Have there been any new ones created in the Sverige and Suomi Apu series?

Have there been any new ones created in the Sverige and Suomi Apu series?

Attached: give me food or I die.png (664x673, 314.98K)

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Attached: 1585725419673.jpg (1920x1080, 733.22K)

I've seen that one as well. I'm quite a fan, I think I may have all of them that existed at the time a couple years ago, and I wonder have the artist or artists made more of them? They're a lot of fun!

Attached: an abstract kind of mene.jpg (1811x884, 263.79K)

Cringe. Oh so very cringe.

if you'd know the background on who's made them and the context of the pics you'd hit peak cringe.

Tell me more...

i won't write a wall of text but in essence it's
fantasy masturbational material for one sad fennoswede who was years in /mämmi/ until he got bullied out of there. Also posted his pic and was unironically the most mongol looking lad i've ever seen.

Attached: ac29fa1e.jpg (651x500, 24.59K)

why did he hate the Finn so much?

I think it was mostly self hate and projection

I guess in the Nordic countries it is quite shameful not to be adequately prepared for winter.

funny its always mixed race or diaspora who are massive autist about nationality

is there actually anything incorrect with his pictures?

Attached: finding volunteers.png (1424x1162, 974.26K)

What were the Finns really like before the Swedes arrived? Iron Age tribesmen? Petty kingdoms?

Yes it glorifies swedes as some omnipotent rulers although the same drafting laws applied to all of the kingdom.

so any peasant got fucked.

that's just for that pic.

Well at least you won't this kind of landscapes in Finland. Maybe in Iceland or Afghanistan or something lol

they had no written language, so iron age tier is spot on


Attached: birchletter.jpg (1552x450, 238.29K)

My understanding is that one thing in common in the different feudal systems in Europe was that land-owning peasants (just like nobles) would go to war, whereas serfs would be expected to only work, since they had no property and nothing to kill and die for, so no motivation most likely. It would be pointless to reduce your available labor and food supply as well just to mess with some serf by sending them to war when they didn't have military training either.

The difference between Sweden (and Finland) and the rest of Europe was that most of the peasants in Sweden (and Finland...) were land-owning peasants.

and there were no serfs in Sweden (and Finland........) but there were also peasants that didn't own land but would be wageys on the farms I suppose.

the finnish langauge was not put to paper until many hundreds of years after the arrival of missionaries

that birch letter is written finnic language, finnish language probably didn't have general form and as a karelian that letter is the writing of muh ancestors :^). hundreds of years before usa was founded i might add.

yeah but some of them are funny though
this one was made by a finn

Attached: 1552609245265.png (1920x1108, 613.78K)

yet in that same time frame my ancestors were writing thusly, and not so sporadically and ritualistically.

Attached: old-english-crop-new[1].jpg (1600x900, 710.76K)

yeah but they weren't americans. yet again finland > usa, we had written language before your country so stfu.

the men that built my country did not spring out of the ground

that sounds like a cope. the undeniable historical fact is that finns had written language before usa so get off your high horse.

name one battle finland won before the 1600s

there is some underlying humor to these

Attached: proud swedes relax after heroic battle.png (1074x937, 448.28K)

it's not a cope, it's merely logic, an astronaut does not stop being a human because they're living in space

muh ancestors :^)

how much of these memes are based on truth versus exaggeration?

yeah but some martian colonist probably has enough sense to not laugh at earthlings how they have so little history.


Attached: top lads out on the baltic.png (1204x1280, 1014.26K)


Finland as we know today didnt exist then

I want to see one with two frames, one where the swede tells the finnish hakkapeliitta to go ride up and hit the enemy, and a second frame where they fire into the mixture of enemies and finns with cannons and kill everyone

Who is laughing? Again, it's merely a fact that finland was iron age tier before the arrival of missionaries, and that was an answer to that other guy's query

yes, and it was danish vikings that settled in estonia and along the baltic sea, as well as estonians thenselves, that raided sweden duri ng that period of time.
it also wasnt a "war", it was random plundering.

oh so now it's about a war, moving the goalposts i see


Attached: goalposts.jpg (290x180, 13.76K)

>the saga of
not a historically accurate source

is there a context of this?


What's the name of the guy who makes these and where can I find more?

finnanon, he posts in sweden general

He does have artistic talent for sure

wheres the one where the finngolian shoots himself in the foot with a bow?

this was a raiding party that fucked around in the Baltic demanding payment from people. They tried this in Estonia too and were ambushed there as well, but defeated them.
also Olaf was in it, but was around 12 or 13 years old at the time

THE Olaf?

Attached: 1566902789573.png (1995x1080, 390.75K)


did finns really wear those turban head wrap things?

the reason this was documented was because it was part of Olaf the Holy's story, the man who would become the Eternal King of Norway

Attached: 1583235644559.jpg (208x230, 6.61K)

it makes me think of a hornet's nest

>Sverige and Suomi Apu series
that isn't even a thing

it is

Going to update the ol' collection

Attached: 1539820573559.png (1196x636, 247.48K)

Attached: 1539821162766.png (1660x964, 508.29K)

Attached: 1552609306304.jpg (1016x1864, 584.89K)

Attached: 1552854189005.png (649x658, 320.25K)

Only one is counted and that is that Pakkoruotsi school picture. All other ones are cringe and not based.

This trumps everything.

This one? I always really liked it
Me on the left btw

Attached: school.png (1054x620, 176.54K)

Yeah. That one. As I said, all other ones are just cringe tryhards.

I don't know, this one is rather nice.

Attached: finnish horsepower at full power.png (1136x1012, 910.75K)

No. It's not :|

Attached: serious.jpg (89x126, 3.09K)

it's cute, and comfy

Attached: kalevala book 10.png (800x600, 122.03K)

name one multimillion genocide of the jews that wasnt started by an austrian