Post your city skyline or """skyline""" and rate others

Post your city skyline or """skyline""" and rate others

Attached: ssc-2020-04-03-hi1.jpg (1111x377, 79.48K)

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find a city with more trees, i dare you
under all those trees are suburban houses and bussiness. Comfiest city in the world. The power lines in the foreground kind of give it away.

Attached: iStock-519712582.jpg (2048x1365, 362.99K)

Attached: 800px-Vanha_Rauma_vesitornista.jpg (800x525, 205.82K)

op here and actually we have one of the largest forest complexes located within the city limits in Europe

Attached: las łagiewnicki.jpg (611x595, 191.59K)

I guess this would be the skyline. The houses facing the camera were renovated/built to welcome people travelling by boat

Attached: Kastellholmen Vinter Panorama High.jpg (4256x1308, 741.69K)

Attached: toronto1.jpg (1024x576, 70.36K)

I live in Atlanta and fucking hate it

Thank god we have no skyline... the castle is the highest point in the city.

Attached: Nürnberg panorama.jpg (1280x853, 270.17K)

Attached: Madrid.gif (1600x1200, 1.18M)

anyone live in the castle?

I don't think this could even be considered a skyline.

Attached: Skyline.jpg (9888x600, 573.34K)


based raumlaine

Attached: Warszawa 2019.jpg (852x480, 74.25K)


Attached: 464px-Andares,_Puerta_de_Hierro (1).jpg (464x282, 31.68K)

This is Shanghai not Warszawa
looks like a tourist destination
like from another planet
well known
comfyness 7/10
comfyness 6/10

Attached: NYC.jpg (980x632, 968.11K)

0/10 it's ugly
2/10 It looks like a Star Wars movie
Not bad, the surrounded areas look nice and as someone who hates cities, I wouldn't say no to live around this city
9.5/10 The skyline is gorgeous and the surrounded areas look great. It's not an urbanized shithole for km around the city like Tokyo above
8/10 average city with a lot of green which is great. Some bad social housing in the back though.
5/10 I hate cities.
-1/10 Toronto is the worst city in the Western world.
3/10 The skyline is ugly and I hate cities and even more big cities, but the surrounded areas of Madrid look great.

Attached: Chicago_aerial_skyline_Grant_Park_1184 (2).jpg (2752x2033, 1.69M)

Attached: kirkko2.jpg (1800x605, 347.9K)

I hate cities, but NYC is really beautiful. I wouldn't want to live there though, because first I'm not in the top 1% to afford a home in NYC and then I don't like living in cities.

>8/10 average city with a lot of green which is great. Some bad social housing in the back though.
Fun fact: that leftmost factory building in the horizon is infamous OL3 nuclear power plant that is being built by the French Areva. It is now 11 years behind schedule and one of the most expensive building projects in human history!

Here's a hueg image

Attached: 31036639017_140d3f63ed_k.jpg (2048x260, 111.18K)

Smart, nyc is an expensive asylum full of nigger gangs, drug users, and brainlet police.

This is your ideal skyline. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: p5ktnyl4eux31.png (1080x816, 1.45M)

Kurwa, czy to Warszawa?
Ja nie wierzę, że Polska tak wygląda!

w-what is this, dubai!?

As a proper Catholic village, we have a church. I'm not doxxing myself by posting it, though.

Would be ideal with less soulless glass and more aesthetic Soviet art deco, truth be told

Not so much "my city" as it is just "the city closest to me"

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Växjö doesn't really have a skyline to speak of

Attached: VäxjöSkyline.jpg (1300x957, 224.31K)

recognized New England instantly, thought of Manchester NH at first sight

It's hard to find good pictures of Montreal for some reason. It's either outdated or done in a weird angle. Even here you can't really see the new skyscrapers that were built in the past few years.

Attached: Montreal.jpg (783x391, 53.09K)

Yeah, there are a few flats there. Don't ask me who lives there and how you get them, but it is not like there is the same royal family living there for the last 500 years or something. The castle was one of the Reichsburgen, belonging to the Reich itself not the Kaiser and they got passed on to the next Kaiser and not to someone of his family or something.

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>Would be ideal with less soulless glass and more aesthetic Soviet art deco, truth be told
I agree
Stalin dick is still the most aesthetic building in Warsaw

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Everything else is soulless.

I guess

Attached: Muenchen_-_Alpenpanorama__c__Muenchen_Tourismus_-_Thomas_Klinger.jpg (1920x810, 320.46K)

looks like the pretty standard american city. not good or bad.

Attached: antwerpchooser-5669676c2a43b.jpg (1920x1080, 190.29K)

It's mainly used as a museum/tourist spot. But there is a debate ongoing, the Hohenzollern dynasty uses this castle as an example of their claims since they are mad they got disowned after 1945. The castle used to be the home of the Hohenzollern in the 12th-15th century or something like that, before they became rulers of Prussia. The Hohenzollern family originates from what is Baden-Württemberg today. They regained partly ownership from the king of Bavaria in 1866 since Bavaria and the other South Germans had lost the Inner-German war to Prussia.

As the filename states, it's in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), the second biggest city of Bavaria and center of the North Bavarian region Franconia. It's roughly 1000 years old. Other dynasties that used to own it are the Salier, Staufer and Wittelsbacher.

Attached: 1yvuj6gs01v21.jpg (1418x2048, 748.14K)

is there a chance that German will have monarchy again?


what about the corona situation in the most civilized city of the most civilized country?
what is the ratio of mask wearing people?
here it's not more than 10%

eh sorry, small village

Attached: perm.jpg (1200x801, 673.39K)

Why are commie blocks always in such ghastly colors?

Still It's a good photo

is this more skylinish?

Attached: 6852896453_d30f8317d0_b.jpg (1024x683, 783.22K)

reminder of a communist past

>-1/10 Toronto is the worst city in the Western world.

Dude your major city is Paris. Any one of us who has been there knows that it is literally a toilet. And I know full well that Toronto is not great, but I will still defend her from you frogs.

There are people who support it, but they aren't vocal about it in public. I don't know many people wish for a return of the Hohenzollern or any other family, but they are likely a very small group and would instantly get shut down by our media and hordes of twitter accounts with checkmarks that accuse them of being Nazis.
It's very, very, very, very, very unlikely. There are enough people that kind of romanticize our monarchical period and have a positive image of the German Empire or the HRE to make an impact, interest in those times is pretty high, but that doesn't mean they want to have an emperor again.

The Hohenzollern family only wants to show they got shafted in 1945 and that multiple stuff owned by the state or whatever actually belongs to them. They name everything they once owned to show how vast their losses are in hopes of getting at least something back.

Montreal > Toronto

Send help

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