This is so cringe, literally no one else thinks like this.
Why are Asian Americans like this?
Also lol.
5 bucks on the author being of Korean heritage.
konichiwa dude
betcha non of the asian incels that post this stuff unironically look like the guy in the meme at all.
its funny how incels always gind someone to blame but themselves for being losers
Isn't he flip?
Asian “men” are just upset that their women prefer bigger dicks and don’t want to have to live muh tradishanul domestic role
It's the same with chicanos. Second generation immigrants in america are pure trash.
He's filipino-chinese and his comics reek of cringe even if they make a good point
Both of his parents are Filipino.
He posted his face on twitter but yea both his parents are Filipino
Some anons got confused because they thought he was half chinese
Being a "victim" can grant you certain advantages which some Asians alongside other minoreties in western countries make use of. But in this case you ought to not hate the player, but to hate the game. If we stop rewarding victim mentality the kind of whiny mindset shown in the comic will eventually stop
Asians and Blacks are betas. You never hear/read about Indians or Mexicans complain
>Jennifer de Guzman
2 Filipinos arguing with each other. REMINDER : this picture ...
He could just drop the pretentious wannabe academic SJW lingo and simply call her a race traitor
>gook yayoi scum wishing she was superior jomon breed
every time
While OP was an exception, this again confirms Koreans (both in the South as well as overseas) as the whiners they are.
>smiling makes people squint their eyes
what a surprise. what the fuck is wrong with you?
diaspora was a mistake
no, it doesn't?
Does Josh Luna have any friends? He's burned bridges with so many races. Hates whites for a laundry list of reasons. Hates other Asians for being gatekeepers against hapas like him. Latinos are still conquistadors to him. Can't imagine blacks tolerate an Asian of all people trying to play oppression olympics. What does that leave... Indians?
but diaspoora in general are pretty based
to be fair she's not talking about herself in those tweets
>Filipino manlet butthurt Filipinas want big white man who can provide
I dont know why josh luna is wasting his meme talent on making these cringe tier comics. the guy clearly could be succesful meme drawfag but he is the one keeping him back and not his so called racist white ppl
when you're mentalli ill, being woke is more important than not going broke
>Latinos are still conquistadors to him.
God damn why did you have to remind me of that comic where he's a teenager and his Spanish teacher is yelling at him.
Poo are ok
Please take over America soon and send gibs to India and Thailand
I'm your long lost brother
>clearly could be succesful meme drawfag
>wasting his meme talent on making these cringe tier comics
This is how I feel whenever I see well-drawn furry/bizarre kink comics/art. Amazing how talented people can be and waste in on shit-tier fetishes.
Stop being retarded.
they make bank on commissions though
I'd imagine quite a few of them are not at all into what they draw
Incel rage
But it's all they fucking draw. Also they're the ones who set the tone of the commissions. Rosselito/Studio-Pirrate has a reputation for drawing borderline masochistic rape art so those are the only kind of commissions he gets/accepts. I guarantee you furfags are mostly about that shit or else they'd go insane.
>why are asian americans like this
because they think white people are subhuman, it sends them into a rage to see a white person do anything, if they see a white person with even a sub par asian girl, doesn't even matter if it's the same kind of asian they will be sent into a livid rage, Asian people think whites are subhuman neanderthal monkeys so when they see a white person beat up bruce lee in a movie or a white guy with a sub par asian women they don't only take offense, they think they are under attack, that the white race is colonizing them like they did all those years ago! It's quite pathetic really, we let them come into our nation unhindered and give them privileges and all they can do is seethe that white people have the audacity to exist in any capacity. Asian people will not rent to whites and see nothing wrong with it but once an assan women has a consensual relationship with a white boy oh man, all while having a victim complex chip on their shoulder. They will pretend to be liberal and all that but nothing upsets them more than white men having the audacity to exist in a nation they founded, created and invited Asian men into. They are impossibly nationalistic particularly chinese even though they flee their oppressive regime and go to canada in the millions it still isn't as great as based china! Nobody really sees how retarded nationalism is until they see a bullet headed red maoist flee his shithole country but still think china is hot shit.
Shut up disgusting chink dick sucker
Nice projection, chang. No one wants to suck your tiny dick lmao.
This post makes no sense
get the fuck out of my country chink
Nice try, sexpat. You get out of mine.
It doesn't matter, jew, white, asian, latino or black, mericah degenerate them all.
He made actual successful comics with his brother.
Apparently he did the bulk of the work too while his brother screwed him over. Was part of a long facebook rant from him that I can't be bothered to look up.
Most Asians I've met have extreme inferiority complexes and act incredibly sensitive to anything remotely racist coming from what they perceive as a white person. They're also incredibly racist toward mixed blood people, skin is everything to them.
Omg Asians are SO OPPRESSED. Shut the fuck up
>human skin tone
What does that make black people?...
it's literally all the fucking same except hair and eye colour pretty much
I mean, she has a point.
Yeah but it shows what an incel the author is.
Only black women complain about whites taking their “partners”. You will never see a black man complaining there are too many white guys fishing for black girls
She's not squinting her eyes man...
>wanna come over and play LoL? Or we can watch a steam, i think Pokimane will be on later
>Finna cop the new yeezys
>Got tickets to Travis Scott, gonna be lit, he always wears the sickest drips
>Lebron is my hero, deadass biggest inspo for me
>Damn you're tall
>Heh, I think my sister has a crush on you
>No I can't speak tagalog, I can understand a little though
>Sushi then H&M? Need to grip a new hoodie
>Do you know what boba is?
You owe me 5 bucks, retard.
Honestly, most flip diaspora are based. Josh Luna is an absolute embarrassment.
diet consisting of soy and MSG
>the fucking "bearded lady"
Reminds me of that Canadian advert with the gay interracial couple with hearing aids.
I mean I dunno man, I'd fuck Asian men.
do asians really?
well most of the asians in the U.S are southern chinese or SEA so there's your answer.