From what origin is your Surname, Yas Forums?
Mine is Basque.
From what origin is your Surname, Yas Forums?
Mine is Basque too
Apparently Hungarian
I only found out from a Hungarian real estate agent who told me I was pronouncing it wrong
My surname is 'Fischer'. I was in a pub in London back in the Argentina x GER 2014 WC final and the bong bartender, after checking my passport to be sure I was of drinking age, told me Fischer with 'sch' was german.
I don't really know where the fuck it's from but I know my grandparents had family from ukraine.
i shamefully admit it is
Clark comes from cleric or clerk i think
I have 3 surnames, 2 of them are of portuguese origin and one is german
My last name is Miranda. Idk where it’s from besides Spain or Portugal.
Is the right pronunciation better or worse than how you pronounced it?
I am so sorry. When did you find out?
mine is scottish
I have three surnames two Italian and one basque
It is german
Irish but it is anglicized
irish. second generation australian.
Actually yes, and it makes more sense too because it adds an “š” to the spelling, whereas for generations it didn’t, leading to lots of different mispronunciations that can get confusing. I’ve even been mistaken for latino because of it.
Greek and Andalucian.
They're very non generic here.
Also they're two surnames
Why the fuck do you people need so many fucking names?
>hey, I'm pablo estevez Salvador Jorge lucio Carlos burrito pinata. But my friends call me davi.
To keep track of your lineage retard, why else
Mine is French, and apparently the 30th most common surname there.
Mine is Basque too fren.
One surname is mother family name and the other is father family
Mine is iranian
>mistaken for latino
Truly a fate worse than death kek
"Andalusian" surnames do not exist.
Im 1/4 basque miself too , there are very few pure basque even in euskadi now
Really? Actually I've always been a bit clueless about it, it's not very common and I found very little information about this name. It had most of it in Portugal, but also some older records in antequerra, it's roots are allegedly "strong woman" in arabic, but I only found it in Iberia and it doesn't sound arabic at all or at least modern arabic, which I couldn't find anything linguistically similar.
Hiw many names do you have, dickhead?
Mine is apparently of Spanish or Jewish origin.
Hola señor Martínez
Literally is just the word for "fish". Nobody can ever pronounce it correctly here even though there is a very famous actor with the same last name.
It apparently means wood-cutter or some shit or it could be connected to a place, specifically a river, which is apparently uncommon for Irish names.
My first surname is Aragonese, the second one is castillian
idk user for example "jimenez heredia" sounds very andalusian
Based, same
Based, mine is Greek too
t. Lao
Idk, fuck the old country.
no origin, custom made
Fischer is one of the 10 most common surnames here. You said your grandparents had family in Ukraine? The west of Ukraine was part of Austria-Hungary, it was called Galizien. Also, almost every country had German settlements.
Likely Lipka Tartar.
Navarre is Basque.
Wikipedia says it's an English given name of Latin origin.
surname is murphy and my whole life has been irish larping
It's a classic German name, I don't know the region or anything... It's the German name of a common object.
My surname is Stone. Presumably because one of my ancestors either hit as hard as stone or they really liked collecting stones. Or perhaps they saw a stone one day and decided to name themselves Stone.
Mine is English. The linguistic origin of the name itself is most like Anglo-Saxon (ie Old English) or Old Norse (but more likely the Danish dialect of whatever they were speaking). It's a name whose earliest mentions were found only in the Danelaw, lending credence to that theory.
I don't know what's the common link between those regions
Here's its 1881 distribution in England. My family most likely hailed from Lincolnshire.