a dozen of slaves as an extra to that mansion

The neighborhood that Tennessee house is from,-86.7693452,3a,75y,314.64h,96.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZMj_jGunXo_u5PIYoJTM8g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en