This is billionaires row, New York City

This is billionaires row, New York City

the average price of an apartment here is $38.5 million dollars and overlooks Central Park on one side and the Empire State and World Trade Center on the other

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looks almost like Warsaw, good job Americans

looks like a good target for plane

>asians and europeans
Not a single nigger

people might find it ugly and not matching the beauty of old NY skyscrapers but in fact it's the most natural tendency for NY to grow taller and if 19th century NYers had the modern technology they'd build the same 'pencil towers'

woa... warsaw looks like THAT?!?!!


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When are they gonna demolish those old buildings in the front and build new skyscrapers?

Hideous towers
Where are all the good architects? Do they just all go to Asia now since America is poor?

The reason they are so ugly is because they are only supposed to be thin sticks. There are new building codes in NYC and the way to 'build up' is to buy the air space of the building next to you and then add that air space to the top of your building. This results in pencil towers which looks ugly as fuck. They would look much better if they were allowed to be wider.

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it's called SOUL

This is the village of Ribaritsa in Bulgaria. It's very remote, population 1000. You can buy a house with a massive yard to grow fruit and vegetables in for between 20K and 50K USD

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>between 20K and 50K USD

wtf, in Italy you can buy a house in remote areas for 1 euro

God, those tall buildings are ugly.

Nah I also read that article but it's obvious bullshit. It's "one euro" if you agree to renovate and maintain the house and the space around it with a minimum investment of X euro a year etc. When you break it down it costs a lot

>It's "one euro" if you agree to renovate and maintain the house and the space around it with a minimum investment of X euro a year etc.

but if you bought a house in Ribaritsa you'd also need to invest into it

They do make them thinner and thinner to make it harder to fly into though

I want to live in a pencil.

>between 20K and 50K USD
That's more than I would expect for rural Bulgaria

No, the prices I quoted are for finished and furnished houses.

How much would you expect


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I'm not sure if 'finished and furnished' for the standards of rural Bulgaria is the same what a person from the west would expect it to look like

If I ever moved to the USA I would unironically rather live in one of the flyover states.

Like 5-10k for a good house with a big yard. How the fuck can locals in rural Bulgaria afford to drop 50k on a house?

those are nice, we had those in middle age. they were tore down after a while

What difference would there be in the standards? Our building codes are very stringent because we have occasional earthquakes

You having a laff m8. 5K might get you a very small empty plot in the absolute worst parts of the country. And obviously the people who live in these places either inherited the houses or they bought them because they're from the big cities

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is it true that most of these flats are empty?

>What difference would there be in the standards? Our building codes are very stringent because we have occasional earthquakes

Well, I don't know if you're talking about an old house or a brand new one

> How the fuck can locals in rural Bulgaria afford to drop 50k on a house?

You work for 5 years in the UK, come back home with money and buy the house. Simple as that.

Wealthy people buy them as investments and part time places to stay when they are visiting new York.

>the buildings are more thin than the average American
Now that is the joke right here

In London, many of them are, since wealthy foreign nationals keep them as investments. Wouldn't surprise me if it's the same in New York.

A single plane in it and 90% of world wealth is gone, good job

> buy them as investments

im sure their value will drop harshly during the crisis, good investment indeed

If you have 40 million to drop on an apartment you don't give a shit if the prices decrease for 5 years. Eventually it will bounce back and you'll make a profit

but if you have 40 million to drop there are much better things to invest in that an apartment that will certainly lose its value for a few years

These are all bought by chinese and Russians for housing to send their kids to art school in NYC

It wasn't certain when you bought it, nobody predicted the corona thing. And I think if you have the money those apartments are amazing investments. If normally prices rise by 5% a year or something, that's a 2 million profit.

no they would be ugly either way

I don't know how coronavirus has anything to do with this because millionaires have been buying flats in Canada, Australia, London for years now
One small drop that will happen now won't change the fact that they're making a bank out of it, while also taking their money out of China/Saudi Arabia

Even more reason to buy them during the crisis

Practically everything is going to lose value in the next few years. The world is about to enter a major depression.


You could get a mansion for a fraction of that price. The only reason those apartments are expensive is because they carry the status of "I can afford an expensive apartment" so billionaires buy them lmao

I've been browsing random cities and countries on street view when I'm bored and from what I remember, Bulgaria looks comfy as fuck. I didn't browse any of the really poor parts though. Last place I checked was a nice leafy neighborhood in central Sofia. Wish I could move there or to some remote village in the countryside.

>Practically everything is going to lose value in the next few years

nah, medical equipment or pharma companies stocks should be a good investment

They're so expensive because it's one of the best locations in the world and best views you'll ever have in a property. If I was a billionaire, at the very least I'd try out living there for a year, just to see what it's like to wake up every morning in the middle of Manhattan, being able to see all the sites from your window whilst you take a morning shit.

I probably wouldn't live there for that long though, I'd be too scared of a fire or some terrorist incident. Plus, you'd probably get bored of it after a while and just want the privacy of a countryside mansion.

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There are several thousand Brits in remote villages here and there. A couple bought an entire abandoned school and made it a mansion for very little money. Of course your neighbors are mostly elderly people who don't speak a lick of English and you might travel a lot for medical care.

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>When are they gonna demolish those old buildings in the front and build new skyscrapers?
it's new york. democrats are crazy and evil. it's impossible to build anything there.

They look awesome though. Steinway Tower is too skinny from the south and north though

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You also have to deal with crazy wind speeds at that altitude so building thin makes more sense

feels overwhelmingly stressful. i lived in downtown of European cities and after a while they get unbearable.

>just to see what it's like to wake up every morning in the middle of Manhattan, being able to see all the sites from your window whilst you take a morning shit.

you get used to it after a week and after 2-3 you're already bored

>marble pavement
cold as fuck. imagine going out from a shower and feel the hard, cold marble under your foot.
>furniture on the right
cheap ass wood, looks like an IKEA furniture
>everything white and marble just to pump up the cost
truly poor taste

true, I don't get why people are hating on it but I guess zoomers also hated on Empire State Building when it was under construction

you know what underfloor heating is?

imagine wanting to be watched by some outsider when you're taking a bath or a shit

I actually like a lot how they look.

I really like this trend on ultra high skyscrapers in New York. It looks cyberpunk. I hope there will be more of this.
But NY is still 20 years behind Warsaw though

meds don't have heating at home at all, obviously he doesn't know and he thinks people in colder places just sit in fur coats in their apartments in the winter

it's no Warsaw

looks like a big cope

Amazing what the white man is capable of isn't it? I mean just like on the other side of the planet you have muslims still living in slums made out of the west's waste and darker muslims sleeping in the jungle with the lions.