How do Japanese people view the European knights?

How do Japanese people view the European knights?

Or a better question what are the usual stereotypes from Japan about European knights

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Other urls found in this thread:,_seigneur_de_Bayardécy

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What is this? That's fairly accurate looking transitional armor

I found it from your history channel. Probably William Marshall or El Cid couldn't think anyone else. Yea it is probably William Marshall dude

>not citing a french knight meanwhile France is a fishpond of Knights

He looks too Chad for a French
nicknamed "The Eagle of Brittany" or "The Black Dog of Brocéliande",_seigneur_de_Bayard
he has been known as "the knight without fear and beyond reproach
the English had nicknamed him "the Hire-God" (Ira Dei: the wrath of God).
was one of the leaders of the First Crusade. He was the first ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem from 1099 to 1100. He is also known as the "baron of the Holy Sepulchre" and the "crusader king".
was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar. In association with Bernard of Clairvaux, he created the Latin Rule, the code of behavior for the Order.

You want more ? I have plenty links


why are you like this? stop

Shut the fuck up

haha what a dumb sperg


Haha very funny

why are you so insecure all the time
no one mentionned france and you have to put it on everyones face about how great and fantastic france is when literally no one was saying anything bad about it
its not the first time i see a french flag do this and i bet its (you)
why do you care so much

Ferme ta sale gueule, grosse salope d'enfant de pute.

oh so its just trolling
i thought you were retarded

Je t’emmerde fils de pute.

A gook but they see knights as badass who BTFOed the arabs but got lost to the English and the Turks because they had superior arrows

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He is not trolling he is just performing one of the oldest French traditions of historical dick messurment

They rarely fought the turks though.

>William Marshall
> 1st Earl of Pembroke, is an Anglo-Norman knight of French language

Another french victory
who became one of the principal figures in the literary cycle known as the Matter of France.

Guillaume II des Barres, French knight who had a decisive role in Battle of Bouvines.

Kingdom of France vs Holy Roman Empire, Kingdom of England and Flanders

Who was that French Knight who killed children and was pretty much crazy though

Baron de rais

Imagine being this triggered and autistic over an Yas Forums post

Heard of the crusades?

they view them as inferior to the TVRKISH KNIGHTS=SIPAHIS ;),9);))

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Only in the first one, after that they fought the saracens from Egypt more than the actual seljuk successors

>European reconstructional drawing
Meanwhile, here's how the medieval turks themselves described their manly culture

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cope xd

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>BTFOed the arabs
Literally got decimated by the real arabs who had to fight both the persian empire and the roman empire while being greatly outnumbered. They were never able to keep a foothold in the middle east and north africa for centuries afterwards and most of the cities they built are still arab to this day so what gave gooks this impression?


*almogavars you*

nothing personnel kiddo


Shouldn't you be doing some suicide bombing or are your plans stopped because of the corona virus?

yeah there is a corona lock down unfortunately.


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Ouais t'es vraiment un gros crétin qui pue.

>lost to the English
But the French won the HYW? "m-muh longbow" is the katana meme of the British.écy

Weeaboos think genghis khan would have made it to the Atlantic if Europeans had modern firearms. They think they are pussies who would get beat up by Bruce lee because they think white people are subhumans. We welcome them into our nations and then they want to segregate from us, write 1000 page web comics about how evil white people are and then think white subhumans shouldn't touch Chinese girls. Which is Ironic since Mongolians couldn't even subjugate Poland but turned all of China into their cumdump.

>m-muh agincourt
If you knew anything about that battle you'd know muh longbow didn't play that mich of a role.
Also, they lost the war.

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Polish knights were cool, we were stronk back than and there was a house that had a banner with a fire breathing head of a lion with octopuses legs. I mean how cool is that.

Gilles de Rais but Bayard or La Hire outperform him by far

Holy shit the Mangaka did his research.

HYW cope is literally vietnam-tier for the brits, in such utter absolute denial that even prolific historians contend what is objectively a decisive french victory

>OPs question gets completely ignored
>just autists sperging

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Because for the moment literally no Japanese, so we can’t answer for them

>Not a single japanese post

Based Turks

>thread about French knights
>no mention of Dieudonné de Gozon (Extinctor Draconis)

Depends on the Japanese individual.
Most Westaboos adore Knights and Knights are used a lot in Japanese fantasy stuff mostly because D&D I guess.

Did not know him, thank you. I see that he killed a big creature in Greece.

I put in my list of french badass knights

Knights BTFO Arabs when Arabs have 3/1 numbers
But knights BTFO’ed by Steppefags because they move slow and can’t fire bows lmao
But steppefags get BTFO by Samurai with nature gods on their side

This one, this one. This guy is so famous that I have learnt about him during polish language classes in secondary school (13-15 y.o.). The Song of Roland and Roland's "nobility" is a mandatory topic in literature part of polish language classes which all Poles need to pass.

Based poles who learn Hrōþiland


>stops fighting becuase is being killed
>otherwise would have continued
>his soul fades into heaven welcomed by the God's hordes of angels
take this, add the fact that we are huge frenchboos and it becomes obvious Roland is considered an important figure here.

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>roman empire

are uou that stupid?

ever heard of Roman eques?

It was really a dragon or a big crocodile or shit like ?
Imagine he killed the last dragon on earth

leave him alone. He's from Iraq. Without proper education he's not able to percive Europe history as the result of the cultural changes clashing with the previous events and economic situation. He's from IRAQ - I R A Q - the fertille half-moon, the place believed to be the birthplace of human civilization, the place believed to be the battlefield of the final battle between Good and Evil during the Apocalypse. He "knows" the beginning and the ending so he doesn't know the concept of cultural periods used in European cultures as the division of history's timeline. For him all of the culture's elements originate from the begining in Eden and are the results of the movement of time towards the existance final point taking place on the fields of Armageddon somewhen in the future. For him knights are the same as Greek Hercules or WW2 heroes.

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