Fellow BCfags, don't tell me you wouldn't

fellow BCfags, don't tell me you wouldn't

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I would

Ima drive up from seattle and

I would

Yo if all you from bc come down to seattle and give me $20

not on the mainland sorry bro

Take the ferry then hurp durp
Are you tribal? You should have / be able to build a canoe, salmonman

pay for my ferry then faggot, that'll be one trip from the haida gwaii to whatever backwoods amerifag shithole you reside in

I will after the kung flu blows over

I said SEATTLE nigger
Our GDP is more than your chinese crashed housing market, and you're begging for ferry toll as though you have any position to call others backwoods
Alright thanks meet me at dicks in capitol hill

>housing market
do i look like a yellow to you? we don't need to worry about asian ruined housing market on my based islands bro. you gotta read up on the charlottes dumbass

>lives on the Queen Charlotte Islands
>calls other places backwoods shitholes

fuck you faggot. where the fuck are you? toronto?

How's your 3g network going for your Yas Forums shitposts?

Vernon: a proper backwoods shithole.

suck my cock urbanite faggot. how about your mutt ass canoes over here so i can beat the shit out of it

I think you're the one who should read, this land was colonized by Scandinavian BVLLS. I'm going to kick your ass faggot

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>muh nordic ancestry
your country is overrun with shitskins. you won't catch a single immigrant where i live bitch

British Columbia, the chinese colony, doesn't have immigrants?
You really do live on your own little frozen island

No more brother wars. We have more in common with the people down in Washington than the cockgargling faggots in Ontario.

I would

you're talking about mainland bc, retard. remember that i live on a based archipelago with high speed internet and no immigrants and your dumb amerimutt ass will never experience that

I hated this bitch. Was so glad to see her tossed out for based Horgan.

That being said I'd hate fuck Crusty

I could have the same experience if i went to some trailer park in alabama. Or the swamps of florida full of gatormen. You aren't so special after all, archepellago boy, but your neck is looking pretty burnt

>for a wannabe snownigger

you have any beautiful national parks in your dilipadated incest city trailer park? didn't think so faggot. go back to your city with your knockoff cn tower and suck some more cock

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Nice frozen rock beach
Yeah Washington doesn't have anything, you're right. We aren't the most reknown outdoor recreation place in America's PNW or anything

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>two people from the exact same place with the exact same background arguing like retards
You know the entire world sees the entire PNW as hippie autists right? You are proving them right.

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I honestly don't get what you meant by this post

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and where are you from?

Bro you're probably a drunk native sperging at 1:30 on a nice sunny Saturday afternoon


We aren't the same PNW
Anything further north is frozen wastes

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spoken like a true eastern canadian. go suck some toronto cock, faggot. i'll just continue living like a king

wtf even goes on in BC lol

What's your background look like m8

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I live in Campbell River, buddy guy. Dont you and your cousins have a listerine bottle that needs to be polished off?

Reception of rich chinese immigration

>campbell river
quite the locale you live in there man, and you're trying to talk shit to me

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This actually looks quite well developed
Yours looked desolate and a site for logging

more than whatever shithole you live in. post location fag i dare you

Oye tcheers m8 u a girl bruv innit then?

I was really hoping tanker tits would run for the Conservative leadership. Canada needs a mommy-in-chief

I live in Toronto bud, calm your tiddies

as expected. how's the 2300 dollar one-bedroom rent?

Nobody likes Toronto, faggot. I actually got an erection at the thought of 200k of you Ontarians dying.

Relaaaax you're trying way too hard. Nothing to be hateful about bud, take a chill pill


Most shameful display of autism I've seen since MineCon 2015

I'll relax when we're free of you retards dragging our country down.

Yeah fuck edmonton too, bunch of faggots who sniff their own farts all across ontario

edmonton? do you think that's in ontario?

Nothing is being dragged down calm your titties fren, everything is okay

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eastern canadians are a tumour on this glorious nation

Based retard.

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Ontario IS Canada. All of the other provinces are just colonies.

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Alright son alright, those damned Ontarians huh


based, edmongolians on suicide watch

>mainlanders will never know good beer

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Every BC Liquor Store carries that brand, dumbass.

Yeah I've seen that here in Calgary.

>This makes the native and amerifat seeze

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>that welfare receiving native hand

Whole lot of Zhang on those docks.

Fun fact...when the British showed up in Victoria the site of the legislative assembly today is where the Songhees had their village. They burnt it down and put that up to eternally remind them who is in charge. Based.

t. chinese mongrel

all the yellows are concentrated in the chinese colony of vancouver

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I bet her vagina is as cold as her personality

Sure user

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