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daily dose of a Stanford lecture on YouTube to put me to sleep

couldn't fathom going in debt for this lmao

>is a fucking obnoxious yokel from a bum fuck country

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#include britfeel.h

main() {
grim (sad (i am crying));

anyone elses facebook feed filled with
>Let's do this for 75% of all suicides that are committed by men...


The latest UK coronavirus figures have been released by the government.

Officials says that as of 17:00 BST on Friday, 3 April, of those hospitalised in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus, 4,313 have died - an increase of 708 from the previous day.

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fuck anime nonces

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Yeah, reckon people are bored

Carole fuckin Baskin!

dude bro ur only saying this cuz u havent seen bryden chug a half pint of coors light with his right up his asshole

anyone seen her?

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Bringing this post to the new cause it's based

if you insist

>Hospital deaths only

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Quarantine Tarantino


i fucking miss lifting lads
i can afford to drop a fuck load on a powerrack and barbell and weights (looking like it will cost 800 to a grand.

the only problem is that i will only get use of it for the next 3 months at my parents whilst lockdown is on.
As soon as lockdown is over and i'm back in my flatshare, i willl get 0 use of it.

Pussy pop, pussy pop, pussy pop (uh)
Pussy pop, pussy pop, pussy pop (yeah)
Pussy pop, pussy pop, pussy pop (ooh)
Pussy pop, pussy pop, pussy pop…

1 3 4 2

Bloody hell that's a lot

Quentin Quarantino


Utterly insufferable middle class lefty bitch
I'd still shag her though

Despite making up only 50% of the population, men make up 98% of violent crimes.

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cos of the pilgrims innit

>that accent
need this CUNT out of MY fucking city

Sometimes have nightmares that I wake up in this deano new build wih the missus who is a nail technician and she's banging on about Love Island and I'm trying to remember what I did last night but it just involved getting drunk at the pub and getting to smithy's and watching the boxing and as I slowly come out of my hangover she's there dropping baby hints and I realise that this is my life and I get in my PCP Audi SRT Sport and cry.

well, /brit/?

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mental how we have a thousand more deaths than china even though we have a billion less people

please give back are Maddie

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not i

When posted his new thread link, he did so 12 seconds after creating the thread itself.

When posted his new thread link he did so 18 seconds after creating the thread itself.

The threads themselves were also created exactly 6 seconds apart. Interestingly in this case both posters were equally quick at posting their links so here the victor only won out because he chose to create his thread slightly earlier than the loser.

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funny how the government have made it counter-culture to be defensive of the government in the minds of Yas Forums's youth.

not a fan of eating minge but will gobble a girls arse anyday

Portuguese look like THIS?

only 4 deaths in china today wow they are really on top of things

do what rocky did when he was in the mountains or go full prison inmate mode

guards didn't buy my 'it was like that when I bought it' explanation after wrapping my car around a streetlamp while drunk-driving

bloody pilgrims
now convicts and hemipshere traversing free-settlers, they knew how to drink

Mental how she'll qualify and within 5 years be voting tory

Women cause more deaths than the corona virus by daily abortions.

Most violent criminals are raised by single mothers.

imagine spending one thousand pounds on something that does nothing other than being heavy

know many entitled posh women like her
hate them all

my favourite position personally

shut up virgin

This is 4channel.

spent 50 quid on your mum last week mate

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Thought I was being responsible not deferring from uni when it moved online (it transitioned one week before census date). Uni's stressful at the best of times but now not only is course material quality lowered, every single outlet I use for stress release (gym, going out, etc.) is no longer available to me. My life literally now revolves around the one day a week I interact with my classmates on zoom because I don't have other friends. Don't think jogging around the block is going to get me around this. Feel like a fucking retard to be frank.


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I'm not countercultural mate I'm a Tory I don't really mind the status quo

you have to admit its impressive

nothing on this plate even looks cooked

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very interesting, looking forward to your future analyses

how many chinks have really died?

how can she be a future doctor? she sounds and acts like a stupid bint
i know appearance can be deceiving but still

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got a cheeky lentil and spinach curry on the go for this evening

can't really be arsed.
what is quite nice about regular weight lifting is it doesnt actually require that much effort.
you just do a couple of squats and you're hench.

all that prison or rocky tier shit seems like hours and hours of jumping arund. seems exhausting

nucking a sigger ball

at least 40k

Shock news ! 1,600 people die every day in the United Kingdom. This is normal.

Do they really?

gotta start from episode 1 tho

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don't defer uni mate, it's something to get over and done with, you'll be happy you just finished it

>There are people eating this right now for tea every night and think it's healthy

the bradleyposter really enjoyed that one didn't he

it's also amenable to being lifted up in various ways, including by making them progressively heavier

rocks and concrete slabs are heavy but not amenable to being lifted.

Had an epiphany yesterday
>Female therapist is more empathetic
>Male therapist is a better listener
Did a quick think....WALLA. Transexual Therapists. What say you?

I was finishing secondary back in the day when this took off
couldn't walk around the courtyard without someone saying they were waiting for a mate

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mental how hard /brit/ seeths over things like this

total deaths in the US are actually down because of these lockdowns
it still isn't worth putting millions on furlough and shuttering thousands of smaller businesses

Suicidal people are not getting the attention they seek right now because all the attention is on coronavirus deaths instead

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waffles = potatoes = vegetable = healthy
simple as

just turned 23 lads

>Human Behavioral Biology

whats this?

honestly think the aussies are pretty based. shame there's so many chinks and sudanese and lebanese there now.

will go through my entire life never having had sex with a cute 18-22 year old girl with a nice flat tummy

Shes not trans lol

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>funny how...
shut up you gimp

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What sort of spices you got in there lad? If you like an Ethiopian twist, the berbere spice mix is PENG with a lentil and spinach curry

>tfw only have a 7.5kg barbell and 40kg of weights at home
I can feel myself wasting away day by day


You can't stop Deano with a lockdown

You ever listen to Eric Weinstein?

nowt wrong with the sudanese lad.

Video unavailable
This video is not available.


hows the gf?

that's nothing, I'm 24

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Would you recommend it.

Same except I've already done that so I won't go through my life not having done that


will be doing this in July

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kek good one

it's the 'waiting for a mate' video

i have a 5kg barbell
and 30kg

i tried to put two of those big strong shopping bags full of brings and then put them on the barbell but the bag broke

peng as

find that aussie lad who done the jonah series about the school to be quite funny

hey mate the pubs being closed is a fucking tragedy alright?

Watford general hospital has had to close its A&E to new patients because it's run out of oxygen

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waffles looking a bit undone
prefer them a bit more golden

You can fuck off too


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the sudanese are good lads what are you lot on about

Now, this is something I can get behind

where is that?, doesnt look like the UK

he switched to a jap proxy he was that enthused

True enough, it's not that I don't see the value inherent in studying and having a degree, I'm just having doubts about my ability to actually get the job done properly. I want to study as I genuinely like learning, but I want to be *able* to study effectively and suddenly every factor that made it easier has been removed. Can't help but imagine whatever grades I do get might have been better had this shutdown not been going on.
I do appreciate the encouragement mate I'm just having a whinge into the void. Debt is bedt after all.
Other unis in my state have extended their census dates in response to the crisis so students can see how they fare but mine has of course decided against that.

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for me it's Yorkshire


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banged my toe off the foot of my table earlier and realised there and then I'm absolutely fucked if I legit injured myself or got randomly sick atm as all the hospitals are fully geared towards dealing with covid and don't even know if I would be admitted to one if I did present even clearly hurt/unwell and told to get lost or something

full of bricks*

surely they could have just opened a window?

looking at melbourne on google maps
something euphoric about those outer city suburbs
i must be a freak

r u the oxbridge english teacher expat

why cant they fill the bottles up again

Snodland, Kent.

the first 2 episodes have been about emergent theories on the motivations behind the actions of animals, chimps killing the offspring of tribesmen who aren't biologically related and that
last 2 episodes have been about 2 different theories of evolution, and a fair bit of entry level biology

shagged a sudanese bird in summer school

To this day we cannot legally drink in public

Same energy

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Yes also I have an 8 inch dick.

To be honest mate I didn't care about my grades at uni even though I did well enough and they've not once ever been relevant post-grad, I remember the people who obsessed and it didn't come in handy for them either, it's the piece of paper in and of itself that matters

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Running Out of Oxygen Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Outside Like Nigga Breathe Haha

are there any really good live performances that i could watch on youtube right now lads? doesn't even need to be a banger of a song, just love seeing crowds really get into the music. like these:




Does it differ from evolutionary biology?


Chris Lilley is the name you're after there m8

just chucked in a bit of everything
bit of chilli
garam masala
mustard seeds

right makes sense

do british people actually use twitter? no one here uses twitter i dont think

mate i'm not an expert in the field i literally just fall asleep to the lectures

the aussie flag is like the american flag in reverse


giz a screencap then give us context for the euphoria