Why United States of America doesn't has a actual name?

Why United States of America doesn't has a actual name?

The name of that country isn't a name of a nation at all...

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each state has an actual name, and no matter how poorly you cope, the individual states are equivalent to European countries in terms of cultural diversity

Because it isn't a country, retard. It's a union of states

It's America, only a brainlet would say otherwise

Vid related explains your question



Our real name is United Mexican States

Freedonians be seething

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Why European Union doesn't has a actual name?
The name of that country isn't a name of a nation at all...

>why is a union of states in America called the United States of America

suck it fag we were the first ones over here to be independent

> the individual states are equivalent to European countries in terms of cultural diversity
I hope no one here actually believes this, but I fear for the worst.

they tried to come up with a new name like 3 times but every time it was so dumb and people were used to "the United States" already so they just stuck with it

Anyone who isn't a coping retard?

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No country has an actual name
>Deutschland (land of Germans (people))
>England (land of Angles)
>France (land of Franks)
>Spain (land of hamsters)

Some of the states of USA are older than Germany so of course they have culture

You mean SOME european countries

don't pretend you can tell somebody from Arkansas and North Dakota apart

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1 dime has been deposited in your RBC account

a goodly amount actually, including minnesota

And there are German states that are a thousand years older than America. What is your point.

You have to understand, developing a culture needs time. Time that the USA never had. There's more cultural difference between Hessen and Bayern than between Florida and West Virginia. But you will never understand that because it's like trying to explain color to a person born blind.

Ask them their favorite beer dingus.

your country is literally only 30 years year old you zoomie

Because it's not a nation based country. It's the next step on the evolution from religion -> nationalism -> ideology - it's a state with an ideological foundation, much like the USSR was.
Interestingly, it came about before the first nationalist revolution (French Revolution).

>and americans wonder why we consider them

Good post.



Seriously we should just call it America, it's already unofficially its name.

the United States, or as I like to call it since orange hitler got elected, AmeriKKKa

Germany has a cultural difference since you are a young nations only born in the 19th century. During the times of HRM all of your regions were a different states with different regional ethnic german groups. America as a nations was born from unification but even in America there is cultural difference between the North and the South

they're not giving your corona masks back canuck

Shut up you pseud.

So I guess the states are 50 years old, then.

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Suck my cock, amerid

We aren't a nation, just a state
Ethnicity isn't what binds us as a country

America is the name of the continent. I'm colombian first, and american second. you are french first and european second

you are not my countryman. and there are two continents in the AmericaS

This user gets it
God bless o7

The only country relevant of that shithole continent of yours is America so idk why are browns always screeching about that

Surely you retards realize how many times we've had this same argument played out in this exact same way? You're just regurgitating what you were told in school with nothing to back it up. Chances are both of you lack any knowledge of the etymology of the word "America." Yet here you are, engaging in this same boring squabble for the millionth time in the same dull way like it's something novel.
Seriously, shut the fuck up. Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber now you're using "nation" as a synonym of ethnicity.

>you are not my countryman
I know, doesn't change the fact that the continent is called america and everyone living in it is american

South americans are as brown as macedonians though. Also the us is hugely brown as well. Are you racist?

*as Greeks
Macedonians are slavs I'm not racist I only find the whole constant screeching from brown people about America odd

no, your continent is called south america, there is no continent "America"

>I know, doesn't change the fact that the continent is called america
There's all kinds of different ways of sorting "continents" and none of them are more valid that the other. It's not science, just a set of arbitrary classifications. There never has been any real definition of what makes a continent. It's especially easy to see why some would split America in two though, since South America is easily as distinct a landmass as Africa is.

This debate is made all the more hilarious by the fact your country's name is a synonym of America, and I have no doubt you've used the term Asian to refer to East-Asians at some point in your life.

There is not one continent there are south, central and northern America



based greographylet

Yea here Mexico, the Carabian Islands, El Salvador, Panama ect are considered central America

It's a fake country. A bunch of white dudes came and killed the native people. Now they're using fake nationalism but they're all racist so it'll balkanise once those whiteys die off.

It is impossible to think of anything more unbased. Calling Central America a subcontinent is an admission that continents are comprised of political borders. Which is probably more honest, but in theory they are supposed to be landmasses. Spanish definitions of America are even more retarded than ours, and that's saying something.

heh, they are central america, though that's taught as a regional distinction more than a continental delineation.

Are you an immigrant or just a self-hating loser? Either way I hope you overcome your insecurities. Maybe take a break from the internet for a while too, it's clearly distorted your view of the world. Cheers.

Arent you guys larping as greek all the time? Also you arent slavic, south ''slavs'' have nothing in common with russians and poles

Sound advice that a lot of people ought to take to heart. There's a clear trend for people exposing themselves to this board and a loss of perspective.

I'm a realist.

that doesn't match with your flagrant lack of an education

Why don't you address my points instead of attacking me?

>you have nothing in common with Russians and poles
Thank god
>Aren't you guys larping as Greeks
Nope some of us larp as ancient macedonz but no one larps as greeks

You're a fucking Paki with an psychotic obsession with whites like every other privileged brown urbanite in this world. Neck yourself.

what does the "america" part in "united states of america" refer to then, if not to the continent in which said states are located?

And you're a spic insecure about us Europeans disowning you because of your swarthy skin.

I mean ancient macedonians come from greece

america represents the country of america, of which only americans are americans :^)

North america should be renamed America
South america should be renamed Brazil

Holy shit I thought I was the only one who used that term as an insult

>us Europeans disowning you
We disowned you retards over two centuries ago and no one sane gave a fuck thereafter until some race-cultists on Yas Forums started pretending there was something called a white race and white unity. And FYI I am a pale bastard who's been hiding from the spring sun and warmth all week.

your proposal is acceptable

Everyone in this thread should kill themself

Yea possibly but there is still debate among scholars if the ancient Macedonians were a distinct ancient group similar to the thracians or illyrians or if they were part of the Greeks. In Macedonia it is usually considered that they were different group who got hellenized
