/V4/ - Virgins 4ever

anime edition

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I probably have low test. Haven't seen non family female in 2 weeks but I'm not horny at all. Only when I see pics of women here I get horny. Or I'm faggot


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it's like a frigging sitcom with you guys, it's adorable

Ordered pizza and double kebab, hope my Serbian friend is not jealous :)

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Enjoy your clogged arteries, Trami))


I am Manolo

being fat is nothing to be ashamed of

do you also have "contactless" delivery like we have here now? i hope it stays like this even after the pandemic

glasses turn me off so much

yeah but it makes you slower and more of a liability during emergencies, such as social unrest caused by a global pandemic

it's not, but it's a pain in the ass and in the legs

I am an incel.

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Really? Some girls look hot in glasses.

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except sunglasses, they can be hot sometimes i guess

Start drinking smoking weed going to raves and drugs, it's degenerate but better than sitting inside watching anime and playing games. And you will get laid

what the heck why is hungary so evil?


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I go full retard when I drink and then blackout

Snort amphetamine

She lost weight since then and no need for quotes. She is a model and cute

I was never fat. Is it really that bad?

i didn't read the book and now i'm sleepy after smoking weed all day :(

I was never fat either.

I have no idea how to find someone to sell me that shit bro, but I would do it immediately.

heaviest I ever were was like 80 kg and it was fucking awful, disgusting body and puffy babyface
now I'm 60 and I look much better


been fat for 4 years now
sucks ass
>wake up
>legs hurt
>bend down
>head wants to fly off
>the smell of ass in summertime
>the sweat
>used to attract wimin, now I repel them
don't do it, like ever, if you see a little bit of fat appearing somewhere, then immidiately start to do sports and cut back on food

I would like to try being fat, since I was never fat and it is very different and seems like very new experience

Laszlo, would you want to drink coffee with these men?


Yes but you're still Polish so it doesn't matter.

>get recruits
>fight only looters
>after 50 days of fighting looters five recruits upgrade to footmen
>suddenly get jumped by some faggot with 50 horsemen running at me at 8.0 speed
>whole army obliterated
>get new recruits
>fight only looters
>the cycle continues

im just gonna start a new game at very easy or idk

>serb coffee
never again

never played warband eh?
if you want to cheese a little, use smelting to scrap weapons and get iron, lots of money easily
also you can spam tournaments but you need to be decent at combat to win them in early game at realistic

>türk TPS games

i played Warband a lot, there it was
>get recruits
>train them for 20 minutes
>wait few nights
>have footmen
now you have to fight for every piece of experience so i'm just throwing them against looters so they wont die and 10% of them still die every battle and only 5% exp up


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How are you doing tonight lads?
I am not doing very well...

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This is the gayest post I have read in a while.

>How are you doing tonight lads?
Not that good desu.

Same old.

still better than being a paraphil

Idk man
In Bannerlord, on realistic, after few starts I figured out following strategy:
1. don't recruit anyone other than companions at start, ride around and do trade + tournaments until you get lots of dosh and good equipment, attack only small packs of looters solo to skill up
2. when you get enough money, buy workshop/caravan for passive income and some decent armor to survive
3. start recruiting, do quests etc. proceed as usual in a mountain blade game
4. when you get 50ish army of decent troops, join a faction
I save scummed few tournaments at start, but now I can reliably win 95% of time after I figured out how to fight properly

trading is boring as fuck, just CTRL X and skip to step 3

nah, I'm a purist, I could never enjoy a game if I had to resort to cheating

wtf that's how owls look without feathers

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ayy lmao

>dinosaurs most likely looked like huge chikkins

I dont understand trading, i never did it in Warband. I can come to a shop i can see what they sell there but how do i know where to buy it cheaply and sell it expensively? How do i know something is for a good price without memorizing the price of every single item?


in bannerlord it's very easy, if you hover over a trading item you can see "trading rumors" which show you the price in other cities
also naturally after playing the game for some time you remember the general price range of every trade good so you know if it's cheap or expensive at any given place

I played bannerlord for like 10 hours total and I already can remember that iron goes for around 60-140 and steel for 150-250, and I wasn't even focusing on trade too much since things are bound to change all the time as the game progresses through early access patching

Updating to Ubuntu 20.04 desu, let's see all the shit that breaks.

please don't tell me you have a thinkpad too

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How would you like it if we posted pictures of you naked for everyone to see, user? Asshole.

Yep, T490 fully loaded.

at least be respectable and get a proper linux distribution such as manjaro


to be honest all are shit, the best (and the only good one) personal unix-based OS is macOS

I caught a big catfish in the Jordan once when I was a kid. I wanted to open it up to see whether it really ate rusty nails, but it was still breathing and I didn't have the heart to kill it, so I just put it on the ground, and an hour later it was still breathing. Weird disgusting things. They are like the niggers of fish. Ended up throwing it back to the river.

Call me back when there's a proper package manager on Mac. Homebrew is shit.

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they taste nice as paprikás

call me when there is any good software available on linux other than emulated stuff or poorly programmed imitations, and when you don't have to spend hours trying to figure out why shit doesn't work and how to fix it

>any good software available on linux
Like what? All my software is available.

>when you don't have to spend hours trying to figure out why shit doesn't work and how to fix it
Ubuntu's plug & play, even if something went south at least you have the ability to fix it.

>I can't handle everything not being handed to me on a silver platter by microsoft

Update finished, not even the Gnome extensions broke :^)

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