Fuck English Colonization

You now realize that Portugal and Spain were the best colonizers

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I don't know what's worse, that you see yourself as the conqueror or the conquered.

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>canada and usa
>1st world
>latam and brazil
>third world shitholes
explain this please

They sold their souls for material prosperity, we on the other hand are rich in spiritual and cultural matters

What is the CIA?

Iberian colonization was a mistake but it does not matter, I will fix everything

Spain was a better colonizer than England but Portugal didn't have shit on either England or Spain

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so it's the yanks' fault we're shitholes

>They sold their souls for material prosperity, we on the other hand are rich in spiritual and cultural matters

Let's see how cultured Latinx America is when you'uns catch a load of American napalm to the face

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Unitedstatians will cease to exist soon, only countries in the americas will be brazil & mexico

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We're both conqueror and conquered genetically but the resulting offspring ultimately became double-conquered. It's like our only purpose in life is to serve Portuguese women.

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South America was going to shit long before the CIA existed. Even Argentina which was pretty wealthy at one point imploded because they based their entire economy on selling beef to Europe

You are a United Statesian.

Por que no los dos

what about Pocahontas

Argentina will stay alive on islas Malvinas.

spain and portugal are degenerate coomers who ruined the new world

>English model: USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
>Spanish model: Mexico, Colombia, Philippines

Soy 100% mexinarco CHIchimeca compa

Attached: mexican CHIchimecstan phenotypes.jpg (1567x2402, 1.32M)

Must suck knowing that Mexicans don't see you as one of them

You are an American citizen and always will be.

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>English model: CVCK
>Spanish model: BVLL

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The ones in South America were criminally, why would you be proud of being the product of some sexual escapade of some Portuguese lowlife

I am considered a real mexican by mexicans, the olmec subhumans who hate on us on this site are not real mexicans.
America belongs to me

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Would still fugg.

because our culture is byproduct of the jesuits+natives, not really genocide and heretical puritan bullshit

You're Chicano. Not Mexican. I do embrace the chicano future though

America belongs to you because you are an American citizen and taxpayer.

Soy CHIchimeca MEXINARCO pinche olmeca de mierda
>American citizen
Nel pastel
>and taxpayer
I do not pay taxes, im a neet on welfare

Soy mojado

>not really genocide
Both the Spanish and English slaughtered natives, North America just had a lower population density to begin with (which should be obvious, try living in New England in the winter with pre-modern technology).

>slaughtered natives

to be quite frank they didn't, and you can easily see in the nowadays country demographics. What they did was to violent overthrow the pagan empires, which lead to death and war. The Jesuits managed to convince the Spanish crown and the Catholic Church to protect the natives, and you can easily see that in the books relating to Cortez conquest and how the natives' language was mainly documented by priests

>our culture is byproduct of the jesuits+natives


The English did slaughter natives though. Granted it was a two-way street and smallpox did 90% of the work for them, but the English colonists were pretty hostile to the natives.

Latin America would become a shithole anyway. Look at Jamaica or Belize.

It's useless to try to have a discussion with a cultural cuck

> we don't live in ancapistan
> Affordable health care
> No gun problem
> No private prisons
> No crazy incancration rate
> Sane polices
> Immigration that brings in primarly high skilled workers
> Our worst politicians are as good as your best ones
> actual workers rights

Lol fuck everyone else. The beat you can do is to insert pol memes ignoring that we are arguably one of the most prosperous nations in the entire world

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cornudo cultural? lol

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>0 Stanley Cup wins this century

Why not simply the current inhabitants of the region with both ancestry? Old worlders aren't exempt from being mutts of past invaders.

We win for you

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Man, Brazil could've been such a better place. You have the resources. Crack down on crime and fix your economy, losers

Old worlders have done a better job of constructing myths around their own backgrounds for national unity purposes, new worlders can't really do that because our countries are so recent

and still countries who were colonized by britain are doing better than us, I would rather be colonized by the superior british BWC than the lazy poortuguese mutts

By many standards USA is not first world

Canada, Australia and New Zealand are

You're selectively breeding yourselves through the rule of law to be submissive, and once those genes reach your leadership you'll be just like Europe today, easily manipulated by those who are unpredictable, adaptable, deceptive and aggressive. You're unable to thrive in a chaotic environment and that will ultimately be your doom. ^_^

16th century Spain was literally the epitome of the amerimutt banter. You just have to wait out until old worlders stop seething about your superpower status and see if your identity starts becoming less artificial by then.

you guys are half catholic tho

Yeah but we're soooooo rich

100% natives look like dogshite, all these native girls that most post on Yas Forums are half spanish,25% black and 25% native
Women back then in general look like ass

That's it, Canada; you're out of the Anglosphere! You can't just go around treating your serfs like human beings and expect to stay in.

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You're not disproving his point


50% Iberian,25%Native,25%Black, Native americans look like this

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