>You are born in a English middle class neighbourhood
You are born in a English middle class neighbourhood
Other urls found in this thread:
fart into a microphone for the NHS
If that's an English middle class neighbourhood than what does an English lower class neighbourhood look like?
The United States
Looks better than here
Get a job at a major news website and LARP as a socialist revolutionary
At least in the UK people in the same neighborhood are truly equal and no one lives better than his neighbor.
Here you can have a wooden shack next to a palace.
>You walk in London
That is really interesting, you see that in some baltic cities as well. The locals live in prewar buildings that are partially rebuilt after the war with different materials, and then set among them, a russian lives in a gaudy brightly painted thing with a huge wall closing it off from everything around it.
>That is really interesting, you see that in some baltic cities as well.
you can see it everywhere in second and third world countries, also in some first world ones
Why oh why do you keep making these threads Henk
He's back! But changed his file name, very cunning!
It reminds him of home
I'd say that's more working class to be honest. Better than the tower blocks but not great
Those are pretty stereotypical working class houses. A large portion of Britain does live in places that look like this though.
i think the poorest parts are those with commieblocks
Why did you turn on the filter on "ru" flag?
that's not middle class lmao
Filename lad
Where do all those sandpeople come from?
>disingenuous, monotonous, anglophobic dutchman returns with a disingenuous shitpost
hello, my american friend
He may be a massive autist spammer but atleast it seems his English improved.
Is this the set from peaky blinders?
When can I expect my Hogwarts letter?
There's nothing wrong in this webm.
Why are you asking me about that?
looks cosy
It's quite low working class and not middle class. Middle class lives in detached houses in the suburbs with a garden and Audi / Jaguar / BMW in the driveway
>Middle class lives in detached houses in the suburbs with a garden and Audi / Jaguar / BMW in the driveway
upper middle class
Fuck this totalitarian shithole and kys myself
>old, tiny houses
>narrow streets
>no green
and yet Yas Forums likes to call yank surburbs a shitty place to live
You tell us. With your Muslim mayor of Rotterdam since 2009.
Would absolutely rather live in one of these rather than a soulless commieblock
I live in such a neighbourhood and i'm not upper middle class, though I do live in a town with low house prices and generally inexpensive living costs
that's not middle class lmao
I prefer the wooden shack
Here's the real middle class
>Low house prices
ahmed pls
Here's how it generally goes, with many exceptions:
Ops pic: Terrace Housing: Lower Working Class
Terrace Housing with garden: Upper Working Class
Semi-Detached; Lower Middle
Detached: Upper Middle
Upper Class; Large Detached houses with long driveways and several acres of grounds and quarters for servants/workers
Why does Britain have such a social divide?
And what about the bankers living in london skyrises for like £3k a month in rent?
Rotterdam is actually pretty nice especially Kralingen and Blijdorp
You can't really generalise. In Britain its not so much what you house looks like, but where you live. You can get a semi-detached with a huge garden in Wythenshawe, but its still council housing and no-one wants to live there.
this is lower class
Dunno really. But it won't ever go away.
Hugh Grosvenor, 29, the seventh Duke of Westminster, is the U.K.’s third-richest person and considered by some its most eligible bachelor. Hugh became the head of his family’s estate when his father Gerald died from a heart attack at 64. According to the will, the sixth Duke of Westminster left 616 million pounds after debts and liabilities, with 20,000 pounds for each of his three daughters, who may receive additional income through the Grosvenor family trusts.
Don’t know if I romanticize England too much but those houses look comfy
Lived in a street like this they are either full of benefits scum, uni student retards or both. They are no place for a family to live.
the dune sea
which one were you?
that is low worker class
island status made us somewhat isolated compared to continental europe so we were slow to adopt ideas from there such as social equity, survival of the fittest mentality is still very popular here
london skyscraper appartment
would you buy it?
England, Home.
>>Semi-Detached; Lower Middle
dis nigga
It's kind of bizarre to me. I sometimes think that Americans are the ones that are overly infatuated about labeling other people by class until I see how the Brits do it.
it's mostly Yas Forums autists, most people irl don't give a shit
looks like fucking poverty
You got that from us, things are improving now but historically class was very important
Happens in London. Grim grey tower blocks at the end of a road containing multimillion pound houses.
finland is like this.. it's funny british still think they are first worldlers
my lad so mad he been posting dutch street pictures for 2 hours
Maybe to a certain extent, but I was first made aware of it before I even went on Yas Forums through British television. I think it was when I was watching episodes of Would I Lie to You back in 2011-2 or so and it came to a point in one episode where the contestants spent what felt like five straight minutes talking about which class they "looked" like. It was really weird to me
upper middle class
This can't be middle class. Even the shittiest of shitholes in Sweden have some greenery
america is not a place for classes, there is not a class in this country, merely varying degrees of ambition to better yourself and succeed in your own pursuit of happiness and prosperity
yeah that sounds pretty weird to me too, some people are really obsessed with classism and appearances but most don't care
*posts a shit spanish neighbourhood* I've done you lad
me on the balcony
Its obviously not, this dutch autist makes this thread every few days
I hope he's not British ;(
>you wake up in spanish middle class neighbourhood
What are you trying to show?
Silly Abdul, how did you end up in Poland?
you mean the same one who posts this every single day?
Council housing blocks
cultureless hellhole. brit culture was great until the early 00s.
everything fell apart after the mass immigration.
>Silly Abdul, how did you end up in Poland?
what did he mean by this?
Most likely, that minecraft house pic has been posted a lot though