
Green Is My Pepper Edition

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red peppers are better though

I contacted my ex recently and told her that I hope she's doing well and that I'm sorry for being rude in the past bc that is not friendly.

She told me it's ok because we are not friends.

Women are worthless and have no sense of integrity.

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need 10 dollars to go to the hospital for my mri on monday and i have -56 balance. fuck everything. fuck everyone. fuck everybody.

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Get to the street corner, peasant
Remember your knee pads

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>1st world country

land of the free, and the home of the dead

slackware is the only good linux flavor, change my mind
>dehhh it has no package manager
yes it does

I don't use Linux because I'm not an autist virgin

treat every day like saturday

I have Linux on a few computers that I own
The piddle paddling over the different Linux systems is silly though
Diff oses have different benefits
One tool will be better than another given scenario + individual preference...

why yes I do in fact use fedora how could you tell

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fuck watching expanse high was really nice
made this video

her and the old captain can carry an episode just on their talk

how much do i have to complain about my pain to get the doc to prescribe me oxies

quite interesting how western sources are reporting this news compared to how my country is reporting it

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all i have left is cheap wine and it's awful

ive read about doctors who are really sympathetic even towards alkies, druggies, and give them meds or to get high

ive also heard about other doctors who introduce themselves as DR sheldon
bitch, im a doctor too
please dont talk down to me



Well people still like Americans abroad
Although our soft power is virtually non existent now

>I don't use Linux because I'm not an autist virgin

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you lost me, what?

sounds like too much effort for me

compared to just ordering heroin from an onion website

just did a sleep

Cool image, can I make this in Photoshop (c) Adobe Inc?

Not necessarily a direct response to your idea

hate the chinese

Stupid ass janny deleted my thread
hope he runs out of hot pockets


The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Free tibet

The Tiananmen Square Massacre

Winnie the Pooh


Xi Jinping presents:
Uyghur Muslim Holocaust 2020
Millions in concentration camps

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The chink fears the EURASIAN BVLL


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This is unironically your brain on reddit
Whenever they see something positive about China they start to freak out and post anti-China memes, they'll just keep repeating the same thing and never make an actual argument
Almost like they're bots or something

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China is worse than America, and that is saying a lot

im gonna masturbate

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post what you whack it to

>Actually locked down Wuhuan once the realized how deadly the virus is
>made temporary hospitals for those were sick
>managed to get the virus under control while buying the rest of the world some time
meanwhile the America doesn't even have enough ventilators and just keeps printing money hoping the economy fixes itself

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China fucked up for sure but even if you take a really dim view of the ccp response, they still did leaps and bounds better than America has.

Only place where this isn't true is in the heads of anti chinese trumpers looking for someone to other and saddle with blame.

the cope

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Normalfags are being inundated with anti-Chinese memes lately by the Atlantic Council and other such affiliated psyop organizations, and that’s a good thing and it’s beautiful because China is our foremost enemy in the world

becky crocker

>because China is our foremost enemy in the world
Yeah fuck the chinese, can't believe they invaded third world shithole countries killing thousands of their own citizens just for some oil. Also can't forget pretending to be the world police while not giving a shit what's going on in their own country.
fucking Chinese scum

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why is this a brush again?

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I use xubuntu. Just feels like a no bullshit distro to me, save for update pestering by default. I've only used slack for maybe 30 minutes in a vm. Didn't really get it. Just seemed like a distro for people who hate package updates.

You guys aren't going to convince me that China isn't a totalitarian piece of shit country.

Can you send me one of these kits if I get sick

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You've never been to the country and havent seen it with your own eyes, so of course you're not going to believe it. You only believed based not biased western news about China

>white people are the best in the world they would never back stab each oth-

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Defend the concentration camps



The levels of ignorance by avg people in China and the USA are incredibly similar

Lots of real real fuckin stupid idiots in both places

Different sides of the same coin

The biggest difference is that people in the USA have a concept of "freedom" and think that they have it, when they really don't. Chink don't have nor do they care about this.

It’s so funny when retards on this site say white people are the only empathetic people on earth and call everyone else soulless but that all it takes for them to start screwing each other over like everyone else is a single moment of scarcity.

>concentration camps
they're rehabilitation centers for radical Islamists. China takes terrorism very seriously and Xianjiang is a region known to have terriost attacks.



They also literally rejected to visit the center

>pretending to be the world police
What makes it pretending? Police forces are not moral agents doing what’s right, they’re interior military forces protecting the interests of their overlords. The soft power is projected by resource-extracting multinational corporations and IMF/World Bank finance, and the hard power is enforced by NATO. All part of the postmodern neolib global imperium

Also this

> inb4 uhhhh bro I don't trust sources that have Chinese people in em you gotta give me a based western source

So much for white """"""solidarity""""""

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“Terrorist” is just a euphemism for barbarian, and a dysphemism for freedom fighter. Uyghurs are not Han Chinese and deserve independence from the Chinese Empire. Free East Turkestan

Hello Wang. Your VPN is fooling exactly no one.

reposting my room from the flat thread because I didn't get any (you)s

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He’s a transracial black man

>Nooo I don't have an argument so I'll just post memes


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Digging the carpet squares
Let's see the place
What's that bed looking shit on the left

You living in the basement my nigga?