/v4/ + Turkmenistan

Good news edition

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i feel sort of bad for this guy if he genuinely thinks he's unattractive

why the fuck did you let my thread die you incompetent fucknig cunts

He's right you know
Incels will deny it and whine saying that he's just saying it because he's handsome
But if he was ugly they'd just say that he was coping
This is why they're incels

Life isn't worth living when you're ugly.

I am an incel.

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it's nice to be good looking but what's more important is personality (which most of Yas Forums lacks obviously)

Watch the vid, ofc it's one massive humblebrag.

If he really thinks that then he is as mentally ill as Slontard or Manletolo

Sure, except Manolo actually is pretty fucking short and I actually am a 2/10 and therefore more disadvantaged than like 95% of this general.

Take your pills and stop cringeposting

God I wish I were dead.

he said stop cringeposting, if you'd really want to die you'd do it already, truth is nobody really wants to die, take your pills and go to sleep

Blessing this thread

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>he said stop cringeposting
Well idgaf what he said, kys

you are embarrassing yourself


You're effectively a second class citizen if you are ugly.

>you are embarrassing yourself
Everything I do is embarrassing because I'm a genetically inferior subhuman.



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Very nice)))

Based corona makes these faggish academics to publsih their shit online.

Proof that Hungarians are the best posters ITT:

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Ye, jstor also made like 35000 books available or something like that.

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>he's right
If he is right he should explain that 95%
It doesn't make sense. How did he measure it? How many girls did he interview? Were they from the same country? Did he assume every girl thinks the same in every nation?

It's weird cuz both Black Lagoon and Welcome to NHK is 10+ yo. It's weird that in 10 years the incel situation didn't change at all.

Why would it change? Also 10 years isn't really that much.

try otaku no video
it hasnt changed since 3 decades

idk I really fell for the gaymergayte meme and the whole alt-right stuff. I tought that it would achieve some change. It's just sand that in 10 years w didn't improve the situation for incels.

No ideology or meme movement can change women's pussy tingles. And now that they're a significant part of the workforce (memes aside) and already have equal rights there's no going back, it'll only get worse.

b-b-but Stefan Molynoux said othewise.

He's 5000% gay

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who up

Me :)



she reminds me of:

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I am currently listening to Kaczmarski and playing Stellaris
I can't stop smiling while listening to "Spotkanie w porcie" I think that it's a really cute song

>Slovak listening to Kaczmarski

Türkmenistan is best stan

you mean kazakhstan

Why would that be weird?
I simply love his style of music :)
Plenty of people today listen to American songs, is that not weird?

this sucks

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It's ok :)
We should all strive to be a better person and apologising for doing something rude is a great way to stop being rude altogether

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Incels gotta be stupidest group of people


good night burgerino
good morning visegraderinos