Post unhealthy food from your country

Post unhealthy food from your country.

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God I miss fast food.
End the quarantine NOW

Wtf, spaghetti in leafs?

There's nothing better.

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This is relatively normal food if you remove all this mayonnaise

>mashed potatoes
>shrimp salad
>chocolate drink


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We have none. All french food is healthy.

Nigga is that a fucking ramen noodle plant?

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>fried pelmeni
Pick one.

Looks good.

It is. Much better than the shitty kebabs everyone eats these days.

name 1 (one) thing wrong with it

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>Want to go out and get food now.
>But dont want to get coofed on.
What should i do?

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Here, have some fried camembert bro

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Go out and don't get coofed on. Duh..

So you like beans and fat meat? i got you bro

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It's not that easy.


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Behold, the Scottish munchy box. Only country to beat the USA in terms of mountains of grease.

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What's in the cup?

What's supposed to be unhealthy about this? It just looks like normal food to me.

That's duck cooked into its own grease for hours until it's soaked in it

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I always get the itis after eating this shit

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Only the lowest of lows would consume this. You can eat camembert as is, with some bread, you can even melt it or put it on pizza, but you'd have to be a complete subhuman to fry it

What are those beauties?
Pork belly I assume

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>no one: ...
>absolutely no one: ...
>literally no one: ...

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Cheese isn’t unhealthy though. I thought europoors were smarter than my fellow Americans on nutrition?

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There's a lot of fat in cheese though.

Bruh. It's literally just cheap sausage, sugary shrimp salad, sauces and a bit of veggies.

I love how euros are just posting shit I would probably eat for dinner. Meanwhile Americans are posting fast food junk that will give you atheriosclerosis after eating it

Not really unhealthy, just pathetic and sad

Wish we had munchy box places in America.
We probably do just only in NYC/LA etc.

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Looks like welsh rarebit, which is basically cheese and beer and a bit of mustard

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high fat% and carbs

does not taste too bad tho

Had some of this in Munich, had such an odd flavour that I couldn't put my finger on

You mean the macro that fills you up faster than the other two? You realize that fat doesn’t make you fat, right?

This shit is delicious.
Used to make it all the time as a kid not so much anymore i try to be healthy now.

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>You realize that fat doesn’t make you fat, right?

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the Chinese exchange students here love it, I see them eating it as early as 8 in the morning

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Must be what the mysterious taste was then, bat meat

High fat is not an issue if it is from a natural source like cheese. People, and I’m talking mostly about Americans, get fat from eating highly processed sugary foods. Fat is an essential macro that people don’t get enough of because they immediately assume fat=bad. Calories in vs calories out mean more than anything. You could eat the entire bowl of what you posted everyday and still lose weight.

We batter fish here however battered sausages and rib is something we don't have

This is the most Danish thing..
Hotdog with Chocolate milk

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>the gobbler from Manchistah

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Do Danish "people" really?
I tried this once when I was a kid. I had really spicy mustard on my hotdog and drank chocolate milk afterwards. It made the chocolate milk taste so fucking disgusting. You people are mad

Bastard Burgers is the most unhealthy place in my town. I eat and drink there a lot.

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