>that'll be 7000USD, plus tip. minus the tip.
That'll be 7000USD, plus tip. minus the tip
I know why americans do it, but everytime I think about it I get sad
>My ancestors are smiling, European. Can you say the same?
Why do americans defend circumcision? That shit is no better than cutting eyelids from babies.
I never understood why people in TV shows or movies brought lube or whatever when they were about to fap, then I understood it was because they had mutilated penises and can't pull back and forth the skin for stimulation.
Because admitting circumcision is wrong means admitting your culture is wrong, your parents were wrong and you, as a human being are anotomically flawed by a procedure you weren't even asked to consent about.
It takes a moral spine to be a circumcised american and say "What my parents did to me was wrong and I wish this procedure ceased". It's much easier to live the comfortable life of telling yourself the lie of >it's cleaner
Same. I even tried using lube just to see if it's better and was generally confused because it didn't feel better and it was messy as fuck.
Like I don't fuck with lube so why would I masturbate with it?
>be German
>have health insurance, pay out the ass for it
>have medical issue
>go to specialist
>repeat at every other specialist's clinic within the city
>keep up this bullshit for months, nobody wants to treat mea
>situation becomes urgent
>finally they have to treat me because my life is in danger
>actually end up in hospital under observation for 15 days
This is my genuine experience with German healthcare.
Frankly, you're an imbecile if you think this is anything to be proud off.
>someone invented this device
>be american
>get circumcised
Poles are always so based.
Lmao,do americans really do this?
>can i hold my baby
>sure, that'll be $40 plus tip
They do.
Reduces risks of catching the coronavirus.
what the FUCK
Looks like something out of a Bond film
i do not
I recognize that I was mutilated and try to convince whoever I can, but people are so biased against it, even 'smart' ones who for example recognized belief in organized religion was dumb.
It's far more inherently jewish than american though.
I need a non-circumcized European bf.
From the way I hear European women talk about the way it feels, I get jealous.
God dammit, it's not fair.
just do it yourself
At least you guys (and muslims) have a religious excuse. For you it's a ritual, Americans don't
That's probably really traumatic for an infant. I mean, it must hurt right? Especially if you're a few weeks or months old.
tip for a tip
Wait, how are you supposed to read this?
Is the insurance covering 11.6k, leaving 1.6k to be paid by the parents?
yep pretty much
the outrageous thing is that they charged the mother for holding her baby
>tfw circumsized for medical reasons
Did you have phismosis?
I got like light phismosis but still too scared to goto the docter incase they have to circumcise me
I had phimosis when I was a baby. My mom went to the doctor and was told to just stretch it. So everyday for weeks while I was bathing would come and stretch my foreskin.
Your mom would stretch it or you?
My mom.
I'm cut and I don't fap with lube
tfw uncut
You're not meant to be able to pull your foreskin back till puberty anyway
Can someone who has been circumcised explain how it feels to have the head of your dick exposed inside of your pants all day? I am not circumcised, but if I roll back my foreskin and put my dick into my pants, the feeling of it rubbing against my pants fabric is incredibly uncomfortable. Is this what they mean when they talk about nerve endings in your dick being lost when people get circumcised?
Why do you think Americans are so fucked up?
I was born with hypostadias so they had to surgically correct that, and when they did they slipped circumcision into the procedure just to shake some more shekels out of my parents.
That must be retarded idea ever.
>mfw circuncised neet and I don't need to worry about getting nasty infections if I don't take a shwoer for 3 days
Seriously, how do these people sleep at night?
>Gomco clamp
What is this?
Actually I get hard more often that way, especially when going commando
wtf why didn't they sue the doctor ?
It's a surgical device used in medical circumcision
>I don't need to worry about getting nasty infections if I don't take a shwoer for 3 days
Is this what cutfags actually believe will happen?
>imagine being circumcised for no particular reason or weird religious crap invented several thousand years ago
Because it's normalised, basically. I feel bad for Americans defending it because their words are so clearly empty. It's more of a psychological crutch, coping. Muzzies and Jews can claim coherent religious/cultural significance and usually not have a problem aside from the mutilation itself, if anything being unmutilated would be problematic for their identity, Americans don't really have anything to stand on and it shows in a sad way.
Looks like a medieval torture device
Maybe I didn't word that correctly. They got permission beforehand, but it was sold to them like little more than an afterthought. They just wanted rush them into a "yes" so they could be legally safe.
>I don't need to worry about getting nasty infections if I don't take a shwoer for 3 days
Imagine believing that.
And being smelly stinker too
>"I was cut, I don't need no shower!"
What the flying fuck does that have to do with amerimutts charging a few thousand to do a cruel unnecesary operation on every fucking baby boy
Obviously, baby traumas have great impact on your personality even if you don't remember them.
I don’t normally cuck for foreigners on this faggot board but they’re absolutely right about this. Having a carved up dick sucks and there’s no real reason for it for Americans. It’s baffling. My kid won’t get circumcised.
Doing it on kids is just the worst. They don’t even know how much to cut at this point. Probably half run around with botched results, not daring to report it or simply not knowing what happened. This is madness.
They don't do it with a scalpel?
remember being a kid and everything was super exciting, food tasted amazing, you cried when someone took your toy, scrubbing your knee was incredibly painful, and so on
then wind that back even further, to being hours out of the womb
babies are literally so impressionable that they die from social isolation
it's a psychological coping mechanism
victims of sexual abuse often interiorize the violation, sometimes justifying their suffering as deserved, or the actions of the violators as justifiable.
like so many other forms of child sexual abuse, usually the child victims grow up and do the same thing to other kids.
male genital mutilation is textbook child sex abuse.
If you want a porn penis, you need to go to a plastic surgeon and he’ll do it with a scalpel.
What we are talking about here is the mass-chopping methods. Most of circumcisions aren’t even done by doctors anymore. Nurses or other „trained personnel“ use all kinds of clamps for that.
It doesn’t feel like anything. So much sensation is gone that if feels like the shaft. No different
Ahahaha fucking boomers torturing their offspring only minutes after birth
>look guys, it’s only 20% in the USA
If only you knew how bad things are
>South Korea
I can underestand Korea being cucked by Americans, but Slovenia must a paint bucket.
No, they're still weirdos. Literally none of them cared that hundreds of millions of boys were getting cut up for years all over the world. And then Yas Forums told them Americans did it too and they lost their minds.
>Literally none of them cared that hundreds of millions of boys were getting cut up for years all over the world
literally like, uhm, really, D O U B T
I knew america cut their dicks before I knew muslims did it
Well, there's no right cause for your doubt. Every single time a thread about cock-cutting comes up here it's largely American-themed. If it wasn't seen as an American thing, there would be very few threads about it.
>Former Yugoslavia
Especially you, Slovenia
I'm uncut
Are black americans circumcised too or is it just a white thing ?
Yes they are
>it's largely American-themed
Because Americans try to present it as something normal.
And also there is a business around it in the US.
Based CHI.
How’s that different from Canada or Australia?