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Jonathan Myers
Julian Ortiz
all to be assigned as docile wives to gamers
Caleb Thompson
always have this feeling of not wanting to talk to anybody but wanting to because it boils in my mind forever. when i do there is some relief cos it stops feeling like im in some void of where its just me
recognition is one of the key things to feel more involved in the world and even if it means me having people on an anime thought emporium telling me to blog on and kill my self, the acknowledgement helps me
Isaiah Sanders
Mushrooms are the Nintendo of drugs
Chase Barnes
Jack Hernandez
what's the logic in wearing shin-pad armour but having absolutely no armour on the thighs?
surely if you get tapped with a sword be it on the calf or the thigh it's going straight down to the bone without armour.
Adam Brown
What video game should i play then instead of drinking
Zachary Morris
*heems you*
Jason Lopez
Got over 200 in the whole house loooool
Jacob Murphy
i suffer
and for what?
Joshua Cook
Lick the pins, sniff the arses.
Adam Wilson
Pokemon Emerald
Jeremiah Long
Colton Nguyen
they're not even scarce anymore
went in the shop the other day and there was loads
William Powell
We're all state property
It's why suicide is illegal
Ethan Perez
Dwarf Fortress
Oliver Lopez
Lads I literally cannot stop ejaculating inside my wife, and I'm not ready for a third child.
Two days after she gave birth, we started fucking again and I can't stop nutting inside her, its like an animal urge overtakes us. Maybe too its because during late pregnancy we only had sex like every other day. Sometimes we went two days without it, so now its just too much. I'm on paternity leave and I've nutted in the bitch twice a day for a week now. Are the "irish twin" things a real thing, or just a meme?
Ethan White
Result of your own inaction and complacency with suffering
Robert Cruz
thinking that mere gun ownership resolves your life is the epitome of serfdom
Josiah Baker
Being a citizen is about political freedoms and rights not equality in material wealth
I think their upper thighs would be covered by the radious of their shield. Possibly it had something to do with mobility too. I know a fully armed hoplite was supposed ot be able to run and catch enemy light infantry even with all his heavier gear on
Adrian Wood
He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
Leo Wood
State of Decay 2
Thomas Bennett
if she is breast feeding then I don't think she can get pregnant easily
Leo Brown
Christopher Barnes
Dominic Moore
freedoms evaporate with poverty
Lincoln Hughes
biologically you are hard-wired to want to ejaculate balls deep inside women
(people who are gay choose to be gay, also most were victims of child sex abuse by older male perpetrators)
Camden Ortiz
Hudson Sanders
the bollock stompers
Brayden Jones
the gf
peng isn't she?
Christian Davis
Robert Cox
mom got takeout
Blake Walker
If you could please, I don't understand
Ethan Morales
how much do you get, paid, lads?
im bald and my salary is 33k
Grayson Martin
No he's a hoplite. A greek citizen soldier. He is unpaid and also pays for all of his own gear. many ancient societies wouldn't let non property owners and non citizens fight in their armies. Because fighting in the army was the right and privilege of a citizen. This is what the second amendment is based on i think. The yank full time army was absolutely tiny until WW1
Henry Turner
Lick the pins?
Oliver Fisher
hahahahahahahahahahah you are bald
Adrian Murphy
5 > 2 > powergap > 4 > 3 > 1
Wyatt Fisher
i'm on probation
Jack Cruz
>The yank full time army was absolutely tiny until WW1
dubious of this since they still had wars with spain and mexico, plus the civil war
Juan Campbell
Jonathan Nelson
studying spanish by browsing /lat/
will be able to talk to the workers at the spic market about anime in a few weeks
Jace Wood
pipe down you marxist bullshitter. Plenty of countries where people are materially rich but they get dicked on by the state
Adrian Clark
i thought he was getting his skull sculpted?
Cameron James
>what's the logic in wearing shin-pad armour but having absolutely no armour on the thighs?
It's covered by the shield, 99% of contact was in formation and armouring the thighs would have compromised weight
Sometimes the skirt of the tunic had strips of lamellar woven onto them though
Jackson Robinson
chrono trigger witha third party snes controller
Camden Powell
got a full head of thick hair me, thick luscious hair like a mane
Adrian King
una vela
Alexander Edwards
Xavier Morris
>Sex while pregnant
>Sex 2 days after giving birth
Disgusting animals
Samuel Wright
I've been using the shower like a muslim, will never go back to paper after this. Imagine smearing skids around your arsehole like a savage
Nolan Mitchell
Thomas Cruz
*winds up my fist like popeye*
yeah he is
Brody King
Alexander Richardson
hahaha yep, i cant deny it
Noah Jenkins
Two different farmers are spreading slurry on all the fields around my house at the same time
I'm going to stab both of them to death
Carter Miller
and the poors get shagged about even more what of it
William Nguyen
Nicholas Carter
there's only two things I hate
billionaires and poor people
Jayden Flores
what kind of game do you enjoy?
if I say Borderlands serie, it's very different from FIFA or Final Fantasy
Parker Powell
thinking about jeeves
Carter King
Like what
Lucas Walker
any GTA IV man in?
Xavier Morgan
only gaming I ever do is if I have literally nothing better to do and feel like a blast of Sonic 2 or Mortal Kombat which I can fire up on a megadrive emulator
yeah I'm a boomer
Hunter Jones
too scared to talk to girls
Brody Howard
listening to aphex twin
Samuel Parker
Look it up. Their professional army was set up in such a way it could be expanded quickly and filled by volunteers who would then act under the direction of the professional full timers. in all those conflicts you mentioned most of the soldiers signed up to fight for the duration of the war and then went home afterwards. In the Civil war both sides began initially with miltiias raised by individuals and towns and counties and states. One of the reasons the South lost was because the individual states wouldn't release a lot of men from their state militias into the confederate army proper
Adrian Young
>I've been using the shower like a muslim
so not at all then LOOOL smelly paki
Camden Baker
not me. cant say the same. im bald
Brayden Gonzalez
you're not missing much
most of them are boring cunts
Tyler Turner
Better be you nonce
You should be talking to women
Brody Sanchez
r mike
Jordan Watson
thoughts on long distance relationships?
Ethan Roberts
not a lot
Sebastian Peterson
tried playing saelig
but it's basically the guild 2 without anything to really do and it crashes all the time
Easton Murphy
the forewankable future
John Ward
But in America the poor can say what they like and live how they like. In china the poors are poor and can't even do that and neither can the rich
Chinkland, Singapore, Saudi Arabia etc etc
Michael Perry
>spreading slurry
Is this a way of saying they're sharting themselves?
Christian Martin
Cucky cuckcuck
Jason Harris
Isaac Hill
Jordan Howard
woke up with a hard on that would put a rhino in hospital
Evan Sullivan
£30k, though apparently I'll be getting promoted in a few months so that might be somewhere between 35-40k soon.
Angel Wilson
no i mean every time i take a shit i go into the shower and clean my arse with hot water and shower gel. Much cleaner that way and save loads of money on paper. I'm white british.
Julian Reed
Any 200+ IQ man in?
Asher King
don't need a 2nd amendment to remove the CCP
Hunter Myers
How long we talking?
Christopher Edwards
altogether singular
you work for a month or two a year?
Chase Rogers
been sleeping naked and I just get horny all night
William Price
It's 7pm
Aiden Reed
>private dental care
Sebastian Martinez
Luke Carter
rank them
Jace Rivera
7 inches
Isaac Moore
Only 2 games i ever liked were pokemon platinum and fallout new vegas
Dylan Lopez
Nolan Phillips
how much should you aim to be earning by 30?
Oliver Peterson
>Im white british.
Jordan Adams
you surely do
Jaxon Diaz
Archaeological and Heritage Consultant, aged 24 with 3 years experience
Anthony Gonzalez
Could work if there is an end point i.e it's temporary
If not, no
Carson Smith
Jason Gomez
prefer not to say
Chase Garcia
arrest them all/10
William Turner
no point
Justin Ward
Tree fiddy
Isaiah Moore
Jordan Collins
Joseph Hughes
am on nights
Anthony Ramirez
5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 1 > 7 > 8
Elijah Wilson
cba to work it out
Brandon Cooper
any logic in this or just being a mong?
Jeremiah Smith
Whites rape their own daughters
Such racial supremacy lol
Jonathan Green
Jonathan Russell
$120k in the US
like 30 euros in yurop
and 15k pounds sterling in bongland
Nathan Barnes
CEO 10k/day or it's over
Jack Cruz
hmm yes evict the person literally saving peoples lives that'll help
Gavin Martinez
but you don't . look at all other countries neither a ccp or a 2nd amendment
Daniel Bennett
52k/year on unemployment currently
Thankfully there is an infinite supply of usd
Elijah Jackson
That is my monthly payslip. If you add the numbers in the rightmost column it gives my full salary which comes to just over £20k. I work full time.
£4/month and I've never used it. Can't even be bothered claiming for basic shit. Last time I was at the dentist they charged me £11. No point filling out forms and that for eleven quid. I like having the insurance in case I need a lot of work done like several hundred pounds worth.
Sebastian Robinson
what are some things about being bald?
Nolan Brooks
What sort of thing do you do? Looking to quit my job and drop to this salary level to slack off
Christian Gray
it's almost like people are free to do what they want with their own property
Jeremiah Garcia
oh no no no
Joseph Brooks
Pregnant sex seems hot as fuck tbqh
Jaxson Gonzalez
doesn't matter you'll never retire
Elijah Jones
I have a weird crush on JK Rowling.
Jackson Hall
They are literally spraying pigshit on every surface and into the air
Jason Foster
now you're changing what you saying though. before you said you don't need a 2nd amendment to remove a CCP now you're claiming you don't need one to prevent one starting.... If the chinks want the CCP out they need a 2nd amendment and a right to free speech. otherwise they're trapped simple as
Brayden Wright
Daniel Ramirez
communism caused chernobyl and covid 19
Oliver Scott
Cameron Torres
me after three cups of coffee lmaooo!!!!!
Caleb Perry
Why do we allow human rights to be property
Aaron Reed
my gf? oh er you wouldn't know her she posts in another general
Jaxon Taylor
quit posting nonce shit you sad acts
christ Janny, do what you're (not) paid to!
Nathaniel Sullivan
Horrible environment, definitely not stress free. Every click and call is monitored and collated. Breaks are 15 minutes exactly, if you go over even for 1 second it flashes red on all supervisors screens and someone will be contacting you to ask why you've gone over.
Nathaniel Rogers
Isaac Thompson
Samuel Nguyen
noticed that the foreigner can post schoolgirls but if i do it i get called a nonce
Aiden Wright
so you know, i am bald, furthermore im going to have dinner now so cant read or respond to any of your replies, however, i shall do so later
Colton Gonzalez
you're gay
Lucas Martinez
based and milfpilled
see the based thing about liking mature women is that you don't care when younger women hit the wall
same with fat birds
Tyler Wilson
7>4>3>the rest
Colton Jenkins
hmm yes almost as if you ARE animals
almost as if you're a tiny sliver of neo-cortex stapled to a 3 billion year old reproduction machine
Evan Rivera
i'm not
>right to free speech.
this is enough
2nd amendment is far from essential. pipe down yankmong
Brandon Jackson
nah mate she’s just another one of them absolute basic bitches who went ‘travelling’ to find herself.
Which meant riding the carousel, getting pregnant to an abusive foreign man and returning depressed because she realised the life she had been living was totally reckless.
Aaron Brown
How is it possible to even be a teacher and function around this everyday without crossing the line
Jeremiah Peterson
Hilarious how posters take the moral high ground over landlords yet these are probably the same sociopathic posters who think the elderly should be allowed to die because they're bored of the lockdown
Nolan Rogers
Go out and get some muscles and girls, don't sit there feeling sorry for yourself
My father said this to me, I was crying and begging him to understand but he thinks I'm a freak. He keeps putting up these in spiritual videos of depressed people who turn happy. He says that I'm an embarrassment, that there are only two roads in this life, get muscles and girls or stay at home and get fat and lonely.
I hate how shallow this world is. It's all about muscles money and artificial things. No one has respect for genuine people, I wish they all suffered from depression for a day so that they understood.
My father is talking about me downstairs. He talks about how I ruined my chances and that I've fucked up my life. Please someone I beg you please tell me that I'm not insane, I'm just different, I didn't choose to be this way but normal people never accepted me : (
Daniel Cooper
>New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says he will sign an executive order allowing medical students who are about to graduate to begin practising now, after a further 630 coronavirus deaths were reported in the state. That is the biggest daily increase so far in the state.
Normal flu season
Zachary Powell
>see the based thing about liking mature women is that you don't care when younger women hit the wall
not entirely true
some women you can look at young and know they'll look like shit
women of southern european ancestry age better
blondes, especially of the pinkish skin variety, only look good because of youth
Carter Perez
Oliver Foster
1 6 2 3 4 5
Joseph Cook
I don't know about UK but there's a shortage of male teachers in this country
maybe that's why
Jaxson Rodriguez
nah fuck that, just fuck that no no no
where’s the part where you get utterly fucked on drugs
Ethan Adams
Imagine needing to create a strawman to justify your position
Leo Gray
2nd amendment and the right to free speech remaining uninfringed go hand in hand. They are basically inseparable
Jason Bennett
will they be paid?
Aaron Richardson
god i love this picture
just love slightly messy hair and that slightly embarrassed look girls get where they look extra cute
simple as
Benjamin Allen
did not ask
Jordan Bell
Babby numbers
Kevin Rogers
just lift until you get massive then knock him out every time he chats shit
Landon Jones
don't get uppity with me
Jose James
spastic twatnonce
Aiden Long
french man is a chubby chase
Tyler Harris
That's a bold claim. can you substantiate it with any facts?
Nolan Williams
She's another champagne drinking virtue signalling leftist twat who hates white people
Jordan Parker
There's a direct correlation between a good body and having sex with females
Colton Reyes
nothing noncey about 16yos
Cooper Evans
Every death justifies it
Cameron Wright
big nigger post
Benjamin Phillips
>i'm not like the other girls
Jason Walker
>spoken word, especially when trying to be deep or stories
>babies gurgling
how to immediately ruin a song
Adrian Nguyen
Wow. This is Buffalo, NY today where the city’s namesake has returned for the first time since 1813. The earth is healing, we are the virus.
Jose Stewart
Sebastian Long
>sociopathic posters who think the elderly should be allowed to die because they're bored of the lockdown
kek this is me
Julian Carter
*sprays yankspray on you*
Daniel Young
people with mental illnesses shouldnt be allowed to vote.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Uganda be kidding me
Austin Parker
they're very clearly not. you have one without the other right now.
and PLA could still ruin an armed populace . it's more important that they lock down communication channels
Owen Nguyen
Been lifting for a while and only get compliments from men. men literally come up and squeeze my traps.
Jace Allen
She slaughtered Corbyn more than anyone. She's liberal elite not a leftist
Cameron Hughes
Because they make similarly edgy bitter posts about murdering landlords etc
Blatantly the same posters
Jack Hernandez
a lot of chubbier girls seem to be into skelly men
certainly more than normal girls are (normal women find skelly men completely repulsive)
Ethan Parker
virgin tier post
face, height and frame is all that matters
Ayden Gonzalez
Yeah I forgot how many lives landlords save you're right
Adam Davis
what is it with you guys and electing goofballs to rule over you in times like this, must be your wicked sense of humoUr
Nicholas Morgan
where are their wings
Jayden Roberts
Need one of them to stand on my plums
Robert Allen
Absolutely love this look to be fair, good fashion choices
Eli Ramirez
wouldn't know as i am a virgin
Landon Perry
22 and been at the same job since september
£19k but part of me things that by the time the corona is over there won't be a job to go back to
Nicholas Ortiz
A 100% reduction in GDP is worth saving even one life
Jeremiah Nelson
It's so they can eat their food
The fat cows
Jason Lopez
what's greece like?
Jason Cook
Are any of them 6'5 with a purplish hue?
Benjamin Cruz
Voting is a mental illness
Owen Ward
21 yo, 29k.
Nathan Martinez
Gotta even out those genes for your kids
Mason Roberts
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
Grayson Gutierrez
Would shit on Winston Churchill's grave if I could
Wyatt Kelly
me too lad but I've kissed a few chunkers in clubs on occasion