
East Ham edition

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janny are you ok

zuig aan een golfbal

trying to make a new /brit/

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This ones on page 8 so techically
Suck my dense cock janny boy

Just learned how to cut part of a video in avidemux, big things on the way

*dabs on the janny*

Fuck sake Jannerz

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Do Americans really

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Alright, fellow blokes.

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I picked up an ounce today. Picked it up from a family all sat in their kitchen. Made some polite conversation and then returned home, and realised that there's a good chance getting weed in the foreseeable future may become increasingly awkward

also on topic, mutual connections. chase social threads as best as you practically can and something will pop up

>The truthfulness of the stereotype has been questioned; one survey conducted from 1994 to 1996 showed that African Americans, at the time 12.5 percent of the country's population, only accounted for 11.1 percent of the United States' watermelon consumption.
Despite making up 13% of the population, they account for only 11% of watermelon consumption

nobody tell him

what's the discord lads


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>Donate £60 to one of my favourite streamers
>Doesn't thank me or even acknowledge the donation
>Think to myself "that's okay, he's just busy with the stream and probably didn't notice"
>Streamer asks the chat what game to play next
>I donate another £10 followed by my suggestion in the donation comment
>He ignores that too
>Plays a game a non-donor suggested
>I call him out on it
>He starts making fun of me
>Everyone in the chat starts making fun of me
>"You have been permanently banned."

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what are you up to today lads

just a few weeks ago it was a hoax

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no but i do want to kiss andy samberg

the mind is quicker than the eye
love getting high and drunk and watching him

[one of megs friends] your moms so fucking hot

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that was never said, but you don't really care

do yanks really?

>family all sat in their kitchen
were they all skangers?

hate hate hate picking up from a bloke who has his whole family in the house, just feels wrong

Don't donate to streamers.

Janny are you ok?
So janny are you ok
Are you ok janny
Janny are you ok?
So janny are you ok
Are you ok janny


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why? what if you were buying some homebrew and his family was there. that wouldn't be wrong would it?

did an online pub quiz with my family over zoom and now i've drunk 4 beers and just want to be in a pub

it was said


There is no Dog but Dog and Humumada is his messenger

Love that musk you get on your bellend when you don't have a wank for ages

>Tifa doesn't have a scar where sephiroth slashed her up in F7 Remake



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Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

Believe every part of this except the last line
Like they'd ever ban a paypig


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People who watch streamers are mental. So are people who give women money for private pictures and videos on the internet.

no, it wasn't
the virus was never called a hoax

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why dont you springaling some of that weed unto me

pff love sitting like a monkey when high

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did it die

had a guy I used to pick up off and his mum and dad would always be sat in the living room, just felt very wrong
they always said hello as well lmao

yeah some people called it a hoax

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is it alive?

There's a name I haven't heard for over a decade
Fuck me I feel old all of a sudden

Religion will forever be the poison that keeps humanity docile and weak.

>he deleted the old one

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just had a fairly satisfying poo
minimal wiping required

just feels weird seeing a guy openly selling coke in front of his parents, something off about it


So I have a very very nice body

I’m slim and relatively muscled and tall


So how long does it take to get bigger arms but aesthetically big not big big

Defined but slim

did someone edit that
seen it before and it looked different

Hospital admission rates went up 47% in the Midlands and 35% in Yorkshire and the North East

Did they know he was a dealer or what? Some peoples family lives are so grim. A dealer I used to get weed off would have his mother weigh it out and give it to you when he wasnt in.


Only good thing about the Corona crash is that in the aftermath I will have the chance to hunt down and kill Sue poster

>keeps humanity docile and weak.
>social media
>double cheese burger heart attack edition

what else am i missing?

love are mark

Had nothing but horrid poos the last few days
Think the unhealthy lockdown diet is getting to me

In 1940 Princess Elizabeth made her first ever broadcast from Windsor Castle to other Second World War evacuees.

Eighty years later, from the same place, she will again address the nation.

yeah, he would invite you into the living room well he ran upstairs to get the stuff, very grim

this is what millions of people were put out of work for

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parents invited me to stay at their house for a while "so i wouldn't be lonely"
feel far less relaxed now just want to go back to my flat

This is the caliber of woman I regularly match with in Canada and yet not a single Japanese girl likes me

Fuck lads

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I've always wanted to go to Oxford University.


Give it a go!

makes me feel bad when i cop dope on the street from a 12 year old. they are little bros though. i give them twix bars as a tip, when i bring my bike sometimes we do a race up the street with all the other kids who got their bikes out. i blow em away with my 83' schwinn road bike.

why not just stick with this kind of woman

man has an innate inclination to a religious outlook. a christian nation is a hell of a lot better than a consumerist one.

such a tune


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Regretting moving back home for the quarantine. Can’t smoke, can’t drink and my dad keeps finding me various jobs to do

grew up in Ardoyne mate. walked through it every day for 18 years. absolutely 100% certain it wasn't Ardoyne. There's pictures going around on Whatsapp that actually are from the incident, where the body is laying by the front gate with a wee tarp over it. There's no videos of it and that is 100% not Ardoyne in the video. The gardens in Etna Drive are unironically too small to fit even a single car into and they're entirely paved with brick. The house where the shooting happened is a terraced house with houses on either side of it.

>keep humanity docile and weak
What exactly would humanity be instead? This is family guy tier nonsense

Only people that ever talk to me when I go out are drug dealers. Pretty Grim.

>20% death rate


what did you mean by this

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Eva Hamilton is such an infuriatingly flawed character. Stupid cunt FUCK

Where’s Emmett he never told me women in Vancouver were this hot

g'wan chicagolad, heart of gold pal

that is just how it is lad. i know some grandmas who ring a bell when the jumpout boys are prowling

The Japanese girls don't want to match someone they can't speak with you weeb

looks like valentina nappi

Varg does the same
he has the typical incel virgin freak face
so he hides it behind a beard

mong, hope this is bait

hahahaha no friends little bastard loser, loser loser LOSER hahaahahah no friends at all hahahahahahahaaaaaa

Grew up in ardoyne huh? West or east? West had that nasty plague I heard, East is much closer to the wizards guild

I don't find females as attractive as I used to. They all look weird and unattractive to me now. Probably porn desensitised my brain.

Not to mention how fake they are. All that paint on their face... ugh

tbf i used to have a dealer whose family were all fruitcake hippy/wicca types, but they were nice. used to have a cuppa and pass round a sample spliff with them sometimes while i was waiting. used to have to climb over their fence and through their kitchen back window to get in the gaff though no idea why.

You know better than me so ill take your word for it. Apparently something else happened in Lurgan but they dont sound like they're from Lurgan in those videos.

Where do you live mate? Just asking haha

RIP robbie lawler, 35 is no age x

why does this yank want to go back to kiss his masters' boots so badly

we're under lockdown mong

thank you sir, how are doin this lovely day?

yeah I had a bloke like that, would let me in from the front door but always had to leave through the back

>set tinder location to america
>swipe a few girls
>leave it for a couple of hours
>change your location back to normal, search radius 1m and minimise age range
>every girl you get suggested from america will have swiped you right
Free matches boys

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Well why don’t they fucking learn the queens then


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remember this
the bald fat man was noncing most of the kids in this

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i think i made this video after a really
and i mean really good bit of weed
oh i remember that thursday in particular


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best translation of the bible lads?

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what’s the point of getting matches from people you will never meet?

Chilling with this lockdown, just lifted today and took the dog for a walk. Going to take some shrooms with a mate tomorrow. How is the lockdown effecting your work?

Not much good if they're thousands of miles from my william though.


Just slid my bony fingers into the 7 year old niece's pussy

Like a hot knife through butter

Oh boy

Half of America is and the other half is Mexico

was genuinely chuffed as fuck when i found ardougne in runescape growing up lol

I can't actually tell too much from the video you sent, but was someone being rolled out on a stretcher and going mad trying to break free or something too? there was nobody in the house at today's shooting. Lawlor showed up at like 12 o'clock or 1, got shot at the garden gate and everyone in the house scarpered in that car they found burnt out, i think. was surprised your man had the balls to try to have a go at someone in ardoyne in the middle of the fucking day and think he'd get away with it.

The video definitely is not in Ardoyne though.

Getting matches boosts your ranking

NIV for accuracy. KJV for how poetic it is.

mexico > america


All my posts are shit but you reply

Why do you reply to tripfags

Plus all my posts are larps but you reply

source: a post on pol

Do people like this still exist
Mad how old stuff from the '00s looks

no one likes you since leaving uni youve been an incel paedo loser gamer hahahahahahaaaaa lolling @ your life


Oh lord..

>Half of America is and the other half is Mexico

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looking for accuracy.
what about for Pseudepigrapha and apocryphal


got plenty of matches without needing to go to other countries when I had tinder

Might tell the doctor I'm chatting with on Hinge that I think the whole "clap for NHS" thing is pure bloody nonsense. Power play sort of move

Lawlor was a psychopath lad, had a slew of murders to his name including the kid and Alan Ryan. But yeah, cant fuck about in those sort of estates in Belfast like that. I heard Lawlor had a couple of others with him, no?


>NIV for accuracy

I've always wanted to go to Oxford University.


I'm the one that started the use of "william" for willy on /brit/

callate pinche gringo

>I think the whole "clap for NHS" thing is pure bloody nonsense




Yeah bet you think it’s like your faggy Harry Potter fantasies

me alma mater
ama x

Is everyone gonna talk about how to janny deleted the other thread or are we going to appreciate the high migrant community of east London in OP?

Cos I think it's pure bloody nonsense

Because it's pretty and old.

bored and don't want to work

Hinge, more like cringe haha

Whiny cunts from belfast talking about their shit city again. Accent like nails scraping a blackboard

Well fuck me what are people using then

Same desu, but I only developed this urge at the age of 25 and now it's too late. Applied for three different jobs, but got rejected from all of them yesterday. Have previously applied to maybe 5 others a couple of years ago too, and got rejected from those too. Life is suffering

Not too sure tbqh lad. There was lots of misinformation going around earlier today, loads of wrong names chucked about and obviously the wrong videos chucked about too. fair enough the man was a proper psycho but you can't walk into literal ira/dissident territory and think you're going to pull off a clean hit at mid fucking day. had the ra threaten me once for fucking about as a teenager in an empty street at like fucking 4 in the morning once. eyes everywhere.

was he up trying to do a hit or collect debts, do you know?

Are the people in Baliol college cunts?


NIV is accurate unless you are an actual christian and then no translation is accurate as the bible was a constantly evolving set of books. If you are a christian than the most accurate translation is whatever you want to believe.

haven't read into them sorry

So your power move has nothing to back it up if she asks a one word question.

For a family (guy early 20's and his parents, I've mainly picked up from his father alone) that ostensibly sold weed as a family unit they actually had a nice house, nice cars (lol) and they were both tidy and decent. It just felt a bit wrong though, not ideal really but boris did this


that's good. i've been relaxing real hard with the lockdown as my landlord isn't charging me rent for a couple months. he's a great guy. i only have cats but i do wish i had a dog to walk sometimes. my kitties are ultimate cute and hilarious at least. my work hasn't really been affected much, had to travel 2 hours out of chicago to clean out an empty mansions massive pool the other day. damn thing had an ecosystem. i scooped up all the tadpoles i could into a bucket and dropped off by a creek that was behind the mansion. shroom is one thing i just cant find in chicago, i should hit up the colleges. glad you seem to be doing well mate

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He was going to collect debts. Its a wonder the gardai never got to him first, country's fucking couped.





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corrrr look at that painting in the background, would cop

Oh, I see. My answer would be "Just think it's a bit cringe to be socially pressured into clapping for the NHS. I'm grateful for them, but I'll be grateful in my own way"

i am bald lads

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What would Morrissey think about /brit/?


there is nothing accurate about the NIV
the only accurate versions are Wycliffe, Geneva and original KJV versions.

or read the oxford annotated bible but I didn't recomend that as it isn't used in actual church services so isn't as relevent.