
miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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I think it’s bit obtuse to lay the blame on an empire that has been dead for 300 years. Surely they mustn’t be affect this region in such negative way.

also this guy, basesed albanian to ever exist

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Compare vojvodina vs south serbia. It really is t*rkish rule. Could have been austrians

miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Ive noticed that bulgarians love to claim turkish and Greek dishes as their own

Looks soulless and depressing
> south serbia

Pure soul

Ooga booga is not soul


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>soulless and depressing

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He would be ashamed of albania today

how did he do it? must been some kind of God to manage to keep albanians inside albania for that long
gone too soon =/

Who else plays video games?


Is Enver ENTJ iki?

not me

Me, a bit

yes because nigeria is known for it's well developed society

I thought Greex were superiour??

i thought you were greek

Why did Serbian leader declare war on the republic's that seperated when he didn't have the support of Russia?
Should have let them go and then build up stronger forces.

i fuck urmoms and left

What does Russia's support have to do with it?

STOP talking about your retarded personality quizzes made by a woman you autistic turkshit subhuman

I can heem anyone here (except GHEG BVLLS, Macarbey, and that chad BVLLgar)...

He didnt actually declare war. He tried though, but Monteniggers stopped it twice lmao.

Nojkovic e 100% ciganin. Samo kakuv vid ima drugarcheto mu, sto procenta mangal

If Russia supports Serbia and serbia joined the Russian protectirates then nato would have ignored serbia

>Maкeдoнcки дoлгoмeтpaжeн игpaн филм
sadly i just don't think i can listen to my language being bastardized for 90 minutes

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>nojkovic e posrben bugarin*

>my language
Your language is turkic

> (Dead)
balk is like a balkan wife
no matter the abuse you stay

yes videogames

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>nato would have ignored serbia
I seriously doubt that, and NATO did ignore Serbia until the last years of the war. In fact, big news at the time was how the international community and Western countries in general failed to do anything to prevent ethnic cleansing, right there in Europe.

I'm a proud Mongorian BVLL, son of Chen Gys Khan who fucked your mom and left.

Stop stealing our Slavic language then tatar, and go back to Mongolia

Bulgarians are slavic crackers

If you have brown eyes you are literally worthless

t. anatolian slave of my people the TURKS

If you said that to my face your legs would be deep in your arse right now, whitetrash

Turks are bulgarianized greeks

Jokes on you, I'm TÜRÜK.

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Bulgarians are not white

Stop stealing copper first gypp

anatolians are weak fighters thats why they used BVLLgarians as their elite fighters aka the true TVRKS

Krasno, let's play Town of Salem??

I’m not bulgarian

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later you cringe ass retards, seek help

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i'm telling you again, the cumans who lived in Bulgaria were assimilated and became Bulgarians long before turks came

there's no living cumans today so you can't be cuman

>xpozed going outside

hallucinating retard schizo, now I get why everyone hates you, anyway have fun inbred


You're limpwristed European whitoids.

Just because they get assimilated doesn't mean they stop being Asian and become white slavs.

>MAC C Times

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Go to bed...

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why are cars passing by as there's no curfew

>everyone hates you
I'm not a namefag here butthurt