
slags edition

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shit yank edition

do anime slags exist?

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Love slags

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poo poo willy bum

>deaths at all time high while new cases slow

thats it lads. the peak is passing. we can go outside soon


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Every Briton should be entitled to 100 square metres of land

>coorr fookin lav sligs oi do!

avin a fags and a packet of crips

off to the bog anyone want owt

>Believes in conspiracy theories
>calls other people "far out"
Anglo delusion

μισείς τον εαυτός σου;

All property should revert to the state upon death.
Every 18 year old citizen should receive a plot of land sufficient to raise a family on.

can i bum a fag

>avin a fags
hello jf

For me, it's Eddie 'The Beast' Hall

who the fuck is tarq

dave is here

grim guy desu


bit of poo please lad

how new are you?


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mad how the entire world is moving a google and amazon based economy

if you like the old thread so much why don't you stay there?

who are you quoting

i feel like all my life has been a slow immersion in the dark, oppressive atmosphere of german expressionism and french existentialism since my early teenage years

mad how terrible the UK's CFR is, absolute shite the NHS that

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Mouthbreather hotspots identifying themselves again

oh my days mate

You arrive at your new NHS hospital

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What the fuck is the point of this post it's literally just a picture of an attention whore. God I hate Reddit so fucking much don't know why I go there sometimes.

why the actual FUCK did anyone stay in the UK in the victorian era

options in life are:
>sweep chimneys until you're old enough to rent a 1up 1 down terraced house and work in grindingly repetitive toil
>migrate to litearlly anywhere in the empire and have a massive farm and house and probably like gold and stuff under your house

i cant believe ive been banned for group chats thrice now

people won't publicly discuss covid19 after it passes as its been so overly pervasive everyone will just be keen to get on with it and any mention of it will be seen as being retrograde especially as its not really something the world can 'learn' anything from and was just something we had to deal with

>i feel like all my life has been a slow immersion in the dark, oppressive atmosphere of german expressionism and french existentialism since my early teenage years

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>The chair is for a priest

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>tarq thinks he 'earned' what he has

yes tarq you earned an inherited 4 story house and a private school education. other people just need to work hard like you to attian those things.

fucking muppet

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we were boasting about how quickly we set this up. there's exactly zero life support equipment in there. LOL

Cry more weirdo

needed capital to emigrate, plus family ties etc

subhuman lower class chav scum absolutely seething at their Upper Class Superiors

uuurggh you fucking spastic... deaths is just one of two inputs into CFR... the other is # of cases. i.e. it's highly sensitive to number of tests carried out.

If we'd done 1 test and it came back positive our CFR would be 431300%

it had the highest living standards
anywhere else and you’d be a struggling peasant farmer

Fucking die freak

that isn't the hospital that's the morgue

even the end of the world will end



Also next time you want to pointshit on someone who has identified themselves as being a member of a field in question you might wanna get your ducks in a row

>I am depressed because of isolation and managed to clean my room today!
Do 'ditors really think that giving this much validation to people with mental illnesses for doing absolutely basic tasks will help them?

Are you guys grateful for america saving your asses during WWII?

Do british women realize they look like shit when they dress up like that?

mental how the death count is far above Germany

it's in Russia you spastic

pic. rel is what each of the 4000 beds in the one you're referring to will look like

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I’m not the one complaining about women on the Internet, crybaby

I think they embrace it? Like it is genuinely considered chic maybe...

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You're unironically wrong though...

Nope, we didn’t need saving after the battle of britain hiter had no way of invading the UK.
Does apply to France though, couldn’t have opened the second front by ourselves


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you a fan of Camus?

I am very thankful to the Soviet Union

they sent petty Irish criminals to this paradise for free


Camus can do, but Satre is smartre

bet you're a right incel cunt you're only talking shit because you're behind a computer and I fucked your gran

hows the cat?

don't tell me you only just realised there's a class system haha.

peng and kino

I love rough and ready slags when I'm 10 pints deep.
It's an indulgence non-Brits will ever understand

They would have bombed and/or nuked you brainlet

Its good the USA made you their vassal state with suez

reckon early Australia would have been grim

Love this denial. Your government even admitted you were fucked without US help.

Love being the heroes that saved the day

i tihnk tarq needs to stop bleating on about 'hard work'


It’ll be the great trauma of this generation, similar to what ‘Nam was for American boomers.

I just don’t want the world to change that much because of this.

>Indulging in 2/10s after binge drinking
unfathomably grim post

Shut up about reddit lol literally nobody cares or asked your opinions on it

not sure it's mental. They have a more sparsely populated country, many more ICU beds per capita and more doctors & nurses per capita.

They tried bombing that didn’t work, and please remind me of the time the Nazis developed the nuke?
Sea lion was a joke and half arsed from the start. Has Hitler not invaded the soviets he might have been in with a chance, but he did. From that moment on Nazi Germany was fucked.

said this before, but he genuinely is the archetypal village idiot

Congratulations to Keir Starmer on a clear and deserved victory. His decency, values and intelligence are what our country needs at this moment of crisis and to lead us to a more equal, fairer and just future.

would shag left unprotected and finish inside her ngl

Based Keir Starmer


Every media outlet will write some thinkpiece on how it has better prepared us for the next time an event like this happens.

Then that event might happen again once at the end of our lifetimes and still no one will be prepared


Ah yes, well what would I know after all

nobody asked for your opinion on my post ya dick

Any news out of Cheadle?

There was a time, not so very long ago, where Theresa May and jeremy Corbyn were the leaders of the two biggest political parties in Britain

Please tell me how Germany would have invaded Britain when we had air and navel superiority?
Yes we couldn’t bring the fight to them by ourselves (aside from North Africa) but we were perfectly safe on our island.

>When Rentberg insists on being paid during a pandemic

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Very low quality healthcare system you've got there

Sartre was a gimp

back from sainsburys toil

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Keir Starmer, aka Ed Miliband but for 2020

completely wasting the day toda.y

That's Newcastle!

David Milliband

They would have held europe and outproduced you, as Germans are always far more industrious then anglos

The only victors in ww2 were America and Russia

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just did this to a pakis car

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Keir is much less freakish than Ed

reading about the american revolution lads

absoltuely mental stuff
makes me wish i was anerican

the govts herd immunity crap has killed thousands of people

yes /brit/ what u sayin